Dr. Floyd F. Koch Honors College

As part of its commitment to high achievement, Palm Beach State College offers the Dr. Floyd F. Koch Honors College, designed for students who enjoy a challenge and wish to excel in their studies. Students who seek the challenge of Honors coursework can select from two options: Honors courses or an Honors component. The experience of either option helps students to make interdisciplinary and real-life connections and prepares them with skills needed to go on to a university or the workforce.

Honors courses provide learning environments and promote the development of critical thinking and research skills through in-depth class discussions, reading and writing assignments, and nontraditional classroom styles and activities. Each course has “Honors” clearly indicated in its title, which is also noted on the student’s transcript. The second option is to add an Honors component to any course with three or more credits, with faculty permission, by completing an Honors project contract. In this option, the student completes an Honors project in the course and meets with the faculty member throughout the term for guidance and advice.


More information about the Honor's College

Palm Beach State College students qualify for the Honors College with a cumulative 3.5 GPA or acceptable test scores on a placement test. Students must apply to the Honors College and are given priority registration as Honors College students. Students who graduate with a 3.5 GPA, have 12 credit hours of Honors coursework completed with a grade of B or higher, and have completed co-curricular requirements are designated as Honors Silver Track graduates. Students who graduate from Palm Beach State College with a 3.5 GPA, have 21 hours of Honors courses (including IDH2105), and have completed co-curricular requirements as specified on the Honors website earn the Honors Gold Track.

All Honors graduates are given special recognition at the graduation ceremony.


Honors graduates have many scholarship opportunities when transferring to an upper division university. Scholarships also are awarded to the top performing Honors College students through the Dr. Floyd F. Koch Honors College Scholarship. Incoming Honors students are eligible for the Honors College Presidential Scholarship, while current Honors students are eligible for the Stewart Scholarship and the Honors College Merit Award.


Honors courses are standard courses that have been enhanced for the Honors student and approved to be offered by the discipline faculty cluster and the Honors Advisory Council. To enroll in these courses a student must contact and be accepted into the Dr. Floyd F. Koch Honors College.


To learn more about the Dr. Floyd F. Koch Honors College and its benefits, call  561-868-3895 or visit the website at www.palmbeachstate.edu/Honors.

Honors Courses


AMH2010     Honors United States History to 1865 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, Appropriate English and reading placement scores or exemption from placement testing

Examines the extension of European culture into the Western Hemisphere, the growth and development of the 13 English colonies and intensive study of the Constitution of the United States and the early national period of the United States to the end of the Civil War. Requires a demonstration of computer application.  (*)

AMH2020     Honors United States History from 1865 to Present (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

A continuation of AMH 2010, this course emphasizes the development of the United   States into a world power and the internal, economic, social, political and cultural movements and forces.  (*)

AML2010      Honors American Literature to 1865 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

Study of the literature of America from colonial times through the Civil War era. Students examine the literary works, ideas, authors, history and intellectual climate of early America. Students will also develop effective reading, writing and analytical skills and a sense of literary taste.  (*)

AML2020      Honors American Literature After 1865 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

Study of the literature of America from the Civil War through the modern era. Students examine the literary works, ideas, authors, history and intellectual climate of modern America. They also develop effective reading, writing and analytical skills and a sense of literary taste.  (*)

AML2600      Honors African American Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

A survey of literature by African Americans from the eighteenth century to the present. Students will understand African-American literature as both attached to and counter to the mainstream tradition.  (*)

ARH1000      Honors Art Appreciation (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, Appropriate English and reading placement test scores or exemption from placement testing

This course will survey art, architecture, and design from the past and present. Emphasis will be placed on the artist’s role in society, and various art media and methods of production. Students will evaluate contextual and cultural factors and their influence on the patronage and production of formal visual languages.  (*)

ARH2050      Honors Art History: Ancient to Renaissance (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, Appropriate English and reading placement test scores or exemption from placement testing

A comparative exploration of art, architecture, and design from the Paleolithic period to the Renaissance. Various art forms will be studied critically with regards to their formal quality as well as the larger context of world events and philosophy. Emphasis will be placed on the artist’s role in society.  (*)

