Non-native English speakers who have completed their education (secondary/postsecondary) in languages other than English must first provide proof of English proficiency by taking the Accuplacer ESL test at Palm Beach State College. The Accuplacer ESL test results are also used for placement into the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. (Test scores are valid for two years from the time taken.) The testing criteria and guidelines for admissions to Palm Beach State College for non-native English speakers are as follows:
Applicants who score 55 or below on the Accuplacer ESL are not eligible for the EAP program courses. ESL courses are offered through our Corporate and Continuing Education Department for remediation.
Some programs offered at Palm Beach State are classified as limited access programs. Limited access programs admit a specific number of students each term or year based on a set of criteria, standards and procedures. Applicants for limited access programs need to review the program requirements and verify all conditions for program consideration have been met. This includes supplementary application deadlines, submission of postsecondary transcripts, testing and any other program specific requirements. These requirements can change from term to term and meeting the minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee entry. An application to the College does not imply admission to nor guarantee admission into any program with special admission requirements. If you are applying for a limited access program, please check the program requirements to verify if secondary transcripts are necessary in addition to postsecondary coursework. For detailed information about each of the College’s limited access programs, visit
Palm Beach State College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. The College welcomes students from other countries who meet the College’s standard admissions requirements in addition to the criteria below.
International students should start the admission process at the earliest possible date prior to the beginning of any College academic period. A three-month lead time is recommended to ensure enrollment as requested. Applications from international students will be accepted for the Fall and Spring 16-week academic periods (August and January) and the Summer 12-week academic period (May). International applicants must take the following steps and submit all admission documents to the Office of International Admissions and Recruitment prior to the deadline:
- Fill out an application for admission at and submit the completed form to (Please visit for the application deadline).
- Submit a non-refundable $75.00 (US) application fee. Applications and supporting documents will not be reviewed until the application fee has been paid in full.
- Provide documentation of the equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma (subject to the College's evaluation). The College only accepts original education records from outside the U.S., makes copies, and returns original documents to applicants at their request. The College will also accept copies of the documents. The copies will need to be certified by either the U.S. Consulate or the Ministry of Education in the applicant's country.
- Submit an official transcript from each U.S. postsecondary institution attended. To be considered for optional transfer credit, university-level transcripts from outside the United States must be accompanied by a certified course-by-course commercial evaluation from an accredited evaluation company. For a listing of approved agencies, visit Transcripts and commercial evaluations may either be sent directly to Palm Beach State College from the issuing institution or agency or hand-delivered in a sealed envelope sealed by the issuing institution or agency.
- Documents written in a foreign language may be required to be accompanied by certified English translations.
- Satisfactory academic and conduct records from comparable secondary or higher-level educational institution attended must be submitted.
- Applicants transferring from postsecondary institutions must have a least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA), be in lawful immigration status, and be in good standing (eligible to continue at or return to the institution).
- Provide evidence of English proficiency if required. Non-native speakers who have completed their education in languages other than English must present evidence of proficiency in speaking, writing and understanding of the English language by meeting one of the following conditions.
- Submission of passing scores on:
Accuplacer ESL (Levels of English Proficiency) – A minimum composite score of 86 in Reading, English and Listening on the Accuplacer ESL test, which the College administers through its Testing Centers. The fee for the first Accuplacer ESL test taken at Palm Beach State is included in the application fee. Students must pay the application fee before taking the exam. A retest fee is charged for any subsequent testing. The composite scores are good for two years from the time taken.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) – A score of 500 or higher on the TOEFL (paper-based), or 173 or higher on the computerized TOEFL (CBT), or 61 or higher on the internet-based test TOEFL (iBT). The TOEFL is administered by the Education Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, New Jersey 08451 ( The applicant must make arrangements directly with ETS to take the examination and must request that results be sent to the Office of International Admissions and Recruitment at Palm Beach State College. (The College’s TOEFL Code is 5531.)
