Student Code of Conduct

Prohibited student conduct/behavior outlined in the Student Code of Conduct includes, but is not limited to, those listed below. Any student who is found to have engaged in these acts while under the jurisdiction of the College may be subject to the maximum penalty of expulsion or any other sanction authorized herein or specifically noted in the student’s program of study.

2. Alcohol

Consumption and possession of alcohol on campus is prohibited. This includes but not limited to the promotion, manufacture, distribution, sale, use, transfer, purchase, or delivery of alcoholic beverages.

3. Arson

The intentional commission of an act that results in a fire being ignited or an explosion that causes damage, or is intended to cause damage, to the property of the College or to the property of any other person.

4. Assault

An intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person of another, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and doing some act which creates a well-founded fear in such other person that such violence is imminent.

5. Battery

Actually and intentionally touching or striking another person against the will of the other; or intentionally causes bodily harm to another person.

6. Bribery

To knowingly and intentionally influence or persuade another person or group to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money, promises or other inducement.

7. Complicity

A student present during the commission of an act by another person that constitutes a violation of the Code of Conduct may also be charged if their subsequent behavior constitutes consent or condoning of the violation.

8. Conspiracy

Planning to commit a violation of the applicable law and/or the Code of Conduct or aiding, abetting, assisting, hiring, soliciting, or procuring another person to violate the applicable law and/or the Code of Conduct.

9. Damage to Property

Accidental damage, vandalism, intentional damage to property belonging to the College or others may require restitution from persons responsible for such damage and/or disciplinary action.

10. Defamation and Libel

False verbal or written communication about an individual or group, communicated to another person(s) that injures the person, property, or reputation of another.

11. Disruption

Florida Statute § 877.13, 1006.61, and Board Policy 6Hx-18-3.35 provides that disruption of the campus environment of the institution is prohibited, including but not limited to:

11a. Deliberate or persistent disruption, obstruction, intimidation or repeated interruption of the College environment, disciplinary proceedings, or other College activities that has the purpose and effect of unreasonably interfering with a: (1) student’s ability to participate in, or benefit from the College’s program or activity; (2) staff's ability to conduct College operations. This includes inappropriate and/or excessive use of email, mobile applications, social media, telephones, laptops, and/or any other electronic devices/platforms.

11b. Disorderly, lewd, or obscene conduct or language on campus or at any College-sponsored or College-supervised activity. This includes the sending of harassing, lewd, or obscene messages or images that have the purpose and effect of unreasonably interfering with another person's ability to participate in or benefit from the College’s program or activity.

11c. Wearing styles or articles of clothing or accessories that cause undue disruption of the learning environment, or intimidation of others in the learning environment, or have the purpose and effect of unreasonably interfering with another person's ability to participate in or benefit from the College’s program or activity.

11d. Behavior that is so distracting that it is difficult or impossible to conduct a class, a meeting, College program or any other College-sponsored event.

11e. Congregating in such a fashion as to create a situation that could endanger life or property.

11f. Physical violence or abuse of any person or College-owned or controlled property, or at College sponsored or supervised functions, or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.

11g. Deliberate interference with academic freedom and freedom of speech, including not only disruption of Learning and College environment, but also interference with the freedom of any speaker on campus to express their views.

11h. Forcible interference with the freedom of movement at the College. Blocking of entry ways to buildings, rooms, or sections of buildings, or of hallways, or stairways, in such fashion that people find it difficult or impossible to pass. 

11i. Blocking of vehicular traffic.

11j: A lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on College-owned or College-controlled property or at College-sponsored events.

11k. Solicitation, incitement, or coercion to commit any of the articles of disruption outlined in the codes 11a-11j.

12. Dress Standard Violation

Noncompliance with standards of dress established for safety or health reasons.

13. Extortion

Threatening to expose another to disgrace, with the intent to extort money or other benefit(s).

14. Failure to Obey Reasonable Order of College Official(s)

Failure to respond to a request by a College official (or College affiliate) for identification or failure to obey a written or verbal request/order by a College official.

