General Education Courses at Palm Beach State College

Florida Statute 1007.25 specifies that General Education courses come from five core areas: communications, humanities, mathematics, natural science and social science. In accordance with the state articulation agreement (Florida Administrative Code 6A- 10.024), each college and/or university shall honor the completion of the General Education program if such completion is noted on the student’s transcript. The State of Florida requires all public colleges and universities to include a specified amount of writing and computation in their curriculum to ensure students have achieved substantial competency in these areas as specified in Florida Administrative Rule, Gordon Rule, 6A-10.30. Courses that satisfy Gordon Rule are indicated in each general education area.


General Education courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher to apply to any B.A.S., B.S.N., A.A., or A.S. degree program. Each degree offered by the College has its own General Education requirements. Presented below are the General Education course requirements for the B.A.S., B.S.N. and the A.A. degree. Please consult with the website or a Palm Beach State academic advisor to determine which general education courses will fulfill the common prerequisite courses needed for your major in the state university system.

A.S. students should refer to their specific program of study to determine which general education courses from the list below are required for their program.

General Education Courses by Area

Florida Statute 1007.25 specifies that General Education courses come from five core areas: communications, humanities, mathematics, natural science and social science. In accordance with the state articulation agreement (Florida Administrative Code 6A- 10.024), each college and/or university shall honor the completion of the General Education program if such completion is noted on the student’s transcript. The State of Florida requires all public colleges and universities to include a specified amount of writing and computation in their curriculum to ensure students have achieved substantial competency in these areas as specified in Florida Administrative Rule, Gordon Rule, 6A-10.30. Courses that satisfy Gordon Rule are indicated in each general education area.


General Education courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher to apply to any B.A.S., B.S.N., A.A., or A.S. degree program. Each degree offered by the College has its own General Education requirements. Presented below are the General Education course requirements for the B.A.S., B.S.N. and the A.A. degree. Please consult with the website or a Palm Beach State academic advisor to determine which general education courses will fulfill the common prerequisite courses needed for your major in the state university system.

A.S. students should refer to their specific program of study to determine which general education courses from the list below are required for their program.

Area I - Communications (9 Credits)

TIER 1 - Select one of the following courses:

ENC1101College Composition 1 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: The course listed in TIER 1 meets the Gordon Rule requirement.

TIER 2 - Select one of the following courses:

ENC1102College Composition 2 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

ENC1141Writing About Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All courses listed in TIER 2 meet the Gordon Rule requirement.

TIER 3 - Students must take the following course:

SPC1017Fundamentals of Speech Communication (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: The course listed in TIER 3 meets the Gordon Rule requirement.

Approved Transfer Composition or Speech: Verify course credit with an advisor

Area II - Humanities (6 Credits)

TIER 1 – Select one of the following courses:

ARH1000Art Appreciation (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MUL1010Music Appreciation (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

PHI1010Introduction to Philosophy (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

THE1000Theatre Appreciation (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

LIT1000Introduction to Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All courses listed in TIER 1 meet the Gordon Rule requirement.


If LIT 1000 is not selected in Tier 1, either an AML, ENL or LIT course must be selected in Tier 2

If LIT 1000 is selected in Tier 1, then any other course other than AML, ENL or LIT must be selected from either Tier 1 or Tier 2

AML2010American Literature to 1865 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

AML2020American Literature after 1865 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

AML2600African American Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

AML2631Hispanic American Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

AML2660Jewish American Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

ARH2050Art History: Ancient to Renaissance (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

ARH2051Art History: Renaissance to Contemporary (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

ENL2012English Literature Before 1800 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

ENL2022English Literature After 1800 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

FIL2000Film Appreciation (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

LIT2050Survey of Literary Humor (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

LIT2370The Bible as Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

LIT2090Contemporary Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

LIT2110World Literature Before the Renaissance (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

LIT2120World Literature After the Renaissance (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

LIT2190Introduction to Afro-Caribbean Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

LIT2380Women In Literature (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MUH2018History and Appreciation of Jazz (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MUT1001Fundamentals of Music (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All courses listed in TIER 2 meet the Gordon Rule requirement.

Approved Transfer Humanities or Literature: Verify course credit with an advisor

Area III - Mathematics (6 Credits)

TIER 1 - Select one of the following courses:

MAC1105College Algebra (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MAC2311Calculus With Analytic Geometry 1 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

MGF1106Liberal Arts Mathematics (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MGF1107Finite Mathematics (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

STA2023Statistics (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All courses listed in TIER 1 meet the Gordon Rule requirement.

TIER 2 - Select one of the following courses OR select another course from Tier 1:

MAC1114Trigonometry (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MAC1140Precalculus (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MAC1147Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry (AA)

5 credits (5 lecture hours)

MAC2233Survey of Calculus (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MAC2312Calculus With Analytic Geometry 2 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

MAC2313Calculus With Analytic Geometry 3 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

MAP2302Differential Equations (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MAS2103Linear Algebra (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All courses listed in TIER 2 meet the Gordon Rule requirement.

