Class Attendance
Students are expected to attend their scheduled classes for the duration of the academic period. For eLearning classes, students are expected to regularly log in to access the class website and participate in the course according to the schedule of events outlined by the faculty/instructor. Any class session or activity missed, regardless of cause, reduces the opportunity for learning and may adversely affect a student’s achievement in the course. For the purposes of financial aid, Palm Beach State is not an attendance-taking institution.
Specific attendance and grading requirements for each course are stated in the respective course syllabus. These requirements may vary from course to course, and it is the student’s responsibility to read and adhere to the policies set forth by each class faculty/instructor syllabus. Students should seek any needed clarification from the class faculty/instructor.
Vocational Clock Hour Programs
All faculty and instructors who teach vocational clock hour programs are required to take attendance for every class meeting. Students who stop attending, withdraw or are dropped should be reported immediately. Do not delay reporting students, as there is a chance they could receive Federal funds they are not entitled to keep.
Clock Hour/CCP Attendance: Unlike Credit Hour programs, students pursuing a career or workforce certificate in a Career Certificate Program (CCP) attend their classes on a “clock hour” basis. One hour of accountable attendance is based on the student’s actual presence and participation for a complete 60-minute period of instruction, which may include up to a 10-minute break. Instructors in clock hour programs are required to record attendance daily including the student’s arrival and departure times. Clock Hour/CCP program attendance is particularly important to financial aid distribution, which is based on the student’s completion of a specified number of hours and weeks (a defined payment period for the program). Each Clock Hour/CCP program will publish their course sequence, class schedule and projected payment periods at the beginning of the program.
Clock Hour/CCP Excused Absence: Unless otherwise stipulated or regulated by accrediting agencies, state licensing agencies or restrictions of the academic program, students enrolled in Clock Hour/CCP programs may have up to 10% of the total clock hours within each of the program’s defined payment periods considered as excused absences. These are absences for which the "seat time" does not have to be made up. Any missed hours exceeding the 10% excused absence threshold must be made up to meet progression and completion standards. (These makeup hours will not be used to meet Title IV financial aid attendance compliance.) Instructors will clearly identify within their course syllabus the specific attendance requirements for the course, including the possibilities and processes for making up time and missed assignments. The submission of assignments missed due to absences does not satisfy the "seat-time" requirement.
At the end of each academic period and summer, CCP instructors, including adjuncts, must file a copy of all attendance records with their associate dean’s or immediate supervisor’s office.
Instructor Participation Verify
Palm Beach State College’s faculty/instructors are required by federal law and various agencies (i.e., Federal Financial Aid Title IV, Veterans Affairs, SEVIS, INS), to confirm class participation of students. Students who never attend a class during the add/drop period, plus three (3) days after add/drop, will be dropped from their class. For the purposes of financial aid, Palm Beach State is not an attendance-taking institution.
A non-participation status may cause a student’s financial aid funds or veteran benefits to be adjusted or rescinded.
Enrollment Status
Classification of Students
Students are classified according to the number of college-level units they have completed, regardless of the number of academic periods the student has been in attendance.
Lower Division (1000-2000 level coursework)
Freshman: Less than 24 college-level units
Sophomore: 24 or more college-level units
Upper Division (3000-4000 level coursework)
Junior: 61-89 college-level units
Senior: 90 or more college-level units
Full-Time Student
A student is considered a full-time student when enrolled in 12 or more academic period units or 360 or more clock hours. Although audit and institution units (i.e., college developmental education courses) carry no credit, they are counted when determining a student’s enrollment status. For Selective Service deferment or Veterans Administration benefits, noncredit and college developmental education courses cannot be counted when determining a student’s enrollment status but must be taken if required.
Student Maximum Course Load
Most students are not permitted to enroll in more than 18 academic period units; however, a student who has at least a 3.2 cumulative average may enroll in a maximum of 21 academic units.
Enrollment Verification
Palm Beach State College has authorized National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment verification certificates for its students through its online Student Self-Service program. This service, available 24 hours, 7 days a week, will allow students the ability to print, save, or email official enrollment verification certificates free of charge. For more information, visit
Academic Recognition
President’s List
At the end of each fall or spring term, a student carrying a full academic load (12 units for which they receive credit, excluding institutional credit) and earning a term grade point average of 3.8 or higher will be placed on the President’s List. At the end of the spring term, a part-time student who has accumulated 12 or more semester units credit during the combined fall and spring terms with a combined term grade point average of 3.8 or higher will be placed on the President’s List.