ARH2051      Honors Art History; Renaissance to Contemporary (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, Appropriate English and reading placement test scores or exemption from placement testing

A comparative exploration of art, architecture, and design from the Renaissance to the present. Various art forms will be studied critically with regards to their formal qualities as well as the larger context of world events and philosophy. Emphasis will be placed on the artist’s role in society.  (*)

BSC1005       Honors Concepts in Biology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College; Appropriate math, English and reading placement test scores or exemption from placement testing

For non-science and elementary education majors only. This course is designed to give students an understanding of the major biological concepts. Lectures and discussions focus on how and understanding of biological concepts is relevant to environmental, social and ethical issues.Note: This course cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements by students who already have credit in BSC1010.  (*)

BSC1010 Honors Principles of Biology 1 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, Appropriate math, English and reading placement test scores or exemption from placement testing; Corequisite: BSC1010L (with a grade of C or higher)

An introduction to biology, cellular biology, biochemistry, genetics, and evolution is provided. This course is intended for science and pre- professional majors. Students planning to take BSC1011 and BSC1011L must take both BSC1010 and BSC1010L.  In a lecture science course where there is a required co-requisite lab, students may withdraw from the lab class, but stay in the lecture class. (Students may also choose to withdraw from both). Students will not be allowed to withdraw from the lecture and remain enrolled in the lab.  (*)

BSC2085 Honors Anatomy and Physiology 1 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College; Appropriate math, English and reading placement test scores or exemption from placement testing; Corequisite:    BSC2085L (with a grade of C or higher)

An introduction to the structure and functions of the human body is provided. Topics include chemistry, histology, and study of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. In a lecture science course where there is a required co-requisite lab, students may withdraw from the lab class, but stay in the lecture class. (Students may also choose to withdraw from both). Students will not be allowed to withdraw from the lecture and remain enrolled in the lab.  (*)

BSC2421       Honors Introduction to Biotechnology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College; Corequisite:    BSC2421L (with a grade of C or higher)

This lecture course provides a comprehensive approach to the concepts of biotechnology both in a historical and current context. It will take the students through the basic principles of genomics proteomics with DNA protein structure function. It will emphasize in the molecular biology aspects of genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology.  Ethical, legal, social concerns and implications of biotechnology will also be addressed.  In a lecture science course where there is a required co-requisite lab, students may withdraw from the lab class, but stay in the lecture class. (Students may also choose to withdraw from both). Students will not be allowed to withdraw from the lecture and remain enrolled in the lab.  (*)

CGS1100       Honors Microcomputer Applications (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College (Knowledge of the keyboard is desirable)

This course will enable students to utilize common microcomputer hardware and software typically used in the workplace. Practical hands-on assignments in the areas of word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation graphics, as they apply to the workplace, will be explored in the course.

CHM1045 Honors General Chemistry 1 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, MAT1033C (with a grade of C or higher); Corequisites:   CHM1045L, MAC1105 (with a grade of C or higher)

This course is a part of the chemistry sequence CHM1045 and CHM1046. The content of this portion of the sequence is kinetic-molecular treatment of gases, liquids and solids; the structure of the atom; interatomic forces-chemical bonding, molecular geometry; correlation of structure with properties; nomenclature, quantitative relationships in chemical reactions; formulas and equations; the concept of oxidation reduction reactions. In a lecture science course where there is a required co-requisite lab, students may withdraw from the lab class, but stay in the lecture class. (Students may also choose to withdraw from both). Students will not be allowed to withdraw from the lecture and remain enrolled in the lab.  (*)

ECO2013       Honors Principles of Macroeconomics (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College; Appropriate English and reading placement scores or exemption from placement testing

Supply and demand, mixed capitalist system, national income accounting, the business cycle employment and income determination, money and banking and fiscal and monetary policies.  (*)

