Associate in Arts (AA) (Transfer Degree)
Program Description
Palm Beach State College's Associate in Arts (A.A.) transfer degree is designed for the student who plans to transfer to a Florida public university or state college as a junior to complete a bachelor's degree. Students spend the first two years at Palm Beach State, where they prepare for hundreds of possible transfer majors, then their last two years at a university or state college.
During their two years at Palm Beach State, students take the same courses that they would take as a freshman or sophomore at a university. That means a student plans his/her program of study around a planned major or career and the state university or state college he/she wants to attend. A student graduates with an A.A. degree from Palm Beach State, transfers to a university or state college, and earns a bachelor's degree in one of hundreds of different major areas available at the state universities/colleges.
The A.A. degree requirements include:
- 36 credit hours of General Education courses and
- 24 credit hours of university transfer program courses.
It is important that a student select appropriate courses in both the General Education and university/college transfer program areas. A Palm Beach State advisor can assist with course selection, or students can use the on-line system, as detailed in this catalog section.
The Associate in Arts degree contains 36 hours of General Education. Each A.A student must complete these courses with a “C” or higher to meet graduation requirements. The student must carefully choose the courses that will satisfy General Education requirements. By checking the system, students can determine which courses the university to which they would like to transfer accepts as satisfying program requirements. For example, MGF 1106 Liberal Arts Mathematics will satisfy the Associate in Arts degree requirements in mathematics but will not satisfy entrance requirements for a student who wishes to transfer to an upper division business administration program. It is imperative to check the Web site to find the correct courses, or see a Palm Beach State advisor.
Career Path Notes
Associate in Arts degree transfer programs - State universities/colleges in Florida offer more than 200 different majors that Palm Beach State students can pursue. Before planning a major, students are advised to:
- speak with a Palm Beach State advisor and
- consult the Catalog or the specific department at the university/college to which they plan to transfer to confirm which courses they should take at Palm Beach State.
All Florida college Associate in Arts graduates are guaranteed certain rights under the statewide Articulation Agreement listed in Florida Administrative Code 6A-10.024. The Articulation Agreement governs the transfer of students from Florida public colleges to the state university system. Guarantee of university/college admission does not guarantee admission to a limited access program. In a limited access program, the admissions requirements are more selective and may include a higher grade point average (GPA), higher test scores, auditions and/or portfolios. Selection for admissions to university/college limited access programs is competitive. However, college A.A. graduates have the same opportunity to enroll in these programs as students who began at the university.
Admission Requirements
Students must:
Have a standard high school diploma or GED;
Complete an Application for Admission located at Applications
Completion Requirements
Students must successfully complete all courses listed in the catalog for this program. Responsibility for understanding and meeting the requirements for graduation rests with the student. Refer to the Graduation Requirements information provided in the Academic Policies section of this catalog.
Transfer Guidelines
Foreign Language Requirement
For undergraduate admission to a state university, students must have earned two credits of sequential foreign language at the high school level. If a student did not complete this requirement while in high school, the requirement can be met through successful completion of eight credit hours in one foreign language, or demonstration of proficiency by passing a College Level Examination Program (CLEP) foreign language test. Satisfaction of this university admission requirement may not satisfy a specific university graduation requirement of foreign language for certain majors. Students are encouraged to determine the graduation requirements for the university they plan to attend.
Choosing the Proper Courses to Satisfy University/College Admission Requirements
All state universities/colleges have provided lists of courses that meet admission requirements for each of its majors. These lists, also known as “common prerequisites,” detail the Required Courses needed in both General Education and university transfer program courses. In order to have each course at Palm Beach State count towards A.A. graduation and facilitate transfer to the desired major at the university/college, students should target their desired transfer university/college and major early in their coursework at Palm Beach State. Once a student has identified the university/college and program, finding the correct courses to take at the College can be accomplished by:
Meeting on a regular basis with a Palm Beach State advisor who can track your progress and make sure you are taking the correct courses for your desired university and major;
Using the Web site developed by the State of Florida to facilitate student transfer called (a service of Florida Virtual Campus), which is detailed at the end of this section.
Other Transfer Opportunities for the Associate in Arts Degree
Palm Beach State College has transfer agreements with several private colleges and universities from around the nation. Included are all the members of Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF). For transfer agreement information, visit Transfer
Program Length
Students may complete the program in two years if they attend full-time.
The program is offered at all Palm Beach State College campuses.