Dean’s List
At the end of each fall or spring term, a student carrying a full academic load (12 hours for which they receive credit, excluding institutional credit) and earning a term grade point average of 3.20 to 3.79 will be placed on the Dean’s List. At the end of the spring term, a part-time student who has accumulated 12 or more semester units credit during the combined fall and spring terms with a combined term grade point average of 3.20 to 3.79 will be placed on the Dean’s List.
Standards of Academic Progress
The College requires each student to maintain reasonable academic progress. Any student not maintaining the minimum program of study grade point average as specified in the Standards of Academic Progress (SOAP) policy will be placed on academic probation and could be either suspended or dismissed from the College.
Financial Aid Student Note: Students receiving financial aid are also affected by a separate “Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Students” listed in the Student Handbook and online at Financial Aid.
Good Academic Status
Students who are not on academic probation or dismissal from the College are considered in good academic status. Students in credit programs must maintain a program of study grade point average of:
- 1.4 or better for 1-14 academic period units attempted
- 1.6 or better for 15-27 academic period units attempted
- 1.8 or better for 28-45 academic period units attempted
- 2.0 or better for over 45 academic period units attempted
Academic Probation
Probation will be continued as long as the student fails to achieve the program of study grade point average for the number of hours attempted (see section above). Probation will be calculated at the end of each term. Any student on academic probation will be limited in course load to a maximum of 12 academic period units during the fall, spring and summer academic periods.
Students on academic probation are required to meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for subsequent academic period. Academic advisors are authorized to limit the number of hours and types of courses taken by students on academic probation. Academic probation is noted on the student’s permanent record.
Academic Suspension
Academic suspension is the first involuntary separation. Academic suspension results from a student’s failure, while on academic probation, to regain good academic standing or achieve a minimum 2.0 academic period grade point average. Suspension requires the student to stay out of school for one academic period to reflect on his/her academic goals and level of commitment to education. Academic suspension is noted on the student’s permanent record. Students readmitted after an academic suspension will be on academic probation and must meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for classes.
Academic Dismissal
Academic dismissal is a subsequent involuntary separation imposed upon a student who, having been previously suspended from the College and readmitted, fails to regain good academic status or achieve a minimum 2.0 academic period grade point average for each academic period. Academic dismissal requires the student to stay out of school for one full calendar year to reflect on his/her commitment to education and to make any necessary changes to facilitate future success. Academic dismissal is noted on the student’s permanent record. Students readmitted after being academically dismissed will be on academic probation and must meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for classes.
Note: Students on academic suspension or dismissal are eligible to enroll in CCP or avocational courses.
Grade Reports
Grade reports are not mailed; students may access their grades at the end of each session or academic period on Workday. Students may also assess their academic progress and status for each academic period on Workday.
Grading System
Final grades for each term are recorded and retained permanently. The following grades are used to calculate the grade point average (GPA):
Grade |
Description |
Quality Points |
A |
Excellent |
4 |
B |
Good |
3 |
C |
Average |
2 |
D |
Poor |
1 |
F |
Failure |
0 |
*Grades in developmental education courses are used to calculate the GPA. The following grades are not used to calculate the GPA:
I |
Incomplete |
L |
Instructor Grade Late |
N |
No Pass |
P |
Pass |
S |
Satisfactory |
U |
Unsatisfactory |
Withdrawal |
XC |
Audit Initiated after Add/Drop
Withdrawn for Non-Attendance of Student Auditing a Class
Most avocational classes will be assigned a grade of NG unless the course requires a record of attendance. In those cases where an NG is not the grade, an S or XW may be issued.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The program of study GPA is determined by dividing the total quality points earned by the total academic units attempted (including all appropriate transfer credit). Quality points are assigned as follows:
A = 4 quality points per unit
B = 3 quality points per unit
C = 2 quality points per unit
D = 1 quality point per unit
F = 0 quality point per unit
Only the last attempt of a repeated course will be used in computing the grade point average (except for the third attempts and beyond that will be averaged); however, all grades appear on the student’s transcript. The Palm Beach State College grade point average is determined by dividing the total quality points earned at the College by the total academic period units attempted at the College. The term grade point average is determined by dividing the total quality points earned during an academic period by the total academic period units attempted during that academic period.