ENC1101 Honors College Composition 1 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This course is designed for students with mastery of English fundamentals and proficiency in communications skills. It includes a sophisticated approach to reading and writing with emphasis on critical thinking.  (*)

ENC1102       Honors College Composition 2 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance  to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

This course is an advanced composition course emphasizing creative expression and critical thinking.  (*)

ENC1141       Honors Writing About Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

This course, recommended for potential English majors, is designed to develop abilities to analyze and interpret short stories, novels, plays and poems and to write about these literary forms critically, responsively, and persuasively.  (*)

ENL2012       Honors English Literature Before 1800 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101( with a grade of C or higher)

Students will study writings produced in the British Isles from the beginnings to 1800 and work on developing appreciation for major writers and their influences. Concurrently, students will focus on reading, interpreting and discussing the literature critically. Through this process, students will have deepened understandings of what being human means.  (*)

ENL2022       Honors English Literature After 1800 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

Students will study writings produced in the British Isles from 1800 to the present and work on developing an appreciation for major writers and their influences. Concurrently, students will focus on reading, interpreting and discussing the literature critically. Through this process, students will have deepened understandings of what being human means.  (*)

EVR1001       Honors Introduction to Environmental Science (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:   Acceptance to the Honors College

This course includes an overview of current environmental concerns. Emphasis is placed on the application of biological, ecological, physical, and chemical principles to the understanding of solutions to environmental problems and to achieving sustainability.

EVR2266       Honors Survey of Environmental Mapping/GIS/Remote Sensing (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

Provides students with a survey in fundamental mapping skills, geographic information systems, and remote sensing technologies.

HSC1101       Honors Contemporary Issues in Health (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This course is designed to provide students with scientific information on many of today's important health related topics and issues. Using current events and evolving research, emphasis is on the leading causes of death and the development of personal wellness plans to help prevent life-style diseases. There is a major focus on self-assessment and up-to-date data from the fields of stress management, nutrition, weight management and physical fitness.  (*)

HSC2100       Honors Health Concepts and Strategies (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

Covers knowledge that applies to the promotion of good health of the individual, family and society. Emphasis is on various health needs defined as the physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual aspects. Emphasis is placed upon stress management, disease prevention, fitness, nutrition and the development of an effective wellness lifestyle.  (*)

HUN1201     Honors Elements of Nutrition (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This course provides an in-depth view of digestion, absorption, the metabolic pathways of the nutrients and hormonal regulation of these pathways. Factors related to regulating energy needs, current government dietary guidelines, specific lifecycle needs and research-based standards for analyzing nutrient adequacy are examined. Concerns with food-borne illness and water contamination are also reviewed.  (*)

IDH2105       Honors Knowledge Through the Ages (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher) and acceptance to the Honors College 

What does it mean to be an honors student? This seminar deals with the great academic discussion "What is knowledge and who am I?" started in the languages of antiquity and continued through today. The process of rational thought, the rise of the university and the evolution of information revolutions, combine to present approaches to knowledge that the various disciplines employ in science, mathematics, linguistics, psychology and the humanities.

IDH2911       Honors Research Process (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:   Acceptance to the Honors College

This honors course will introduce students to the process of research, i.e. the tools, concepts and resources necessary to search, evaluate and use information in a variety of formats and subject disciplines. The focus will be to analyze and utilize information critically using a broad range of materials and interdisciplinary concepts needed for honors research and academic/professional success.

INR2002       Honors International Relations (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance into the Honors College; POS1001 or POS1041 (with a grade of C or higher) or permission of the instructor

This course provides the dynamics of global politics practiced today, including analysis and application of theories about international relations and a study of international political systems. Students look at actors influencing the international political agenda and conflicts, focusing on issues facing international leaders, such as military security, trade and political economy, environmental threats, human rights abuses, refugees, crime and terrorism. This course requires an Honors-level research project to be completed.

