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Bachelor of Science in Cardiopulmonary Sciences (BS)

Cardiopulmonary Sciences Overview (S902)

Type of Award

BS - Bachelor of Science

Program Website

Program Description

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Cardiopulmonary Sciences provides career advancement for entry-level Registered Respiratory Therapists (RRT). The program enables students to develop management and leadership skills, gain a broader-based knowledge of advanced respiratory care theory, and acquire skills in research and education.

Program Learning Outcomes

For detailed information, visit

Admission Requirements

The B.S. in Cardiopulmonary Sciences is a restricted access program. Eligible students must have:

Associate in Science (A.S.) degree in Respiratory Care consisting of 76 credit hours, including 30 credit hours of general education.

Possess, or be eligible for, licensure from the state in which the applicant is practicing.

Applicants must hold the following credential: Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) from the National Board for Respiratory Care.

Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.

Students who have earned their A.A. degree or baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution may be considered to have met the General Education core and elective coursework (60 credit hours) of the degree. Students are permitted to complete any remaining Lower Division, Cardiopulmonary Sciences program specific coursework while completing Upper Division, Cardiopulmonary Sciences core coursework.

Completion Requirements

In addition to the 76 credit hours required for the A.S. degree in Respiratory Care, students must also complete the additional common course prerequisites, which may add an additional 7 credit hours. The sum of these two credit groups will total 84 credit hours. Students will complete 36 credit hours in upper division coursework for a total B.S. degree requirement of 120 credits hours.

In accordance with the Common Prerequisite Manual, the following courses (or an approved alternative) are required:

BSC2085 Anatomy and Physiology 1 and BSC2085L Anatomy and Physiology 1 Lab

BSC2086 Anatomy and Physiology 2 and BSC2086L Anatomy and Physiology 2 Lab

CHM1032 Principles of Chemistry and CHM1032L Principles of Chemistry Lab


BSC1005 Concepts in Biology and BSC1005L Concepts in Biology Lab


BSC1010 Principles of Biology 1 and BSC1010L Principles of Biology 1 Lab

MCB2010 Microbiology and MCB2010L Microbiology Lab

STA2023 Statistics must be completed prior to or in the first semester of the B.S. program.

RET3050 Evidence-Based Medicine in Respiratory Care must be completed in the first semester of the B.S. program.

RET4933 Selected Topics in Cardiopulmonary Science (Capstone) must be completed in the last semester of the B.S. program.

Program Length

12-24 months


This program is offered 100% online

For More Information

Dr. Nancy Latimer,, (561) 207-5068

Employment Opportunities

The Cardiopulmonary Sciences B.S. degree prepares the student to meet the Respiratory Care profession's new education baseline for success in the field. The degree will provide a pathway for advancement into management, education, and to take advanced national board exams.

Career Path Notes

After completion of this program, students may choose to apply for graduate study at a public or private university.

Career Center

For more information about employment opportunities including job outlook and salary information visit: Occupational Outlook Handbook:

O-Net Online:

Required courses:

Core Respiratory courses from A.S. Degree (Credits: 41)

Upper Division Common Core Courses (Credits: 36)

RET3050Evidence-Based Medicine in Respiratory Care (BS)

3 Credits

RET3287Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics (BS)

3 Credits

RET3354Medical Pharmacology (BS)

3 Credits

RET3536Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation (BS)

3 Credits

RET4034Problems in Patient Management (BS)

3 Credits

RET4505Chest Medicine (BS)

3 Credits

RET4524Patient Edu & Disease Mgmt in the Community (BS)

3 Credits

RET4715Advanced Neonatal Medicine (BS)

3 Credits

RET4933Selected Topics in Cardiopulmonary Science (BS)

3 Credits

HSC3243Teaching Skills for Health Professions (BS)

3 Credits

HSC4655Health Care Ethics (BS)

3 Credits

HSC4701Leadership and Management in Healthcare (BS)

3 Credits

General education requirements (Credits: 36)

ENC1101College Composition 1 (AA)

3 Credits

ENC1102College Composition 2 (AA)

3 Credits

STA2023Statistics (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2085Anatomy and Physiology 1 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2086Anatomy and Physiology 2 (AA)

3 Credits

MCB2010Microbiology (AA)

3 Credits

SYG2000Introduction to Sociology (AA)

3 Credits


PSY2012Introduction to Psychology (AA)

3 Credits

AMH2020United States History from 1865 to Present (AA)

3 Credits


POS1041Introduction to American Government (AA)

3 Credits

AA Elective Course

3 credits

Lower division common prerequisite courses (Credits: 7)

BSC2085LAnatomy and Physiology 1 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

BSC2086LAnatomy and Physiology 2 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

CHM1032Principles of Chemistry (AA)

3 Credits


CHM1032LPrinciples of Chemistry Lab (AA)

1 Credit


BSC1005Concepts In Biology (AA)

3 Credits


BSC1005LConcepts In Biology Lab (AA)

1 Credit


BSC1010Principles of Biology 1 (AA)

3 Credits


BSC1010LPrinciples of Biology 1 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

MCB2010LMicrobiology Lab (AA)

1 Credit

Total Credit Hours: 120

Course Sequence:

Term One - Fall (Year One) (Credits: 12)

RET3050Evidence-Based Medicine in Respiratory Care (BS)

3 Credits

RET3354Medical Pharmacology (BS)

3 Credits

RET4524Patient Edu & Disease Mgmt in the Community (BS)

3 Credits

HSC4701Leadership and Management in Healthcare (BS)

3 Credits

Term Two - Spring (Year One) (Credits: 12)

RET3287Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics (BS)

3 Credits

RET4034Problems in Patient Management (BS)

3 Credits

RET4505Chest Medicine (BS)

3 Credits

RET4715Advanced Neonatal Medicine (BS)

3 Credits

Term Three - Summer (Year One) (Credits: 12)

HSC4655Health Care Ethics (BS)

3 Credits

RET4933Selected Topics in Cardiopulmonary Science (BS)

3 Credits

HSC3243Teaching Skills for Health Professions (BS)

3 Credits

RET3536Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation (BS)

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 120