Grade Change Procedure
Students may approach a faculty/instructor to initiate an informal grade appeal process after the final course grade is assigned. If students wish to appeal the grade further, a formal grade appeal process must be initiated no later than the 10 business days after classes begin in the following fall or spring term. Additional grade appeal information is listed in the Student Handbook.
Grade Forgiveness Policy
In accordance with the Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rules, Chapter 6A-14.0301, courses for which a grade of C or higher was earned may not be repeated. Students may attempt a course only three times. All grades for the course will appear on the student’s transcript, but only the last grade received will be used to calculate the grade point average (GPA), even if that grade is lower.
Permission for a fourth attempt will be considered only through an academic appeals process based on major extenuating circumstances. However, in the case of a fourth attempt, the grade for the third and fourth attempts will be used to calculate the GPA (grade forgiveness will not apply to third and subsequent attempts). The appeal request for a fourth attempt must be submitted in writing and accompanied by supporting documentation to the appropriate campus dean of student services or designee. Palm Beach State does not permit the appeal for fifth attempts.
The State’s Articulation Agreement does not allow courses to be repeated for the purpose of changing a student’s grade point average after the associate degree has been awarded; therefore, the College’s Forgiveness Policy pertains only up to the time of the awarding of degree and does not extend beyond that time. Transfer credits earned by prior learning or credit-by-exam programs (e.g., CLEP, AP, IB, etc.) may not be used to forgive a grade. Institutions to which subsequent transfer is made may not necessarily honor Palm Beach State’s grade forgiveness policy.
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades are automatically changed to punitive grades of F, N or U if not made up within 30 calendar days after classes begin in the subsequent fall or spring academic period. (Please see the Academic/Registration Calendar for deadlines.) It is the student’s responsibility to complete all assignments and submit them to the faculty/instructor. Classes with incomplete grades may not be used to satisfy course prerequisites.
Repeated Courses and Academic Average
Only courses for which a grade of D or F was earned or withdrawals may be repeated. A student may not audit a course in which a grade of C or higher was received. A student will be permitted a maximum of three attempts per course. Attempts include the original grade, repeats of course grades, audits after the add/drop period ends, and withdrawals (student or faculty/instructor). Upon the third attempt of a course, a withdrawal or audit will not be permitted and the student will receive the grade earned. This grade will be used in quality point average computation. All grades from the third and fourth attempts will be calculated in the grade point average.
A fourth attempt may be allowed only through the appeals process based on major extenuating circumstances. The appeal request for a fourth attempt must be submitted in writing and accompanied by supporting documentation to the appropriate campus dean of student services or designee. Fifth attempts are not allowed, and this may not be appealed.
Units can only be earned once per course, unless the course is designated as “repeatable,” such as music, chorus, etc., that have been successfully completed and are now being repeated for further skill enhancement, courses that are required to be repeated by a regulatory agency, or courses that are being repeated as part of a regulatory requirement for continuing education to stay current in a field, such as teacher certification.
Students receiving financial aid or veterans benefits should consult with the Financial Aid Office before repeating a course to determine what impact, if any, repeating a course has on their financial aid status.
Note: Students will be assessed the full cost of instruction (out-of-state tuition), beginning with the third attempt for college developmental education and credit courses. Students may appeal the higher cost to the campus registrar through the add/drop period. Decisions are based on state-issued guidelines.
Audit and Withdrawal Policies
Deadline dates for audit and withdrawal are published in the Academic/Registration Calendar. In cases of non-standard beginning or ending dates, the audit deadline is the last day of add/drop, and the withdrawal deadline is 65 percent of the course session. Students with questions about audit and withdrawal deadlines should contact the Registrar’s Office at any campus location.