LIT1000 Honors Introduction to Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

In this course students will analyze readings from the basic genres of writing: fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama. The course will provide students with the tools to sharpen their critical skills in reading, analyzing, and writing, while exploring the fundamental elements of literature--such as theme, plot, setting, characterization, and language. Students will also work on developing an appreciation for major writers and their influences. This process will also help students develop a deeper understanding of the importance of literature as both a reflection of and a contributor to the human experience. This course is a Gordon Rule writing course as defined by SB Rule 6a-10.030. The planning, organization, and writing of critical papers is covered. This course involves significant reading, writing, and discussion. (*)

LIT2090         Honors Contemporary Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

The study of major writers and literary trends since 1945 focuses on students' own time and place in the world paired with critical reading of important contemporary works of literature and writing about those works. (*)

LIT2110         Honors World Literature Before the Renaissance (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

Selected literary texts of the ancient, medieval and Renaissance periods to 1600 are read and interpreted. Students will focus on reading, interpreting and discussing the literature and on its contributions to our understanding of what it means to be human.  (*)

LIT2120         Honors World Literature After the Renaissance (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

Selected literary texts of the Enlightenment, the Romantic period, the period of Realism and Naturalism and the modern era are read and interpreted. Students will focus on reading, interpreting and discussing the literature and on its contributions to our understanding of what it means to be human.  (*)

LIT2380         Honors Women in Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, ENC1101 (with a grade of C or higher)

The development of the tradition of literature by women in English from the seventeenth century to the present. Students will read works in different genres and will understand women's literature as at once both attached to and counter to the mainstream tradition.  (*)

MAC1105 Honors College Algebra (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, MAT1033C (with a grade of C or higher)

This course includes:  functions and functional notation; domains and ranges of functions; graphs of functions and relations; operations on functions; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, and rational functions; absolute value and radical functions; exponential and logarithmic properties, functions, and equations; systems of equations and inequalities; applications (such as curve fitting, modeling, optimization, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay).  (*)

MAC1114 Honors Trigonometry (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, MAC1140 or MAC1105 (with a grade of C or higher)

Topics include trigonometric functions of angles and real numbers, trigonometric identities and equations, solutions of right and oblique triangles with applications, complex numbers, and analytic geometry (the conic sections).  (*)

MAC1140 Honors Precalculus (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, a suitable score on the placement test or MAC1105 (with a grade of C or higher)

Topics include relations and functions, systems of equations, matrices, determinants, quadratic equations and inequalities, exponential and logarithmic functions, linear programming, sequences, series, induction and the Binomial Theorem.  (*)

MAC2311 Honors Calculus With Analytic Geometry 1 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, MAC1114 and MAC1140 (with a grade of C or higher) or MAC1147 (with a grade of C or higher)

Topics include derivatives and integration of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic function, with applications.  (*)

MAC2312     Honors Calculus With Analytic Geometry 2 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College, MAC2311 (with a grade of C or higher)

Topics include techniques of integration, conic sections, polar coordinates, parametric equations, applications, and infinite series.  (*)

MCB2010     Honors Microbiology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to Honors College, BSC2085 or BSC1010 (with a grade of C or higher)

Corequisite:    MCB2010L (with a grade of C or higher)

This course is a survey of the structure, physiology, genetics and control of microorganisms. The course includes an overview of the medical importance of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and multicellular parasites with examination of host-microorganism interactions, including non-specific and specific immunity. In a lecture science course where there is a required co-requisite lab, students may withdraw from the lab class, but stay in the lecture class. (Students may also choose to withdraw from both). Students will not be allowed to withdraw from the lecture and remain enrolled in the lab.  (*)

MUL1010     Honors Music Appreciation (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This course provides a survey of historical periods of Western art music including musical styles, musical elements, and composers and their works. Basic musical concepts will be covered. Students will develop intelligent listening skills by studying and listening to representative musical compositions. Writing assignments are included.  (*)

PHY2048       Honors General Physics with Calculus 1 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

Prerequisites   Acceptance to the Honors College, MAC2311 (with a grade of C or higher); Corequisite: PHY2048L (with a grade of C or higher)