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) – A score of 5.5 or higher on the IELTS test.
- Successful completion of the GED in English.
- Graduation from a U.S. accredited high school with a standard high school diploma.
- Successful completion of ENC1101 from a U.S. college or university.
- Submit evidence of financial support. Applicants must show they have sufficient funds to cover tuition, fees, books, living expenses, transportation and incidental expenses while attending the College. Proof of the availability of funds (i.e., bank statements) to cover the expenses for the first year of enrollment is required. Funds must be available prior to the time international students register for each semester. No federal financial aid is available to international students, although limited funds are sometimes provided by local community organizations through the Financial Aid Office.
- Provide proof of health and accident insurance. Insurance can be arranged through the Office of International Admissions and Recruitment.
International applicants will be notified by the Office of International Admissions and Recruitment of their acceptance to the College and will then be provided with the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20). Documentary evidence of means of financial support must be attached to the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) when applying for the student visa at the U.S. Embassy or Consular Office, or for the Change of Status with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Upon acceptance, the student is responsible for complying with all immigration laws in order to maintain valid legal status. The following conditions apply:
- International students must be classified as degree-seeking students and maintain full-time academic status (12 units) in the fall and spring academic periods. In addition, students admitted in the summer must enroll full time during their initial academic period of enrollment.
- International students must maintain a minimum Palm Beach State cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 every academic period to remain eligible for enrollment at the College.
- International students must keep a current passport that is valid for at least six months in the future.
- International students must have their travel documents reviewed by the international student advisor before leaving the USA.
- Employment is not permitted for F-1 visa students without meeting specific conditions and having permission from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
For information on the admission requirements for international students to the bachelor's degree programs, visit
Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) Degree-Seeking Students
- New/transfer students: Submit an online application for admission.
Current/returning Palm Beach State College students: Submit program objective change request within Workday.
- Completion of ONE of the following is required to be accepted into the Bachelor of Applied Science program:
Transfer of Units to Bachelor of Applied Science Degree Programs
Lower division college units in technical areas not generally applicable at the bachelor's degree level will be reviewed according to any or all of the following factors prior to their acceptance as satisfying degree requirements.
- Breadth, depth and rigor of course content as evidenced by course syllabi, prerequisites, placement test scores, exit requirements, student portfolios, textbooks, writing or oral communication requirements, grading standards, catalog descriptions, etc.;
- Qualifications of the faculty member(s) providing the instruction;
- Age of units;
- Recommendations through other established credit assessment bodies (e.g., ACE);
- Institutional accreditation via other professional assessment/accrediting bodies;
- Students will also have to meet the common prerequisite courses as defined by the State of Florida for the RN-BSN degree. If you obtained your Associate in Science degree in Nursing (ASN; previous nursing units) from a non-NLNAC/ACEN/CNEA accredited school, the College does not guarantee that these nursing units are transferable to a university. The College can only guarantee the 36 BSN units;
- Secondary documentation of course competencies (e.g., professional certification, standardized exam scores, etc.).
Where questions of applicability remain following such review, the credits may still be used to meet lower-division degree requirements subject to one or more of the following conditions:
- Successful completion of related higher-level courses in the student’s program of study;
- Successful completion of subsequent courses in the subject/course sequence;
- Successful completion of complementary lower-division coursework in the subject or related area;
- Demonstration of specific lab/clinical skills or other applied competencies;
- Completion of additional supplemental independent/directed study in the subject area which augments the skills/content of the technical course;
- Presentation of a portfolio of work substantiating the breadth, depth and rigor of the course content to include both theory and applied competencies;
- Analysis of clusters of course units where a combination of technical courses may represent bachelor's level competencies when viewed as a package (e.g., eight units in technical coursework may correspond to a three units traditional transfer course in a given subject area);
- Verification of faculty credentials at the transferring institution.
