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Student Complaint Procedure

Guiding principles for Complaint Resolution

  • resolve matters at the earliest possible opportunity
  • resolve matters at the lowest possible level
  • investigate the matter fairly and thoroughly
  • ensure the process is unbiased

Informal Complaint Process

Students are encouraged to reach out to the appropriate first point of contact identified in the interactive list below. The College also has an Ombudsman available to serve as a student advocate to guide students in resolving conflicts and in processing appeals through established procedures.

For concerns not specified below students will be directed to contact the Dean of Student Services Office on their campus for guidance.

Student Complaints - First Point of Contact

Issue First Point of Contact
Academic/Instruction Faculty/Instructor; or Supervising Associate Dean
Admissions Director of Admissions
Academic Advising Student Development Manager/Assistant Dean of Students
Academic Advising BAS Programs Academic & Student Services Manager for BAS Programs
Academic Freedom Faculty/Instructor; Supervising Associate Dean
ADA/504 Concerns Campus Center for Student Accessibility Manager
Athletics John Scarpino
Bookstore Campus Bookstore Manager
Cashier Cashier’s Office Supervisor
Class Availability Supervising Associate Dean
Discrimination/Harassment Among Students that is not Sexual Harassment Campus Dean/Assistant Dean of Students:
Belle Glade Campus
Boca Raton Campus
Lake Worth Campus
Loxahatchee Groves Campus
Palm Beach Gardens Campus
Sexual Harassment of a Student by a Student Title IX Coordinator
Discrimination/Harassment of Student by Employee Human Resources Director and Equity Officer
Discrimination/Harassment of a Student by Faculty/Instructor other than Sexual Harassment Supervising Associate Dean
Sexual Harassment of a Student by Faculty or Instructor Human Resources Director and Equity Officer
Title IX Coordinator
eLearning eLearning Support
Financial Aid Campus Financial Aid Manager
Graduation Graduation Office
International Admissions International Admissions Director
Library Library Director:
Belle Glade
Lake Worth
Palm Beach Gardens
New Student Orientation Student Development Manager/Assistant Dean
Parking Ticket Parking Ticket Appeal
Registration/Student Records
Florida Residency
Limited Access Admissions
Name Not on Class Roster
Refund Requests
Other Registration/Records Concerns
Campus Registration Office:
Belle Glade/Loxahatchee Groves
Boca Raton
Lake Worth
Palm Beach Gardens
Religious Observances Supervising Associate Dean
Security Security Sergeant
Student Activities Student Activities Office Manager
Student Learning Center Campus SLC Manager
Testing Test Center Manager
Veterans Veterans Certifying Official

Formal Complaint Process - Written Student Complaints

Concerns not included under this Complaint Procedure

Please use the links provided below for more information about these processes: