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Cross-Cultural Equity Institute

As part of its commitment to fostering student-centered learning experiences, Palm Beach State College established the Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Cross-Cultural Equity Institute in 2019. The Equity Institute is named after Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler, a local philanthropist and former longtime educator and elected official. The Cross-Cultural Equity Institute supports the College mission to provide "accessible, student-centered teaching and learning experiences" by providing support and resources to underserved, under resourced, and under-represented students to ensure their success. Students who participate in the Institute's offerings learn personal management skills and develop their ability to advocate for themselves and utilize available resources to continue their personal and professional growth. In addition, the college-wide forums support the College mission to "transform lives and strengthen our community" by providing opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to learn how to constructively combat racism and develop plans to introduce systemic change at the College and in the community.