Second Bachelor's Degree
In recognition that students seeking a second bachelor's degree have completed a rigorous program of study at a regionally accredited or comparable international institution, some admission and graduation requirements will be satisfied by virtue of the previous degree. These include the Gordon Rule and General Education. However, this would not preclude prerequisites for the major that happen to be general education courses. Students with one or more previously awarded bachelor’s degrees should contact the Bachelor’s Admissions Office for admissions guidelines.
Readmission of Former Students
A former Palm Beach State College student who wishes to enroll in classes after an absence of 12 months or more should:
- Submit an online application for admission.
- Send for any additional transcripts to update admission records. Previously outstanding transcripts must be received prior to registration. All new transcripts should be received before registration but must be received within one academic period or the student may not register for subsequent academic periods.
- Update placement tests (ACT, SAT, Accuplacer or PERT) if necessary. Test scores are only valid for two years from the date the test was taken.
- Read the “Catalog in Effect” information under the “Graduation” portion of the Academic Policies section of the catalog. (The student will complete requirements for graduation under the catalog in effect at the time of re-entry.)
Note: Students who do not apply for readmission approximately two months before registration begins may not get priority registration consideration.
Transfer Students
A student is classified as a transfer student if he/she has previously earned college credit toward a degree or post-secondary certificate at any other college or university. A transfer student should:
- Submit an online application for admission.
- Submit high school and, if applicable, all college transcripts. The high school transcript may be waived for admissions purposes if a student has earned an Associate, Bachelor, or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution.
- To be considered for transfer units, students with college units from colleges outside the U.S. must have a course-by-course commercial evaluation from an accredited company at
All required transcripts must be received within one academic period, or no registration will be allowed for subsequent academic periods. It is important for students to have transcripts submitted as early as possible to allow evaluations to be completed before registration. Financial aid students must ensure that ALL required official transcripts (high school and college) and ALL submitted commercial evaluations are received and evaluated by Palm Beach State for financial aid to be awarded or disbursed.
Transfer units may be accepted from degree-granting institutions that are fully accredited at the collegiate level by their appropriate regional accrediting agency. Courses from non-regionally accredited institutions that appear on the State Common Course Numbering System list are also transferred with no appeal required. For non-regionally accredited institutions that do not participate in the SCNS, units will be evaluated and accepted on a course-by-course basis through an appeal process that is initiated by the student.
Students may transfer units from other institutions into the College; however, at least 25 percent of the program or certificate units must be earned at Palm Beach State College (excluding CLEP or credit by exam or prior learning).
The amount of units allowed for a quarter, semester or academic period would not exceed the amount the student earned at the original institution. (Quarter-hour credits will be converted to units.)
Palm Beach State College accepts for transfer only those credit courses completed at other regionally accredited institutions with grade of D or higher. Only courses with a grade of C or higher, when appropriate, can be used to satisfy any General Education Requirements. Plus (+) and minus (-) designations used with grades will be removed from all transfer courses.
Note 1: Effective Fall 2021 PBSC will be using the term "unit" or "units" interchangeably with the term "credit" or "credits".
Note 2: A student or institution may appeal the policy. However, the College registrar reviews the courses and has the right not to accept all or any part of the previously earned units.
Non-Degree-Seeking Students
Students who wish to take college credit or vocational credit courses and do not intend to complete a certificate or degree program may be admitted as non-degree-seeking students. These students enroll for a variety of reasons, such as personal interest, job improvement, transfer credit purposes, or teacher recertification. Credits will be awarded for courses taken by non-degree-seeking students.
To apply for admission as a non-degree-seeking student, submit an online application for admission.
Students are eligible to remain non-degree-seeking up to 21 units. After that time, they will be required to change their status to degree-seeking. Upon changing to degree-seeking status, high school and college transcripts, as appropriate, will be required. Students with an associate degree or higher may request an exemption from the 21 units requirement. For additional information, please contact a campus registrar's office. International students on an F-1 visa cannot be non- degree-seeking students.