MAC2233 (for Business Majors)

Approved Transfer Mathematics: Verify course credit with an advisor

Area IV - Natural Sciences (9 Credits)

TIER 1 - Select one of the following courses:

AST1002Descriptive Astronomy (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


AST1002LDescriptive Astronomy Lab (AA)

1 credits (2 lab hours)

BSC1005Concepts in Biology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


BSC1005LConcepts in Biology Lab (AA)

1 credits (2 lab hours)

BSC1010Principles of Biology 1 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


BSC1010LPrinciples of Biology 1 Lab (AA)

1 credits (3 lab hours)

BSC2085Anatomy and Physiology 1 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


BSC2085LAnatomy and Physiology 1 Lab (AA)

1 credits (3 lab hours)

CHM1045General Chemistry 1 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


CHM1045LGeneral Chemistry 1 Lab (AA)

1 credits (3 lab hours)

ESC1000Earth Science (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

EVR1001Introduction to Environmental Science (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

PHY2048General Physics with Calculus 1 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)


PHY2048LGeneral Physics 1 and General Physics with Calculus 1 Laboratory (AA)

1 credits (2 lab hours)

PHY2053General Physics 1 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

AST1002L and BSC1005L: optional

TIER 2 - Select one of the following courses OR select another course from Tier 1:

BOT1010General Botany (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


BOT1010LGeneral Botany Lab (AA)

1 credits (2 lab hours)

BSC1011Principles of Biology 2 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


BSC1011LPrinciples of Biology 2 Lab (AA)

1 credits (3 lab hours)

BSC1311Marine Biology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

BSC2086Anatomy and Physiology 2 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


BSC2086LAnatomy and Physiology 2 Lab (AA)

1 credits (3 lab hours)

BSC2421Introduction to Biotechnology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


BSC2421LIntroduction to Biotechnology Lab (AA)

2 credits (6 lab hours)

CHM1025Introductory Chemistry (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

CHM1032Principles of Chemistry (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


CHM1032LPrinciples of Chemistry Lab (AA)

1 credits (2 lab hours)

CHM1046General Chemistry 2 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


CHM1046LGeneral Chemistry 2 Lab (AA)

1 credits (3 lab hours)

GLY1000Descriptive Geology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

HUN1201Elements of Nutrition (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

MCB2010Microbiology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)


MCB2010LMicrobiology Lab (AA)

1 credits (2 lab hours)

OCE1001Introduction to Oceanography (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

PHY1001Applied Physics (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

PHY2049General Physics with Calculus 2 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)


PHY2049LGeneral Physics 2 and General Physics with Calculus 2 Laboratory (AA)

1 credits (2 lab hours)

PHY2054General Physics 2 (AA)

4 credits (4 lecture hours)

PSC1341Physical Science for Today's World (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

CHM1032L: Optional

TIER 3 - Select one of the following courses:

HSC1101Contemporary Issues in Health (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

HSC2100Health Concepts and Strategies (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Select ANY OTHER 3-5 credit general education course from among the five categories of general education

Note: HSC1101 and HSC2100 meet the Gordon Rule requirement.

Approved Transfer Science: Verify course credit with an advisor

Area V - Social Science (6 Credits)

Select courses from Group 1 or Group 2 based on your enrollment status as defined below.


Group 1

You are seeking an AA or baccalaureate degree, are enrolled for the first time (including by dual enrollment) in a Florida public college or university in Fall 2018 or later, and you have no prior college credits. You must complete the requirements of both tiers shown below.

TIER 1 - Select one of the following courses:
AMH2020United States History from 1865 to Present (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

POS1041Introduction to American Government (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All course listed in TIER 1 meet the Gordon Rule and Civic Literacy requirements.
TIER 2 - Select one of the following courses:
ANT2000Anthropology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

ECO2013Principles of Macroeconomics (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

GEA1000Principles of Geography and Conservation (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

PSY2012Introduction to Psychology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

SYG1230American Minorities Today (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

SYG2000Introduction to Sociology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

SYG2010American SocialProblems (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All courses listed in TIER 2 meet the Gordon Rule Requirement.

Group 2

You are seeking an AA or baccalaureate degree and have earned college credits prior to Fall 2018 (including those earned by dual enrollment); you earned credit at PBSC or transferred in from another institution. You must complete the requirements of both tiers shown below.

TIER 1 - Select one of the following courses:
AMH2020United States History from 1865 to Present (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

ANT2000Anthropology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

ECO2013Principles of Macroeconomics (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

POS1041Introduction to American Government (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

PSY2012Introduction to Psychology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

SYG2000Introduction to Sociology (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All courses listed in TIER 1 meet the Gordon Rule requirement.

If you selected AMH or POS in Tier 1, select ANT, ECO, GEA, PSY, or SYG from Tier 1 or Tier 2. If you selected ANT, ECO, PSY, or SYG in Tier 1, select AMH or POS from Tier 1 or Tier 2.

AMH2010United States History to 1865 (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

GEA1000Principles of Geography and Conservation (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

SYG1230American Minorities Today (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

SYG2010American SocialProblems (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

POS1001Introduction to Political Science (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

POS2112American State and Local Government (AA)

3 credits (3 lecture hours)

Note: All courses listed in TIER 2 meet the Gordon Rule requirement.

Approved Transfer Social Science: Verify course credit with an advisor