General Education Requirements for Degrees
General Education is a grouping of courses selected from five different areas to ensure that students receive a well-balanced and rich education. Each degree offered by Palm Beach State College requires General Education courses. The B.A.S., B.S., B.S.N. and the A.A. degrees require 36 hours of General Education courses. Associate in Science (A.S.) degrees typically require 15 to 18 hours of General Education courses, but some A.S. degrees may have more General Education courses to meet program learning outcome requirements. The student should locate the desired degree program in the catalog or on the College’s website at The appropriate General Education courses are listed within the course listing for the program.
In compliance with Rule 6A-14.0303, General Education Core Course Options, students must complete at least one course from each of the General Education subject areas listed in the section below prior to the award of an Associate in Arts degree.
Beginning in the 2022-2023 academic year and thereafter, students entering a technical degree education program as defined in s.1004.02(13) must complete at least one identified core course in each of the five subject areas as part of the General Education course requirements before an Associate in Science (A.S) or Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree is awarded.
General Education Core Course Options
1. ENC X101 English Composition I; or
Any student who successfully completes a course with an ENC prefix for which ENC X101 is an immediate prerequisite shall be considered to have completed the communication core. Students who satisfy the core from a higher level course will select from additional courses to meet the required nine communications credits. Consult with an Academic Advisor to discuss requirements for your major.
1. ARH X000 Art Appreciation;
2. HUM X020 Introduction to Humanities;
3. LIT X000 Introduction to Literature;
4. MUL X010 Music Literature/Music Appreciation;
5. PHI X010 Introduction to Philosophy; or
6. THE X000 Theatre Appreciation.
1. MAC X105 College Algebra;
2. MAC X311 Calculus I;
3. MGF X106 Liberal Arts Mathematics I;
4. MGF X107 Liberal Arts Mathematics II;
5. STA X023 Statistical Methods; or
Any student who successfully completes a mathematics course for which one (1) of the general education core course options in mathematics is an immediate prerequisite shall be considered to have completed the mathematics core. Students who satisfy the core from a higher level course will select from additional courses to meet the required six mathematics credits. Consult with an Academic Advisor to discuss requirements for your major.
Natural Sciences:
1. AST X002 Descriptive Astronomy;
2. BSC X005 General Biology;
3. BSC X010 General Biology I;
4. BSC X085 Anatomy and Physiology I;
5. CHM X020 Chemistry for Liberal Studies;
6. CHM X045 General Chemistry I;
7. ESC X000 Introduction to Earth Science;
8. EVR X001 Introduction to Environmental Science;
9. PHY X020 Fundamentals of Physics;
10. PHY X048 General Physics with Calculus;
11. PHY X053 General Physics I; or
Any student who successfully completes a natural science course for which one (1) of the general education core course options in natural science is an immediate prerequisite shall be considered to have completed the natural science core. Students who satisfy the core from a higher level course will select from additional courses to meet the required nine natural sciences credits. Consult with an Academic Advisor to discuss requirements for your major.
Social Sciences:
1. AMH X020 Introductory Survey Since 1877;
2. ANT X000 Introduction to Anthropology;
3. ECO X013 Principles of Macroeconomics;
4. POS X041 American Government;
5. PSY X012 Introduction to Psychology; or
6. SYG X000 Principles of Sociology.