Non-degree-seeking students may be required to submit placement scores or transcripts to register for certain courses. Please see the Course Listing section of the catalog or speak with an academic advisor.
Note: Non-degree-seeking students are not eligible for any type of financial aid (veteran benefits, federal grants, scholarships, student loans, Bright Futures, etc.).
Transient Students
Students seeking degrees at other institutions may attend the College as “transient” students to take one or more courses.
To apply for admission:
- Students attending a Florida public institution must go to and complete an online transient form which will also serve as the application for admission to Palm Beach State. Residency for tuition purposes will be granted based on the information on the transient form, barring any error from the home institution.
- Students attending a Florida private institution or an out-of-state institution must submit: (1) a completed online application for admission; and (2) a “Letter of Good Standing” from their home institution indicating the specific course(s) to be taken.
Transient students taking courses as listed on their transient form or letter of good standing will not be required to submit transcripts or meet Palm Beach State College testing or prerequisite course requirements; however, all course requirements apply unless specifically waived by the home institution. Transient requests for courses in controlled access, limited access, or bachelor's degree programs may require departmental approval and additional documentation. Transient students are required to meet all of the College’s Code of Conduct and disciplinary regulations while attending the College.
A “transient form” or “Letter of Good Standing” must be submitted for each term of transient study.
Career Certificate Program (CCP)
Admission requirements vary depending on the specific Career Certificate Program (CCP). Students must review the criteria for the desired program in the Degrees and Certificates section of the catalog. In general, a person wanting to enroll in a CCP program must do the following:
- Submit an online application for admission.
- Submit an official high school or GED transcript if the program requires a standard high school diploma.
- Take the appropriate test (if applicable) according to the requirements of the program.
Note: Students seeking admission to a Public Safety limited access program (i.e., emergency medical technician, firefighter and paramedic), should go to, click on Limited Access Programs. Admission to the College does not guarantee admission to these programs.
High School Dual Enrollment and Early Admission
The Dual Enrollment program enables qualified public/charter, home education and private school students to earn high school and college units toward both high school and college graduation requirements. Private (non-public) schools participating in dual enrollment must have an approved Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement between the private school and Palm Beach State College prior to referring students for dual enrollment. Home Education students must submit each year a Statement of Legal Compliance form to verify eligibility. The form is available online at
The school approved units that students can earn count toward both a high school diploma and a college degree or vocational certificate. Students enrolled in a dual enrollment or early admission program pursuant to law shall be exempt from the payment of registration, tuition, and laboratory fees. All other fees are borne by the student, except that the College will offer one free recognized college placement test to each eligible high school student.
Dual enrollment or early admission students are responsible for transportation to and from the College; obtaining a college parking decal; purchasing uniforms, kits, equipment, consumables and/or tools that are kept in the student's possession (if applicable in a CCP program); and adhering to the rules and regulations of the College, as stated in this Catalog and in the Student Handbook.
The following courses are NOT permitted for dual enrollment:
- College developmental education courses;
- Physical education activity courses;
- Courses less than three units (unless the course is a corequisite or in CCP dual enrollment);
- Limited Access program courses.
College Credit Dual Enrollment Requirements
Students taking college credit course dual enrollment may take up to eight units per fall, spring or summer academic period.
To be eligible for the dual enrollment program, students need to:
- Have earned four high school credits, two of which must include an English Language Arts course and a mathematics course.
- Have an unweighted high school cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher (3.5 for 6th through 9th graders).
- Complete the Mandatory Dual Enrollment Orientation and submit the Dual Enrollment Agreement prior to registration of class(es).
- Submit an online Palm Beach State College Application for Admission.
- Submit official "college ready" placement test scores (ACT, SAT, PSAT, PreACT, Accuplacer or PERT) that are less than two years old from the date the test was taken.