15. Falsification of Records

15a. Misuse of College documents, forging, transferring, altering, or otherwise misusing a document, receipt, PantherCard, other identification, or any other College document or record.

15b. Presenting any form of falsified documentation or identification.

15c. Making false statements including, but not limited to, the application for admission to the College or College program(s), Financial Aid, petitions, requests, or other official College documents of records; forgery of “add” or “drop” processes or action on other College records or documents, whether by use of computer or other means of communication.

15d. Contracting in the name of Palm Beach State or claiming, allowing, or giving the impression that a student is acting under the authority of college administration or otherwise officially represents the College for any purpose.

15e. Making a known false report to College faculty, staff, or campus security.

15f. Altering documents affecting academic records; forging a signature of authorization or falsifying information on an official academic document, election form, grade report, letter of permission, petition, or any document designed to meet or exempt a student from an established College academic regulation.


16. Fraud

Deception or misrepresentation deliberately practiced for unlawful gain or unjust advantage.

17. Gambling

As a public institution, Palm Beach State College is restricted from allowing gambling of any kind on College property or at College sponsored events. Florida Chapter 849.08 (2014) - Whoever plays or engages in any game at cards, keno, roulette, faro or other game of chance, at any place, by any device whatsoever, for money or other thing of value, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in Fla. Sta. 775.082 (2014) or Fla. Sta. 775.083 (2011). Florida Chapter 849.0935 (2011) Charitable, nonprofit organizations; drawings by chance; required disclosures; unlawful acts and practices; penalties. Additionally, the organization must be in compliance with Chapter 496.

18. Harassment and Discrimination

Per Board Policy 6Hx–18–5.86, Harassment is defined as any unwelcome conduct or request for favors verbal or physical conduct or any action based on an individual’s race, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or pregnancy status that adversely affects an individual’s educational or employment opportunities. Discrimination is defined as treating any member of the College community different from the way others are treated based on race, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, disability genetic information, or pregnancy status without lawful justification. Harassment and Discrimination may include but is not limited to the charges as outlined in the codes 18a-18d.

18a. Any act or failure to act that is based upon an individual or group’s actual or perceived status (race, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, disability, genetic information, pregnancy status, or other protected status) that is sufficiently severe that it limits or denies the ability to participate in or benefit from the College environment.

18b. Hostile environment is behavior that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, persistent and/or offensive that interferes with limits or denies the ability to participate in or benefit from the College’s educational environment.

18c. Retaliatory discrimination or harassment is any intentional, adverse action against another person.

18d. Intimidation and bullying are behaviors that are repeated and/or severely aggressive and threatening to harm, control or adversely impact another person(s) or group(s).

19. Hazardous, Biological or Other Substances

Bringing onto or disposing of hazardous, biological, or other substances on or within any of the College’s property  and/or the College environment that may threaten or affect the health, safety, and welfare of the people at the College.

20. Hazing

As outlined below and in Fla. Stat. 1006.63; is prohibited. The term “hazing” means any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of another person for purposes including, but not limited to:

  1. Initiation, admission, or affiliation into any organization operating under the sanction of a postsecondary institution;
  2. The perpetuation or furtherance of a tradition or ritual of any organization operating under the sanction of a postsecondary institution.

The term “Hazing” includes, but is not limited to, pressuring or coercing another person into violating state or federal law; any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance, or other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of another person; or any activity that would subject another person to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment, or other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of another person.

21. Illegal Drugs and Narcotics

Under Florida Statute, Chapter 893, no person may possess, sell, or deliver controlled substances unless dispensed and used pursuant to prescription or otherwise authorized by law. The use of illegal drugs and the misuse of prescription and other drugs that pose threat to the physical and mental well-being of the students, faculty and staff at the College include:

21a. Possession, promotion, manufacture, distribution, sale, use, transfer, purchase, or delivery of drugs (including drugs not prescribed for the user).

21b. Possession of drug paraphernalia or any other item that could potentially contain or does contain illegal residue.