Students receiving financial aid should consult with the Financial Aid Office before auditing or withdrawing from a course to determine what impact, if any, an audit or withdrawal would have on their financial aid status. International students and athletes must get authorization from their advisor before auditing or withdrawing from a class. Veterans receiving benefits must see their Veteran Academic Advisor prior to considering an audit or withdrawal.
Note: Upon the third attempt of a credit course, a withdrawal (student or faculty/instructor) or audit will not be permitted and the student will receive a grade for the course.
Auditing Courses
A student may be admitted to certain courses on an audit basis by completing an official Audit Request form and submitting it to any campus Registrar’s Office prior to the audit deadline. Audit requests will not be processed after the add/drop period ends. Classes designated as audit during add/drop do not count as attempts. Students auditing a course must attend class, but they are not required to take tests and examinations. A grade of X will be denoted on the student’s transcript for audit classes. Auditing students may not change their schedule to seek credit in any course in which they are enrolled. Prerequisite requirements and the cost for auditing a course is the same as taking it for credit.
Courses taken for the third or fourth attempt or for high school dual enrollment/early admission may not be audited. Students are not permitted to audit college developmental courses, courses under a selected admission program, or vocational credit or noncredit courses. A student may not audit a course in which he or she received a grade of C or higher. A faculty/instructor may withdraw an audit student (XW) for failure to adhere to the attendance requirements of the course.
Student Withdrawals
Students may withdraw from course(s) online through Workday. A grade of W will be denoted on the student’s transcript for withdrawn class. The deadline to withdraw for each enrolled course is listed on the student’s Class Schedule. Students are permitted a maximum of two attempts and/or withdrawals per course.
There is normally no refund for withdrawals submitted after the add/drop deadline (see the calendar in this catalog for deadlines); however, if a student has certain extenuating circumstances (such as death of family member or personal hospitalization), a refund may be considered. See Refund Appeals policy in the Student Handbook. Students considering withdrawing from any course are strongly encouraged to speak with an academic advisor to discuss any impact that a withdrawal may have financially or academically.
Certain Limited Access programs prohibit course withdrawals. A student may not withdraw from a CCP course that meets less than two times. Students should speak with a program advisor for more information.
Note: Upon the third attempt, the student will not be permitted to withdraw and will receive a grade for that course.
Alternative Ways to Earn College Credit
Palm Beach State may award credit for certain types of prior learning (outside the traditional classroom) experiences or credits earned through accelerated mechanism exam programs, e.g., Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), Advanced Placement (AP), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST), Excelsior College Examinations and International Baccalaureate (IB) and UExcel examination (UExcel). Students wishing to have work evaluated for courses completed through online providers should review the Online Course Equivalency Process.
Credit by Examination
Palm Beach State College follows the guidelines set by the Articulation Coordinating Committee in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024(7) for awarding credits to students who have participated in accelerated mechanism exam programs. Credit for all exams is awarded based on the recommendation of the State of Florida Articulation Coordinating Committee.
Students may not receive credit by examination for courses in areas where they have received college credit for equal courses or more advanced work.
Students may earn up to 45 units of course credit through one or more of the mechanisms listed below. A grade of S for satisfactory and no grade points will be assigned for credit hours awarded for credit by examination programs. Students must have official exam results sent directly to the College Registrar’s Office prior to enrollment.
A complete list of the credit-by-exam equivalencies can be found in the College’s Credit by Examination site. The score minimums, credit hours and course equivalencies awarded are subject to change for any examination without prior notice.
Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
Secondary school students who were enrolled in programs of study offered through the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) program administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate and have passing scores of A through E are eligible to receive college credit in the appropriate subject areas.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Secondary school students who were enrolled in a course offered through the AP program administered by the College Board and have received a score of 3, 4 or 5 on the national exams are eligible to receive college credit in the appropriate subject areas.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
College credits may be earned through the successful completion of general and subject level examinations. The typical passing score on computer-based CLEP exams for general education purposes is 50, although paper-and- pencil versions will be different.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Secondary school students who have been awarded the IB diploma or non-diploma with passing scores of 4 or higher may earn college credit in the appropriate subject areas.
Excelsior college examinations (ECE)
The College follows the guidelines in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024 for awarding ECE credits. The minimum grade, credit hours and course equivalencies awarded are subject to change without prior notice.