Required courses
Required Courses (Credit Hours: 36)
ENC1101 | College Composition 1 (AA) | 3 Credits |
ENC1102 | College Composition 2 (AA) | 3 Credits |
| Or | |
ENC1141 | Writing About Literature (AA) | 3 Credits |
HSC1101 | Contemporary Issues In Health (AA) | 3 Credits |
| Or | |
HSC2100 | Health Concepts and Strategies (AA) | 3 Credits |
| Or | |
| Any 3-5 credit hour course from Areas-I-V | |
SPC1017 | Fundamentals of Speech Communication (AA) | 3 Credits |
Select two courses from AREA II (Humanities) (Credits: 6)
Select two courses from AREA III (Mathematics) (Credits: 6)
Select two courses from AREA IV (Science) (Credits: 6)
Select two courses from AREA V (Social Science) (Credits: 6)
Common Prerequisite Courses (Credit: 24)
Total Credit Hours: 60
Selecting common prerequisite courses - overview of “FloridaShines” (a services of Florida Virtual Campus)
The FloridaShines online system provides comprehensive access to information for Florida high school and college students. The system, found at provides the student with access to information on programs and courses at Florida's 28 community colleges and 11 universities. Students can access transcripts and grades, and they can “degree-shop” to see how effectively their credits can transfer to other colleges and universities. To fully appreciate the scope and depth of the information provided, you are encouraged to explore this site. Some of the main topics are listed on the Careers tab.
Career Planning provides career planning tools such as Florida Choices Planner and “FRED” (Florida Research and Economic Database), which provides detailed information on employers, income and wages, geographic area profiles and economic indicators.
High School Planning
This section of helps high school students to fulfill graduation requirements, helps students choose a college and provides scholarship information.
College/Vocational-Technical Planning
This section of provides comprehensive search capability for finding degree and certificate programs at technical centers, colleges and universities. It also includes links to college catalogs, student services, orientation and information for students with disabilities.
Financial Aid Information
This section of provides information on financial aid availability and the ability to apply online for some types of state and federal financial aid.
Using the FloridaShines online common admissions application, students can apply to Palm Beach State or to multiple participating Florida colleges at one time. The student will only need to enter his/her personal information once but should keep in mind that most colleges charge application fees. It is important to visit individual Web sites for additional information on specific colleges or universities.
Transfer Services
This section of lists transfer requirements for graduating A.A. degree students, a transfer student bill of rights, and what to do if you have difficulty in transferring any courses. In addition, the site contains a transient student form.
College Advising Tools
Currently enrolled, transferring, or returning students may be able to access their personal information and utilize the following tools: • Sample Degree Audit, to review requirements of a particular degree program at selected institutions. • Institutional Degree Audit, to compare the student's academic record at his/her home institution to the major currently on record. • Degree Program Shopping, to compare the student's academic record to the particular degree programs at his/her home institution. • Remote Degree Program Shopping, to compare the student's academic record to particular degree programs at another institution. • Planning, to compare the student's academic record along with courses he/she may want to take to particular degree programs at selected institutions.
College Transcripts & Grades
Currently enrolled, transferring or returning students may be able to access their unofficial Palm Beach State transcript through This transcript is unofficial because it does not contain the official registrar's seal and may not contain test information, enrollment history, major(s), classification, and degrees awarded. However, an unofficial transcript is an accurate list of courses and grades as recorded by the institution.
Fees & Payments
This link in the system provides access to pay fees online to Palm Beach State.
Records & Registration
This link in the system provides access to records and registration through the Palm Beach State PantherWeb system.
Distance Learning
This section of the system provides information on distance learning opportunities through the Florida Virtual School and the Florida Distance Learning Consortium.
Library Services
This area of the system provides links to electronic library systems such as SUNLINK, the K-12 library system; LINCCWEB, the state college library system; and FCLA, the university library system, along with library links from all Florida institutions.
Advising Manuals
The Florida Department of Education publishes several official advising documents and manuals on for access by counselors, students and parents. These include the Statewide Articulation Manual, the common prerequisite manual and the Independent Colleges and Universities (ICUF) Articulation Manual.
How to use
Most of the FloridaShines system does not require a log-in or password; however, applying to a college or university online requires a FloridaShines sign-on. A FloridaShines sign-on is a self-assigned, unique, log-in/password combination that is associated with all student-based personal information entered on the FloridaShines Web site. This sign-on is used to send an online application to Palm Beach State or another Florida college or university. To access their transcripts or run a degree audit, students must use the student ID number and PIN code that they use to register online at the College. The FloridaShines system has online help and a glossary of terms to help users navigate through the system. Palm Beach State student services personnel also can help students learn to navigate the FloridaShines system.