21c. Being under the influence on campus or at a college sponsored or related activity or event.

22. Incivility

A respectful, polite, and courteous communication, behavior or speech is expected by all stakeholders of the institution in maintaining a positive College environment. Any violation of PBSC five Pillars of Civility: Pride, Respect, Progress, Ethics, and Teams.

22a. Rudeness, impoliteness or discourteous act that might cause disruption.

22b. Using profane, abusive, vulgar, or harassing language or any type of communication.

22c. Any intent to defame or insult individuals and/or groups creating a hostile environment.

22d. Addressing others in an unprofessional and disrespectful way.

22e. Using intimidating or threatening verbal or written communication.

22f. Utilizing hostile, demeaning or threatening body language.

22g. Contacting individuals in an excessively and intense way that disrupts regular business operations.

22h. Accusing others of incompetence or dismissing their expertise and character.

22i. Disrespecting authority in any form by not responding to a request.

22j. Constant interruption preventing a positive teaching and business environment.

22k. Intentionally or recklessly stalking another person.


23. Information Technology Resources

The use of College Information Technology (IT) resources in violation of federal and state laws or regulations, College rules or policies or applicable contracts or licensing agreements. The use of IT resources to cause a disruption to the College environment or program or to interfere with the rights of others or College activities. A computer use violation may include, but is not limited to:

23a. Use for the violation of personal privacy or for the committing of crimes.

23b. Unauthorized access to or use of computer, computer system, network, software, or data.

23c. Unauthorized alteration of computer equipment software, network, or data.

23d. Unauthorized duplication or use of computer programs or files.

23e. Making unauthorized changes to a computer account or other deliberate action that disrupts the operation of computer systems serving other students or the College community in general.

23f. Posting, transmitting threatening, harassing, vulgar, or pornographic content to platforms used by the College to include, but not limited to, any chatrooms, bulletin boards, social networking sites or emails.

23g. Posting or transmitting any unsolicited email, advertisement, promotional materials, or any other forms of solicitation to students.

24. Interference with Conduct Proceedings

Noncompliance with the Student Conduct Process including, but not limited to

24a. Failure to respond or appear before and cooperate with the Dean/Assistant Dean of Student Services or designee, Conduct Committee, and/or other College officials when requested to do so.

24b. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information during the course of the conduct process or before a Conduct Committee.

24c. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a conduct hearing.

24d. Knowingly making false accusations of student misconduct without cause.

24e. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the student conduct system.

24f. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a Conduct Committee, any party involved with the proceedings prior to, during, and/or after a conduct hearing.

24g. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the Student Code of Conduct and/or the Conduct Committee.

24h. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the student conduct system.

25. Misuse of Mail Services

Inappropriate use of college mail, email, social media, voicemail, electronic network infrastructure services in relation to a Student Code of Conduct violation.

26. Parking and Traffic Violation

Failure to comply with applicable parking and traffic regulations.

27. Prior Disciplinary Sanctions or Warnings

Violation of any of the restrictions, conditions or terms of a prior sanction that resulted from a prior disciplinary action.

28. Public Endangerment

Behavior or activities that intentionally or unintentionally endanger the safety of oneself or others, or causes reckless injury or harm to persons or property. This includes but is not limited to the unsafe or inappropriate use or manipulation of equipment, tools, or other property; movement that can endanger others or damage property.

29. Public Health

Failure to comply with College, Local, State and/or Federal mandate with regards to public health concerns.

30. Retaliation

Intimidating, threatening, coercing, or discriminating against an individual for making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing.

31. Sexual Misconduct (Non-Title IX Offenses)

31a. Sexual Battery - non-consensual oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object.

31b. Domestic Violence - any assault, aggravated assault battery, aggravated sexual assault, sexual battery, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or household member.

31c. Dating Violence - violence between individuals who have currently, or have had in the past, a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the consideration of all the following factors: A dating relationship must have existed within the past 6 months. The nature of the relationship must have been characterized by the expectation of affection or sexual involvement between the parties; and the frequency and type of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship must have included that the persons have been involved over time and on a continues basis during the course of the relationship. The term does not include violence in a casual acquaintanceship or violence between individuals who only have engaged in ordinary fraternization in a business or social context. 