UExcel examinations (UExcel)
Exams offered in general college subjects developed jointly by Excelsior College and Pearson, a leader in learning products and services.
Military Service Credits
The College follows the guidelines in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024(12) for awarding credit for Defense Activity of Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES) exams. The College grants credit for the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Credit is not granted for USAFI high school or college level GED tests. However, students may use the USAFI high school certification or GED for admission to the College. The College is a Service Opportunity College (SOC) member and uses the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines in evaluating military learning experiences.
Prior Learning Assessment
The assessment for prior learning is designed to recognize the academic value of learning through work experience portfolios, challenge exams, specific high school or CCP to credit articulation, and health or industry licensure certification. Some credits will be held in escrow until the student has completed at least 25 percent of his/her program credit hours at the College.
Courses awarded through prior learning assessment must be offered as a requirement or an elective in an A.S. degree or vocational credit certificate program at the College. General education, A.A. and bachelor’s level courses are not awarded through the prior learning assessment process.
Students may not receive credit by examination for courses in areas where they have received college credit for equal courses or more advanced work.
The fees associated with prior learning vary with the type of assessment. For complete information on the process, visit
Career Pathway
Career Pathway is a program that recognizes work successfully completed in high school and awards that achievement with college credit. The College has an agreement with the School District of Palm Beach County for awarding college credit for certain high school level courses. To receive credit in some courses, the student is required to complete a portfolio or a challenge examination. For more detailed information, visit
Departmental and Special Course Challenge Examinations
Palm Beach State has identified certain courses within the curriculum as being eligible for earning credit through a challenge examination. If the student achieves a passing score on the examination, credit or hours will be awarded to the student's transcript. For a current list of challenge exams and procedures, visit
Note: Students can only take each challenge exam associated with a specific course once.
All students, without regard to the degree or certificate to be granted, must meet general requirements for graduation from the College and fulfill all outstanding obligations to the College. Final responsibility for meeting the requirements for graduation rests with the student. If the student is in doubt about course, program or College requirements, the student should contact an academic advisor for clarification and guidance. Students also are encouraged to periodically check their academic progress located on Workday to verify the status of their degree requirements.
Excess Hours Advisory
A state provision affects tuition charges for some students who plan to eventually transfer to a state university for their bachelor’s degree.
Section 1009.286 Florida Statutes, establishes an “excess hour” surcharge for a student seeking a baccalaureate degree at a state university. It is critical that students, including those entering Florida colleges, are aware of the potential for additional course fees. “Excess hours" are defined as hours that go beyond 120% of the units required for a baccalaureate degree program. For example, if the length of the program is 120 units, the student may be subject to an excess hour surcharge for any units attempted beyond 144 credits (120% x 120).
All students whose academic progress may include earning a baccalaureate degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for the intended major on their first attempt. Florida college students intending to transfer to a state university should identify a major or “transfer program” early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats, as well as enrollment in courses nonessential to the intended major, may contribute to a potential excess hours surcharge.
Learning Outcomes for Degrees and Certificates
Creating a Culture of Evidence
Palm Beach State College values its central role as a teaching and learning institution, and its mission statement emphasizes the importance of having a responsive curriculum through learning outcomes. Learning outcomes can be thought of as the knowledge, skills and abilities students attain as a result of their involvement in an educational activity.
The learning outcomes approach reflects a conceptual shift towards making learning more meaningful and effective for both students and faculty. It requires that students gain an understanding of the fact that education can enable them to enrich their lives by learning. This is in contrast to the viewpoint that education is a task primarily done to satisfy the demands of others, such as faculty or the institution.
By developing educational experiences based on what students should be able to do with their knowledge, the learning outcomes approach helps faculty, staff and students understand the purpose of any educational activity, program or course.
The College has defined learning outcomes for each degree and certificate it offers. To view these learning outcomes, visit
Catalog in Effect for Graduation Policy
Students who have maintained continuous enrollment have the option of graduating under the catalog in effect at the time they declare the program or any catalog in effect during the student’s continuous enrollment, as long as the catalog chosen is not more than five years old. Continuous enrollment may be maintained by enrollment in one credit or CCP course for a minimum of one academic period per academic year.
