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Bachelor of Applied Science Requirements

Palm Beach State College offers several different bachelor's degree programs. The degrees are a combination of lower division courses (1000-2000 level) and upper division courses (3000-4000 level).

The lower division course requirements for B.A.S. degrees include:

  • 36 credits of transferable general education courses
  • 18 transferable credits of concentration area preparation courses
  • 24 credits of transferable electives

The Associate degree preparation courses for the B.A.S. concentration areas may come from the student's A.S. or A.A. degree program. These hours must be deemed transferable credit (see "Bachelor Degree Seeking Students" under Admissions & Financial Aid section of the Catalog to determine the transferability of credit into the bachelor's degree programs). Please see a bachelor‘s degree advisor for specific information on how lower division courses meet these requirements and what additional coursework may need to be taken to meet program admission and graduation requirements.

Special Notes

Bachelor's Degree Student Orientation: This orientation must be completed before student is accepted in the program.

General Education

The bachelor‘s degree requires completion of 36 credits of transferable general education credits, satisfying Palm Beach State College's general education requirements (or indication on the transcript that the student has completed general education requirements at another Florida college or university). Each bachelor‘s degree has requirements as to the types of acceptable degrees and coursework that may apply to each degree. Please see a bachelor‘s degree advisor for more information.

The B.A.S. degree in Supervision & Management and the B.A.S. in Information Management upper division course requirements include 21-24 credits of program core courses that all concentration areas of the respective degrees share, and 18-21 semester hours of concentration area courses including a "capstone" course experience where students apply their learning in relation to their concentration area. The lower and upper division courses total the 120 credits needed for bachelor's degree completion.

Graduation requirements

Students must:

Successfully complete all courses in the program. All general education courses and upper division courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher.

Achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in all course work attempted at the College and at other institutions.

Demonstrate foreign language competency. The Florida Department of Education has identified competency as successful completion of two credits of high school foreign language instruction, eight to ten credits in one foreign language at the college level or passing scores on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Native speakers of another language who can demonstrate proficiency may petition for a waiver. Students should contact the Bachelor's Degree Programs Office for more information.

Satisfy all financial obligations to the College.

Details of lower division requirements for Bachelor of Applied Science Information Management and Supervision and Management

General education requirements credits

ENC1101College Composition 1 (AA)

3 Credits

ENC1102College Composition 2 (AA)

3 Credits

HSC1101Contemporary Issues In Health (AA)

3 Credits


HSC2100Health Concepts and Strategies (AA)

3 Credits


Any 3-5 credit hour course from Areas I-V

3 credits

SPC1017Fundamentals of Speech Communication (AA)

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 36


Note: ACG2022 is a required lower division elective prerequisite for BAS Supervision and Management and BAS Information Management prospective students.


Total Credit Hours: 78

*The concentration area preparation courses and the electives may come from the student’s A.S. or A.A. degree program, provided the hours are deemed transferable credit (see the Admissions Section of this catalog for determining the transferability of credit into the bachelor’s degree program). Please see a bachelor‘s degree advisor for specific information on how your lower division courses meet these requirements and what additional coursework you may need to take to meet program admission and graduation requirements. Each concentration area within the degree has specific courses that must be taken at the lower level to prepare a student for upper division study.