31d. Stalking - a person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking pursuant to 784.048, Florida Statues. “Cyberstalk” means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, directly or indirectly, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at or pertaining to a specific person; or to access, or attempt to access, the online accounts or Internet-connected home electronic systems of another person without that person’s permission, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose.

31e. Voyeurism - a person commits the offense of voyeurism when he or she, with lewd, lascivious, or indecent intent:
- Secretly observes another person when the other person is located in a dwelling, structure, or conveyance and such location provides a reasonable expectation of privacy.
- Secretly observes another person’s intimate areas in which the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, when the other person is located in a public or private dwelling, structure, or conveyance. As used in this paragraph, the term “intimate area” means any portion of a person’s body or undergarments that is covered by clothing and intended to be protected from public view.

31f. Indecent Exposure - occurs by exposing or exhibiting one’s sexual organs in public or on private premises of another, or so near thereto as to be seen from such private premises, in a vulgar or indecent manner. Also occurs by being naked in public in a vulgar or indecent manner and/or masturbating in public.  

32. Smoking and Tobacco Use (includes e-cigarettes, vaping and hookah)

Smoking or vaping in any enclosed facility or building on campus or in college vehicles or where otherwise posted, is prohibited. Smoking in areas other than those specifically designated by the campus, is prohibited.

33. Theft

Attempted or actual theft of college tangible and intangible property or personal or public property including, but not limited to, the theft of textbooks, exams/tests, library or media materials and parking decals. Possession or sale of stolen items including course material access codes.

34. Threats

Verbal or written communication that threatens harm to the person, property, or reputation of another.

35. Title IX Offenses

35a. Unwelcome contact that a reasonable person would determine is “so severe, pervasive, and objectionably offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to education as measured against the access of a person who has not been subjected to sexual harassment”.

35b. Sexual Assault as defined in the Clery Act 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v)

35c. Domestic Violence as defined in the VAWA Act; 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8)

35d. Dating Violence and as defined in the VAWA Act; 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(10)

35e. Stalking as defined in the VAWA Act; and 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(30)

36. Unauthorized Use of College Property or Unauthorized Presence

36a. Use of College property or property of members of the College community or College affiliates without prior expressed approval by college or affiliate personnel or in violation of any section of the Code.

36b. Forcible entry into a building or other premise.

36c. Tampering with fire and safety equipment.

36d. Fraudulent and/or unauthorized use of the College name, logo, seal, nickname, slogan, mascot, or any registered service mark of the College.

36e. Violation of an official College or campus restriction or trespass order or court order related to a student, faculty/instructor, or member of the College community.

36f. The unauthorized use of, or entry into, any College facilities (i.e., classrooms, laboratories, athletic fields), whether by force or not, is prohibited.

36g. Unauthorized possession of or duplication of college keys.

36h. Presence in or failure to leave a marked or noticed unauthorized area of a building or other unauthorized premise when asked.

37. Unauthorized Use of Voice and Video Recording

Using any device to make an audio and/or video recording of any person without their prior knowledge and expressed consent, and/or publishing the recording, except when permitted by law.

38. Violation of Law, Rule or Mandate

Students are expected to adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and, in addition, must abide by the policy, rules and regulations of the College. Criminal offenses may result in both criminal prosecution and referral to the conduct procedure.  

39. Weapons

Possession or use of firearms, fireworks, dangerous weapons, or possession of chemicals on college property or at a college-sponsored activity without written authorization by an appropriate College official is expressly forbidden, except as provided by Florida law. Dangerous weapons may include, but are not limited to, knives, firearms, objects that resemble or can be construed as a weapon, explosives, illegal Tasers, or any other item that may cause bodily injury or damage to an individual or property. Students in possession of a firearm on campus or at a college-sponsored activity, except as provided by Florida law, will be automatically dismissed.