
Grade Reports

Grade reports are not mailed; students may access their grades at the end of each session or academic period on Workday. Students may also assess their academic progress and status for each academic period on Workday.

Grading System

Final grades for each term are recorded and retained permanently. The following grades are used to calculate the grade point average (GPA):

Grade Description Quality Points
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Failure 0

*Grades in developmental education courses are used to calculate the GPA. The following grades are not used to calculate the GPA:

I Incomplete
L Instructor Grade Late
N No Pass
P Pass
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
XC Audit Initiated after Add/Drop
Withdrawn for Non-Attendance of Student Auditing a Class


Most avocational classes will be assigned a grade of NG unless the course requires a record of attendance. In those cases where an NG is not the grade, an S or XW may be issued.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The program of study GPA is determined by dividing the total quality points earned by the total academic units attempted (including all appropriate transfer credit). Quality points are assigned as follows:

A = 4 quality points per unit

B = 3 quality points per unit

C = 2 quality points per unit

D = 1 quality point per unit

F = 0 quality point per unit

Only the last attempt of a repeated course will be used in computing the grade point average (except for the third attempts and beyond that will be averaged); however, all grades appear on the student’s transcript. The Palm Beach State College grade point average is determined by dividing the total quality points earned at the College by the total academic period units attempted at the College. The term grade point average is determined by dividing the total quality points earned during an academic period by the total academic period units attempted during that academic period.

Grade Change Procedure

Students may approach a faculty/instructor to initiate an informal grade appeal process after the final course grade is assigned. If students wish to appeal the grade further, a formal grade appeal process must be initiated no later than the 10 business days after classes begin in the following fall or spring term. Additional grade appeal information is listed in the Student Handbook.

Grade Forgiveness Policy

In accordance with the Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rules, Chapter 6A-14.0301, courses for which a grade of C or higher was earned may not be repeated. Students may attempt a course only three times. All grades for the course will appear on the student’s transcript, but only the last grade received will be used to calculate the grade point average (GPA), even if that grade is lower.

Permission for a fourth attempt will be considered only through an academic appeals process based on major extenuating circumstances. However, in the case of a fourth attempt, the grade for the third and fourth attempts will be used to calculate the GPA (grade forgiveness will not apply to third and subsequent attempts). The appeal request for a fourth attempt must be submitted in writing and accompanied by supporting documentation to the appropriate campus dean of student services or designee. Palm Beach State does not permit the appeal for fifth attempts.

The State’s Articulation Agreement does not allow courses to be repeated for the purpose of changing a student’s grade point average after the associate degree has been awarded; therefore, the College’s Forgiveness Policy pertains only up to the time of the awarding of degree and does not extend beyond that time. Transfer credits earned by prior learning or credit-by-exam programs (e.g., CLEP, AP, IB, etc.) may not be used to forgive a grade. Institutions to which subsequent transfer is made may not necessarily honor Palm Beach State’s grade forgiveness policy.

Incomplete Grades

Incomplete grades are automatically changed to punitive grades of F, N or U if not made up within 30 calendar days after classes begin in the subsequent fall or spring academic period. (Please see the Academic/Registration Calendar for deadlines.) It is the student’s responsibility to complete all assignments and submit them to the faculty/instructor. Classes with incomplete grades may not be used to satisfy course prerequisites.

Repeated Courses and Academic Average

Only courses for which a grade of D or F was earned or withdrawals may be repeated. A student may not audit a course in which a grade of C or higher was received. A student will be permitted a maximum of three attempts per course. Attempts include the original grade, repeats of course grades, audits after the add/drop period ends, and withdrawals (student or faculty/instructor). Upon the third attempt of a course, a withdrawal or audit will not be permitted and the student will receive the grade earned. This grade will be used in quality point average computation. All grades from the third and fourth attempts will be calculated in the grade point average.

A fourth attempt may be allowed only through the appeals process based on major extenuating circumstances. The appeal request for a fourth attempt must be submitted in writing and accompanied by supporting documentation to the appropriate campus dean of student services or designee. Fifth attempts are not allowed, and this may not be appealed.

Units can only be earned once per course, unless the course is designated as “repeatable,” such as music, chorus, etc., that have been successfully completed and are now being repeated for further skill enhancement, courses that are required to be repeated by a regulatory agency, or courses that are being repeated as part of a regulatory requirement for continuing education to stay current in a field, such as teacher certification.

Students receiving financial aid or veterans benefits should consult with the Financial Aid Office before repeating a course to determine what impact, if any, repeating a course has on their financial aid status.

Note: Students will be assessed the full cost of instruction (out-of-state tuition), beginning with the third attempt for college developmental education and credit courses. Students may appeal the higher cost to the campus registrar through the add/drop period. Decisions are based on state-issued guidelines.