If students choose a new catalog, all requirements from the new catalog must be met for graduation. If continuous enrollment is maintained for a period of more than five years, the catalog five years previous will be chosen for them, unless students specify otherwise. If attendance is interrupted by 12 months, students must graduate under the catalog in effect when they are readmitted or any future catalog within five years of the date of graduation (as in above statement). The College does not guarantee that courses will always be available. Some courses or programs may be discontinued. The College reserves the right to change the curriculum as necessary.
Note: Students must graduate under the program requirements in effect the term they enter a Limited Access program.
Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree
- Ensure all required official and complete high school and postsecondary transcripts have been received by the College.
- Complete at least 25 percent of the degree program at Palm Beach State, also known as “courses in residence” (no relationship to in-state resident tuition). Transfer coursework, credits-by-exam, and credits for prior learning cannot be used to satisfy the course residency requirement.
- Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the effective catalog.
- Successfully complete all courses in the 120 unit program.
- Successfully complete the Capstone course requirement at Palm Beach State College.
- Complete all General Education courses AND upper division courses with a grade of C or higher.
- Earn a program of study grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
- Foreign Language Requirement:
- High School transcript showing two credits earned in the same foreign language.
- Present an evaluated transcript indicating a high school education has been earned from an institution where the primary language of instruction is something other than English.
- Present an evaluated transcript showing transferred credits earned at an institution of higher education where the primary language of instruction is something other than English.
- Submit proof of a score sufficient to earn foreign language level 2 units via CLEP, SAT II, AP, AICE, IB, or other appropriate exam accepted for credit or placement at Palm Beach State College.
- Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
In accordance with Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-10.02413, Civic Literacy Competency, first-time-in-college baccalaureate students entering a Florida College System institution between Fall 2018 and Summer 2021 academic terms must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by completing option (a) or option (b) prior to graduation.
a. Successfully passing either POS1041 or AMH2020
b. Achieving the standard score on one of the following assessments:
Standard Score
AP Government and Politics: United States
AP United States History
CLEP: American Government
Baccalaureate students initially entering a Florida College System institution in the Fall 2021 academic term and thereafter, must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by completing option (a) or option (b) prior to graduation.
a. Successfully passing either POS1041 or AMH2020 AND passing the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (passing score is 60%)
b. Achieving the standard score on one of the following assessments:
Standard Score
AP Government and Politics: United States
AP United States History
CLEP: American Government
- Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the College.
Graduation Requirements for the Associate in Arts (A.A.) Degree
- Ensure all required official and complete high school and postsecondary transcripts have been received by the College.
- Complete at least 25 percent of the degree program at Palm Beach State, also known as “courses in residence” (no relationship to in-state resident tuition). Transfer coursework, credits-by-exam, and credits for prior learning cannot be used to satisfy the course residency requirement.
- Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the effective catalog.
- Complete a minimum of 36 units of General Education courses and 24 units of elective courses with a grade of C or higher.
- Earn a program of study grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
- Foreign Language Requirement:
- High School transcript showing two credits earned in the same foreign language. Home school acceptable with detailed high school transcript.
- Present an evaluated transcript indicating a high school education has been earned from an institution where the primary language of instruction is something other than English.
- Present an evaluated transcript showing transferred credits earned at an institution of higher education where the primary language of instruction is something other than English.
- Submit proof of a score sufficient to earn foreign language level 2 credit via CLEP, SAT II, AP, AICE, IB, or other appropriate exam accepted for credit or placement at Palm Beach State College.
- Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
In accordance with Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-10.02413, Civic Literacy Competency, first-time-in-college Associate in Arts students entering a Florida College System institution between Fall 2018 and Summer 2021 academic terms must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by completing option (a) or option (b) prior to graduation.
a. Successfully passing either POS1041 or AMH2020
b. Achieving the standard score on one of the following assessments:
Standard Score
AP Government and Politics: United States
AP United States History
CLEP: American Government
Associate in Arts students initially entering a Florida College System institution in the Fall 2021 academic term and thereafter, must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by completing option (a) or option (b) prior to graduation.
a. Successfully passing either POS1041 or AMH2020 AND passing the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (passing score is 60%)
b. Achieving the standard score on one of the following assessments:
Standard Score
AP Government and Politics: United States
AP United States History
CLEP: American Government
- Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the College.