This course is designed for students in engineering, science, and mathematics who have completed Calculus with Analytic Geometry 1 (MAC2311 ). This course is a prerequisite for the sequel PHY2049. Topics include vector algebra, kinematics, dynamics, energy and momentum, fluids, and thermodynamics. In a lecture science course where there is a required co-requisite lab, students may withdraw from the lab class, but stay in the lecture class.  (Students may also choose to withdraw from both). Students will not be allowed to withdraw from the lecture and remain enrolled in the lab.  (*)

PHY2053       Honors General Physics 1 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, MAC1105 (with a grade of C or higher); Corequisites: MAC1114, PHY2048L (with a grade of C or higher)

This course is designed for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, technical and liberal arts students not majoring in engineering, physical science, or mathematics. This course is a prerequisite for the sequel PHY 2054. Topics include vector algebra, kinematics, dynamics, energy and momentum, fluids, and thermodynamics. In a lecture science course where there is a required co-requisite lab, students may withdraw from the lab class, but stay in the lecture class. (Students may also choose to withdraw from both). Students will not be allowed to withdraw from the lecture and remain enrolled in the lab.  (*)

POS1041 Honors Introduction to American Government (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This course provides a detailed study of the origin and development of America's unique constitutional democracy and its political institutions, highlighting the federal level of government. It will include information about the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, branches of government, public policy, political ideologies, interest groups, political parties, elections, mass media and other critical components of the political process.  (*)

PSY2012       Honors General Psychology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This course explores various aspects of human behavior and mental processes and provides a representative survey of psychology. Major emphases include philosophical forces that shape psychological study, the structure and function of personality, individual and group differences, the nature of intelligence, the motivational aspects of behavior and emotions, the learning process, and biological foundations of behavior. A demonstration of computer application is also required.  (*)

SLS1501        Honors Introduction to the College Experience (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This course enhances success and academic stimulation for honors students entering Palm Beach State College. Students will engage in meaningful self-assessment, develop and strengthen critical thinking, academic and problem solving skills, participate in career exploration and educational planning, and explore college culture and academic resources through an experiential and community based learning approach.

SOW1051LR   Honors True Calling: Community-Based Learning (AA)

1 credit (1 lab hour)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This community-based learning course allows students to arrive at a personal understanding of social responsibility through civic engagement and critical reflection with opportunities for experiential learning. Students complete 16 hours of community-based work while applying academic knowledge and gaining practical experience on site. Students interact with individuals in various settings including hospitals, historical, educational, social, government, environmental, and other community organizations.

SPC1017        Honors Fundamentals of Speech Communication (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

This course will introduce the student to the basic principles of effective speech communication. Topics will include intrapersonal communication, intercultural communication, listening, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, small group dynamics, mass communication, and public communication. Students will complete oral and written projects designed to demonstrate an understanding of the communication process and an ability to analyze and think critically about communication in today's dynamic and diverse global marketplace.  (*)

SPN1120 Honors Elementary Spanish 1 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:   Acceptance to the Honors College

This class provides opportunities to develop the basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing of Spanish with an emphasis on the spoken language. The course drills pronunciation, vocabulary building and elementary grammar and composition. Cultural aspects of Hispanic populations will be discussed.  (*)

SPN1121       Honors Elementary Spanish 2 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, SPN1120 (with a grade of C or higher) or equivalent

A continuation of SPN1120 providing opportunities to develop the basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing of Spanish with an emphasis on the spoken language. It drills pronunciation, vocabulary building and elementary grammar and composition. Cultural aspects of Hispanic populations will be discussed.  (*)

STA2023       Honors Statistics (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisites:  Acceptance to the Honors College, MAT1033C (with a grade of C or higher) or appropriate placement test scores

Topics include probability, random variables, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation, linear regression, small sample methods, and non-parametric statistics.  (*)

SYG2000       Honors Introduction to Sociology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite:  Acceptance to the Honors College

Covers basic Sociological concepts and perspectives essential for understanding organized social life including emphasis on the sociological imagination, major theoretical perspectives, research methodology, culture, society, socialization, social interaction, social structure, social stratification, social institutions, demographics and social change.  (*)