- Complete and submit a Dual Enrollment Authorization form (form must be completed and submitted for each academic period of enrollment)
- Home education students must complete and submit a Dual Enrollment Authorization form that can be obtained from the Palm Beach State College Dual Enrollment Coordinator or online at and a Home Education Dual Enrollment/Early Admission Legal Compliance and Articulation Agreement form. (Both forms must be completed and submitted for each academic period of enrollment.)
- Receive a grade of C or higher in all college-level courses to continue enrollment. Dual enrollment students who receive a grade of D, F, or W will not be allowed to continue in the program and may only be allowed to repeat the course for grade forgiveness after graduation from high school.
Dual enrollment students may be admitted to College Honors courses or Honors contracts. Interested students should apply at
Dual Enrollment Exceptions
- High school 12th graders may enroll in Introduction to the College Experience (SLS1501) or another approved SLS course during their spring term. To participate, a student must have a minimum unweighted GPA of 2.75 and have a college-level reading placement score.
- Students in grades 10 to 12 who are deficient in basic competencies in reading, writing or mathematics as determined by scores on the ACT, SAT, PERT, Accuplacer, PSAT or PreACT, may enroll in college credit courses not precluded by the deficiency. Students may not earn more than 12 units under this criteria exception.
Early Admission Requirements
To be eligible for the Early Admission program, students need to:
- Be a high school senior.
- Have an unweighted high school cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.2 or higher.
- Complete the MANDATORY Dual Enrollment Orientation and submit the Dual Enrollment Agreement prior to registration of classes.
- Submit an online Palm Beach State Application for Admission.
- Submit an official recommendation letter from the high school principal. College units earned during the early admission period must be used to satisfy high school graduation requirements, with the high school principal determining how these units are to be utilized.
- Submit official “college ready” placement test scores (ACT, SAT, PSAT, PreACT, Accuplacer or PERT) that are less than two years old from the date the test was taken.
- Complete and submit a Dual Enrollment Authorization form. (A form must be completed and submitted for each term of enrollment.)
- Enroll in and maintain a full-time status (12-18 college credit units) at Palm Beach State for the fall and/or spring academic period only.
- Earn a college term grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher. Early admission students who receive a grade of D or F may repeat the course for grade forgiveness with permission from the high school dual enrollment designee.
Career Certificate Program (CCP) Dual Enrollment Requirements
Palm Beach State will educate and train qualifying students in approved CCP programs at PBSC, provided they:
- Have a 2.0 or higher unweighted high school GPA.
- Are the appropriate age (if applicable for the program).
- Enroll and attend a MANDATORY Dual Enrollment Orientation prior to registration of class(es).
- Submit an online Palm Beach State Application for Admission.
- Take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). Students who already submitted college-ready test scores in ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, PSAT, PreACT or PERT are not required to take the TABE.
- Complete and submit a Dual Enrollment Authorization form, which is obtained from the high school counselor. (A form must be completed and submitted for each academic period of enrollment.)
Home education students must complete and submit a Dual Enrollment Authorization form, which is obtained from the Palm Beach State College dual enrollment coordinator or at and a Home Education/Dual Enrollment/Early Admission Legal Compliance and Articulation Agreement form. (Both forms must be completed and submitted for each academic period of enrollment.)
- Enroll in an approved CCP program.
- Meet all CCP program prerequisite requirements.
Courses within a program are sequential and are not available to students who have not been accepted into the program. Students participating in CCP dual enrollment must successfully complete each CCP course in the program sequence to continue participation.
Withdrawal Policy for Dual Enrollment Program
Dual Enrollment students who withdraw from a class will not be allowed to continue in the program. Students who withdraw due to exceptional circumstances may appeal to their respective high school principal after one semester and fill out the Special Withdrawal Circumstance Appeal Approval form. Students should submit the Dual Enrollment Reinstatement Form with any supporting documentation to the Admissions and Registration Office after obtaining principal’s signature.