Graduation Requirements for the Associate in Science (A.S.) Degree
- Ensure all required official and complete high school and postsecondary transcripts have been received by the College.
- Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the effective catalog.
- Complete the number of program-specific General Education courses with a grade of C or higher.
- Complete at least 25 percent of the degree program at Palm Beach State, also known as “courses in residence” (no relationship to in-state resident tuition). Transfer coursework, credits-by-exam, and credits for prior learning cannot be used to satisfy the course residency requirement.
- Earn program of study grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
- Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science students initially entering a Florida College System institution in the Fall 2022 academic term and thereafter, must demonstrate competency in civic literacy by completing option (a) or option (b) prior to graduation.
a. Successfully passing either POS1041 or AMH2020 AND passing the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (passing score is 60%)
b. Achieving the standard score on one of the following assessments:
Standard Score
AP Government and Politics: United States
AP United States History
CLEP: American Government
- Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the College.
Graduation Requirements for the Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC), Applied Technology Diploma (ATD), or College Credit Certificate (CCC)
- Ensure all required official and complete high school and postsecondary transcripts have been received by the College.
- Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the effective catalog.
- Complete at least 25 percent of the degree program at Palm Beach State, also known as “courses in residence” (no relationship to in-state resident tuition). Transfer coursework, credits-by-exam, and credits for prior learning cannot be used to satisfy the course residency requirement.
- Earn a program of study grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher for all required certificate or diploma program courses.
- Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the College.
Graduation Requirements for the Career Certificate Program (CCP)
- Ensure all required official high school and postsecondary transcripts have been received by the College.
- Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the effective catalog.
- If CCP program requires the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE), the student must qualify for TABE exemption or take the test and achieve the appropriate minimum skill level scores. For required TABE scores, please refer to the Degrees and Certificates section of this catalog for the particular CCP program.
- Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the College.
Graduation Requirements for the Educator Preparation Institute (EPI) Certificate
- Ensure all required official and complete high school and postsecondary transcripts have been received by the College.
- Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the effective catalog.
- Complete at least 25 percent of the program at Palm Beach State, also known as “courses in residence” (no relationship to in-state resident tuition). Transfer coursework, credits-by-exam, and credits for prior learning cannot be used to satisfy the course residency requirement.
- Earn a program of study grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher for all required program courses.
- Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the College.
Graduation Requirements for the Certificate of Professional Preparation (CPP) Certificate
- Ensure all required official and complete high school and postsecondary transcripts have been received by the College.
- Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the effective catalog.
- Complete at least 25 percent of the program at Palm Beach State, also known as “courses in residence” (no relationship to in-state resident tuition). Transfer coursework, credits-by-exam, and credits for prior learning cannot be used to satisfy the course residency requirement.
- Earn a program of study grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher for all required program courses.
- Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the College.
Graduation with Multiple Degrees
No more than one A.A. degree may be granted. Students who have an A.A. degree or higher are eligible for any A.S. degree upon completion of those degree requirements. Students who have an A.S. or A.A.S. degree are eligible for an A.A. degree upon completion of those requirements. Students with an A.A.S. degree may receive an A.S. degree in the same area upon completion of the additional coursework.
Students seeking an additional bachelor’s degree should contact the Bachelor’s Degree Programs Office for more information.
Graduation Distinctions
The College gives special recognition to students in a degree program (bachelor's and associate) who demonstrate outstanding academic performance while working toward a degree. The program for the Commencement Ceremony is printed prior to the recording of final grades for the fall or spring term. As a result, the commencement program will be based on the program of study GPA achieved at the end of the term prior to the ceremony.
Students who graduate in a degree program with a GPA of 3.2 or higher will be noted in the Commencement program and transcript as graduating with the following distinctions:
3.2 - 3.49 |
Cum Laude (with Honors) |
3.5 - 3.79 |
Magna Cum Laude (with High Honors) |
3.8 - 4.0 |
Summa Cum Laude (with Highest Honors) |
Graduation Ceremony - Commencement
A commencement ceremony is held twice a year, in December (Fall) and May (Spring). During each academic period, the College will conduct a preliminary review of each currently enrolled student’s academic progress. Students who will be 100% program complete or a potential academic period graduate at the end of the academic period will be eligible for graduation. A graduation status notification will be sent to eligible students’ PBSC email account inviting them to participate in the Fall or Spring term commencement ceremony.
