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MUT1241L Ear Training and Sight Singing 1 (AA)

Prerequisite: Students will be required to take and pass a music theory skill assessment test before being allowed to continue with this course. The test will be administered on or before the first day of classes. Students who do not pass the exam will be dropped from this course during the add/drop period of registration and encouraged to enroll in MUT1001 Fundamentals of Music. Corequisites: MUT1111 or equivalent and either MVK1111 A, MVK1311 R, or equivalent

This course provides the student knowledge to sing and play notated music (both pitch and rhythm) as well as to notate music that the student hears (aural dictation). Melodies using the major and minor scales and intervals from the tonic and dominant triad will be studied. This is a university parallel course for students who plan to major in music.


1 Credit