Alternative Ways to Earn College Credit
Palm Beach State may award credit for certain types of prior learning (outside the traditional classroom) experiences or credits earned through accelerated mechanism exam programs, e.g., Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), Advanced Placement (AP), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST), Excelsior College Examinations and International Baccalaureate (IB) and UExcel examination (UExcel). Students wishing to have work evaluated for courses completed through online providers should review the Online Course Equivalency Process.
Credit by Examination
Palm Beach State College follows the guidelines set by the Articulation Coordinating Committee in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024(7) for awarding credits to students who have participated in accelerated mechanism exam programs. Credit for all exams is awarded based on the recommendation of the State of Florida Articulation Coordinating Committee.
Students may not receive credit by examination for courses in areas where they have received college credit for equal courses or more advanced work.
Students may earn up to 45 units of course credit through one or more of the mechanisms listed below. A grade of S for satisfactory and no grade points will be assigned for credit hours awarded for credit by examination programs. Students must have official exam results sent directly to the College Registrar’s Office prior to enrollment.
A complete list of the credit-by-exam equivalencies can be found in the College’s Credit by Examination site. The score minimums, credit hours and course equivalencies awarded are subject to change for any examination without prior notice.
Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
Secondary school students who were enrolled in programs of study offered through the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) program administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate and have passing scores of A through E are eligible to receive college credit in the appropriate subject areas.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Secondary school students who were enrolled in a course offered through the AP program administered by the College Board and have received a score of 3, 4 or 5 on the national exams are eligible to receive college credit in the appropriate subject areas.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
College credits may be earned through the successful completion of general and subject level examinations. The typical passing score on computer-based CLEP exams for general education purposes is 50, although paper-and- pencil versions will be different.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Secondary school students who have been awarded the IB diploma or non-diploma with passing scores of 4 or higher may earn college credit in the appropriate subject areas.
Excelsior college examinations (ECE)
The College follows the guidelines in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024 for awarding ECE credits. The minimum grade, credit hours and course equivalencies awarded are subject to change without prior notice.
UExcel examinations (UExcel)
Exams offered in general college subjects developed jointly by Excelsior College and Pearson, a leader in learning products and services.
Military Service Credits
The College follows the guidelines in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024(12) for awarding credit for Defense Activity of Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES) exams. The College grants credit for the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Credit is not granted for USAFI high school or college level GED tests. However, students may use the USAFI high school certification or GED for admission to the College. The College is a Service Opportunity College (SOC) member and uses the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines in evaluating military learning experiences.
Prior Learning Assessment
The assessment for prior learning is designed to recognize the academic value of learning through work experience portfolios, challenge exams, specific high school or CCP to credit articulation, and health or industry licensure certification. Some credits will be held in escrow until the student has completed at least 25 percent of his/her program credit hours at the College.
Courses awarded through prior learning assessment must be offered as a requirement or an elective in an A.S. degree or vocational credit certificate program at the College. General education, A.A. and bachelor’s level courses are not awarded through the prior learning assessment process.
Students may not receive credit by examination for courses in areas where they have received college credit for equal courses or more advanced work.
The fees associated with prior learning vary with the type of assessment. For complete information on the process, visit
Career Pathway
Career Pathway is a program that recognizes work successfully completed in high school and awards that achievement with college credit. The College has an agreement with the School District of Palm Beach County for awarding college credit for certain high school level courses. To receive credit in some courses, the student is required to complete a portfolio or a challenge examination. For more detailed information, visit
Departmental and Special Course Challenge Examinations
Palm Beach State has identified certain courses within the curriculum as being eligible for earning credit through a challenge examination. If the student achieves a passing score on the examination, credit or hours will be awarded to the student's transcript. For a current list of challenge exams and procedures, visit
Note: Students can only take each challenge exam associated with a specific course once.