Students who wish to participate in the commencement exercise must submit a response to the invitation by the established RSVP deadline. For more detailed information, visit
Note: Summer graduates who are in enrolled in the spring academic period with six units or less remaining for the completion of their degree program may participate in the spring ceremony. Students wishing to participate should send an email request to the Graduation Office at
Degree Verifications
Palm Beach State College has authorized National Student Clearinghouse to provide verification of degrees and certificates for its students through its online Student Self-Service program. This service, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, will allow students the ability to print, save, or email official verification certificates free of charge. For more information, on this and other free services provided by the National Student Clearinghouse Self-Service program, visit Admissions-Enrollment Verification.
Security of Student Records
Definition - Student Records
Educational records, including records, files, documents or other materials which contain information directly related to the student, are maintained by the College. These include but are not limited to, applications, test scores, transcripts, photos and correspondence. All received transcripts and documents are the property of the College and may not be copied or transmitted to third parties, except in accordance with state law.
Inspection of Records
Eligible Persons
In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, also known as the Buckley Amendment), student records at the College (located in the Office of the Registrar) are open for inspection only by the student and, as per FERPA guidelines:
- School officials who have a legitimate educational interest as defined by college policy;
- State educational authorities;
- Federal and state officials representing state or federal programs;
- Persons having written authorization for release;
- Officials in compliance with judicial orders.
Upon request, the College discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
Viewing the Records
- Permanent records are never permitted out of the Office of the Registrar.
- Students may view their transcripts from other institutions but may only obtain an official copy of the record. It is recommended that the student request a copy from the institution from which the transcript originated.
- Students may make an appointment to view their records at the counter in the presence of Registrar’s Office personnel.
Requests for Copies of Records
- Palm Beach State College transcripts are released only upon written consent of the student.
- If a student cannot have access to the record, i.e., if he/she lives too far away (minimally outside of Palm Beach County) or extenuating circumstances exist, students may request copies of their records through written requests to the campus registrar. The request must specify the types of records to be copied. The registrar will comply with a request for a meeting and/or copies in a reasonable timeframe (no more than 30 business days), depending upon the complexity of the records requested and the time during the term in which the request is received.
- Students will pay a fee of 50 cents per page, up to 49 pages, then $1 per page thereafter for any approved copies of their records.
- Subpoenas of student records must be issued by a court of competent jurisdiction and specify the type of records being requested. A reasonable fee will be charged per subpoena. Those requesting records by subpoena must allow sufficient time (at least 10 business days) for the affected student to be notified prior to the issuance of records.
Retention of Records
Student records will be maintained for a maximum of five years from the student’s attendance. Certain documents, such as grades, will be maintained longer in accordance with state archiving and records retention laws and the College Registrar Records and Retention Schedule.
Student Directory Information
The College abides by federal and state regulations regarding the privacy of student records and complies with the laws regarding access procedures.
The Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires each institution to determine "directory information" that may be released without the student's consent, unless the student has specifically requested that some or all of the information not be released. Palm Beach State has classified the following as directory information:
- Student name
- Personal email address (non-institutional)
- Dates of attendance (session dates only)
- Major field of study
- Weight and height of members of athletic teams
- Degrees and awards received
- Educational institution attended
If a student does not wish to have the directory information released, the student must complete and submit a non-disclosure. The non-disclosure form is located on PantherWeb. (Log into PantherWeb at the top of your screen.)
Student Records Amendment Appeal Process
If a student believes there is inaccurate, misleading information in the permanent record which is otherwise in violation of the student's privacy rights, the student should contact the Registrar’s Office to arrange a hearing. A hearing will be conducted according to FERPA.
- The hearing will be within a reasonable period of time after the request is received.
- The student shall be given notice of date, place and time reasonably in advance.
- A written decision shall be made by the registrar within a reasonable period of time after the hearing. The written decision and summary shall be based on evidence presented and reasons for the decision.