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Educator Preparation Institute with Reading Endorsement EPI

Addendum 2022 (action based on curriculum minutes dated February 24, 2022)

Educator Preparation Institute with Reading Endorsement (F226)

Program Website

Program Description

The Educator Preparation Institute Program with Reading Endorsement Is designed for career-changing individuals who hold a non-education bachelor's degree and would like to become teachers. This program is a state-approved Alternative Certification Program that consists of eight fully online courses and two field/practicum experience courses and can be completed in one year. The required courses provide students with a baseline of knowledge in educational theory, effective teaching strategies, classroom management, and instructional technology. Educators in this program learn strategies that aid them to become professionally qualified for highly effective reading instruction. Students who successfully complete this program will be awarded a Professional Educators Certificate (a five-year teaching license) with a Reading Endorsement issued by the Florida Department of Education. 

Program Learning Outcomes

For detailed information, visit

Admission Requirements

Candidates for the program must have:

  • a non-education bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university with a minimum 2.5 grade point average
  • a valid SOE (Statement of Status of Eligibility) from the FLDOE
  • passing scores on the GKT (General Knowledge Test) Reading, English, Essay, and Math sub-tests

Candidates must complete College and program applications and be interviewed by the program director. 

Completion Requirements

  • Pass all ten courses with a C or higher (26 credits)
  • Pass all Florida teacher Certification Exams: General Knowledge Test, Subject Area Exam, and Professional Education Test
  • Completion of EPI Portfolio (FEAPs competencies
  • Sixty hours of Field Observations in a K-12 setting with an approved clinical educator in your area of specialization
  • Teaching Demonstration(s) - pass with a 2.0 or higher

Program Length

26 Credits: 53 weeks


The program coursework is offered online.

For More Information

Contact the Educator Preparation Institute at (561) 868-3823.

Employment Opportunities

Career as a certified teacher within public or private schools.

Career Path Notes

Licensed teacher with the Florida Department of Education.

Career Center

For more information about employment opportunities including job outlook and salary information visit: Occupational Outlook Handbook:

O-Net Online:

Required courses:

Required Courses (Credits: 26)

EPI0001Classroom Management (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0002Instructional Strategies (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0003Educational Technology (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0004The Teaching and Learning Process (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0010Foundations of Research-based Practices In Reading (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0011Foundations of Assessment and Differentiated Instruction in Reading (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0020Professional Foundations (IC)

2 Credits

EPI0030Diversity In the Classroom (IC)

2 Credits

EPI0950Teaching Methods Practicum (IC)

2 Credits

EPI0014Reading Practicum: Demonstration of Accomplishment (IC)

2 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 26

Course Sequence

Term One - Fall (Year One) (Credits: 6)

EPI0004The Teaching and Learning Process (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0002Instructional Strategies (IC)

3 Credits

Term Two - Spring (Year One) (Credits: 5)

EPI0010Foundations of Research-based Practices In Reading (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0950Teaching Methods Practicum (IC)

2 Credits

Term Three - Summer (Year One) (Credits: 10)

EPI0001Classroom Management (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0030Diversity In the Classroom (IC)

2 Credits

EPI0003Educational Technology (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0020Professional Foundations (IC)

2 Credits

Term Four - Fall (Year Two) (Credits: 5)

EPI0011Foundations of Assessment and Differentiated Instruction in Reading (IC)

3 Credits

EPI0014Reading Practicum: Demonstration of Accomplishment (IC)

2 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 26