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Returned Check Fees

According to Florida Chapter § 832, (giving worthless checks, drafts, and debit card orders, etc.), the College may charge the following fees:

  • Worthless checks up to $150.00 constitute a first-degree misdemeanor.
  • Worthless checks over $150.00 constitute a third-degree felony.

The College reserves the right to take necessary actions against those check writers including processing through the appropriate State Attorney’s Bad Check Restitution Program, and by assessing fees allowable by law as follows:

  • Checks under $50.00 will be charged $25.00.
  • Checks from $50.00–$299.99 will be charged $30.00.
  • Checks from $300.00–$800.00 will be charged $40.00.
  • Checks over $800.00 will be charged 5 percent of the check amount.

Students who have presented two returned checks will no longer be allowed to pay by personal check. All fees are subject to change.