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Medical Assisting Specialist CCC


Medical Assisting Specialist CCC Overview (6313)

Addendum 2024 (action based on curriculum minutes dated April 25, 2024)

Type of Award

CCC - College Credit Certificate

Program Website

Program Description

Medical assistants are multiskilled health professionals specifically educated to work in ambulatory settings, performing administrative and clinical duties. The practice of medical assisting directly influences the public's health and well-being. It requires mastery of a complex body of knowledge and specialized skills, gained through both formal education and practical experience, that serve as standards for entry into the profession.

This College Credit Certificate prepares students for employment as vital members of a physician's health care team. This program is taught in a medical office-like setting, allowing students to learn the necessary skills to work in both the administrative and clinical areas of a physician's practice, as well as outpatient clinics, ambulatory surgery centers, medical and diagnostic laboratories, kidney dialysis centers and offices of other health care practitioners.

Coursework for the Medical Assisting Specialist program covers anatomy, physiology, medical terminology. pathophysiology, basic accounting, insurance processing and electronic health records. Students learn laboratory techniques, clinical and diagnostic procedures, pharmaceutical principles, medication administration and first aid. Coursework also includes practice with such skills as insurance coding and billing, posting charges, basic bookkeeping, front office reception, patient assessment, assisting with examinations, giving injections, phlebotomy, taking vital signs, doing electrocardiography and much more.

General Admission Requirements to the College

  • Complete an Application for Admission, located at
  • Submit an official high school or GED transcript and official college/university transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended. Refer to the Admission Procedures section of the college catalog for more information regarding transcripts.
  • Submit placement test scores if not exempt from placement testing. To determine if you are exempt, go to
  • Complete all other requirements for admission outlined in the Admission Procedures section of the college catalog.

Admission Requirements for Medical Assisting Specialist

Completion Requirements

Students must successfully complete all courses listed in the catalog for this program with a grade of C or higher.

For more details about graduation requirements please refer to the Graduation section of this catalog.

Program Length

15 months


This program is offered at the Loxahatchee Groves campus.

For More Information

Penny Knight, Program Director,, (561) 868-3165 

Employment Opportunities

Medical Assisting Specialist CCC will provide students with the skills and knowledge to perform both administrative and clinical duties in ambulatory care settings. Students can work in physician practices, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, urgent care centers, rural health clinics, federally qualified health centers, and more.

Career Path Notes

Upon program completion, students may take a national certification in medical assisting such as the Certified Medical Assistant, CMA (AAMA); the Registered Medical Assistant, RMA (AMT); or the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, CCMA (NHA). They can also take the certification exam for Phlebotomy Technician, CPT (NHA).

Students may apply their earned credits to the Medical Assisting Advanced Associate in Science degree.

Career Center

For more information about employment opportunities including job outlook and salary information visit: Occupational Outlook Handbook:

O-Net Online:

Required courses:

Required Courses (Credit: 44)

BSC2085Anatomy and Physiology 1 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2085LAnatomy and Physiology 1 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

BSC2086Anatomy and Physiology 2 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2086LAnatomy and Physiology 2 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

HSC2531Medical Terminology (AA)

3 Credits

CGS1100Microcomputer Applications (AA)

3 Credits

MEA1007Introduction to Medical Assisting (AS)

3 Credits

MEA1304Introduction to Medical Office Procedures (AS)

3 Credits

MEA1021CDiseases, Disorders and Treatments 1 (AS)

3 Credits

MEA1250CDiseases, Disorders and Treatments 2 (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2246CPharmacology for Medical Assistants (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2248CBasic Lab and Phlebotomy (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2252CDiagnostic Procedures (AS)

3 Credits

MEA1355Physician Reimbursement and Revenue (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2305Advanced Medical Office Procedures (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2803CExternship for Medical Assisting (AS)

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 44

Course Sequence

Term One - Fall (Year One) (Credits: 13)

BSC2085Anatomy and Physiology 1 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2085LAnatomy and Physiology 1 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

HSC2531Medical Terminology (AA)

3 Credits

MEA1007Introduction to Medical Assisting (AS)

3 Credits

MEA1304Introduction to Medical Office Procedures (AS)

3 Credits

Term Two - Spring (Year One) (Credits: 13)

BSC2086Anatomy and Physiology 2 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2086LAnatomy and Physiology 2 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

MEA1021CDiseases, Disorders and Treatments 1 (AS)

3 Credits

MEA1355Physician Reimbursement and Revenue (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2248CBasic Lab and Phlebotomy (AS)

3 Credits

Term Three - Fall (Year Two) (Credits: 12)

MEA1250CDiseases, Disorders and Treatments 2 (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2246CPharmacology for Medical Assistants (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2252CDiagnostic Procedures (AS)

3 Credits

MEA2305Advanced Medical Office Procedures (AS)

3 Credits

Term Four - Spring (Year Two) (Credits: 6)

CGS1100Microcomputer Applications (AA)

3 Credits

MEA2803CExternship for Medical Assisting (AS)

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 44