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Fees and Payment

Application and Registration Fees

A nonrefundable application fee is assessed for applications for students who have applied to the College and been matriculated. A one-time fee is assessed for your first matriculated academic period. Limited access programs require an additional application fee.

Tuition Fees

The District Board of Trustees establishes tuition annually. The most current tuition fees are listed online at Additional course fees may also be associated with some classes and, if applicable, are included in the total cost of the course. All fees are subject to change by action of the Florida Legislature or the District Board of Trustees.

All fees must be paid by the payment due date indicated on the student’s class schedule. A student may not attend classes until his/her schedule is paid. Students will be dropped for nonpayment if payment is not processed by their payment due date. Students dropped for nonpayment after classes have started will not be reinstated into their classes unless there is a documented College error.

Students may pay online. Payments can be made with credit or debit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Optima, Discover, JCB or non-North American Diners Club. Wire transfers can be arranged through the Cashier's Office. Students who are a beneficiary of a Florida Prepaid College Plan will have the amount posted on their account once rates have been released for the respective academic period when the file from Florida Prepaid is matched against the student enrollment using SSN and date of birth. If the student chooses not to use Florida Prepaid, the student must OPT OUT. Students now have the option to pay for their college education in affordable, interest-free installments using the Tuition Payment Plan, administered by Nelnet Business Solutions.


Returned Checks

In accordance with section 832, Florida Statutes, (giving worthless checks, drafts, and debit card orders, etc.), the College reserves the right to take necessary actions by charging the maximum fees allowable by law for returned checks. For more information and returned check fees, visit

Unpaid Accounts

Unpaid student accounts, including past due fees or returned checks, will prevent registration, graduation, granting of credit or release of transcript. Amounts remaining unpaid also will be subject to additional collection costs of up to 30% of the principal amount, plus costs. Credit bureau reporting through collection agencies will also occur for delinquent accounts.

Senior Citizen Fee Waiver

Per Board of Trustees Policy, 6Hx-18-4.27, senior citizens 60 years of age or older may register each fall, spring or summer academic period, for up to two courses per academic period (maximum eight credits) and receive a 75 percent discount on the cost of tuition and fees (senior citizens pay the remaining 25 percent). Senior citizens will also be required to pay the one-time, nonrefundable $40 application fee. Senior citizens using fee waivers may take only full-term (16 weeks) credit courses on an audit basis. No academic credit will be awarded for classes for which the fees are waived. Courses that are part of limited access programs or bachelor’s level (3000/4000) courses are not eligible for the senior citizen's fee waiver. Any specified prerequisites and/or corequisites of courses must be satisfied.

To apply for the fee waiver, senior citizens must:

  • Submit an online Palm Beach State Application for Admission if they are a new or readmission student.
  • In Workday, select Create Request selecting the Waiver Senior Citizen Questionnaire. This will be routed to the Admissions Office and Student Account Services for processing.
  • Register for classes in person only on the designated registration day for senior citizens. Registration will be granted on a “space available” basis (at least one seat available in the class). Senior citizens are ineligible for the tuition waiver if they register for and/or drop the class(es) prior to the designated senior citizen's registration date. Please refer to the Registration Calendar for the appropriate academic period registration dates.

State Employee Fee Waiver

Full-time employees of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of Florida state government may register per academic period for a maximum of six credit hours or 180 vocational hours (part of a CCP program) with tuition waived. The following fees will not be covered by the state employee waiver: the one-time nonrefundable $40 application fee, registration fees, and, if applicable, any additional course fees and/or lab fees.

To apply for the fee waiver, state employees must:

  • Submit an online Palm Beach State Application for Admission if they are a new or readmission student.
  • In Workday, process a Create Request selecting the Waiver State Employee Questionnaire. Attach a completed and signed State Employee Waiver form to the questionnaire. This will be routed to the Admissions Office and Student Account Services for review. (A State Employee tuition form must be submitted each academic period of registration.)
  • Register for classes in person only on the designated registration day for state employees. Registration will be granted on a “space available” basis (at least one seat available in the class). State employees are ineligible for the tuition waiver if they register for and/or drop the class(es) prior to the designated state employee registration date. Please refer to the Registration Calendar for the appropriate academic period registration dates. Any prerequisites and/or corequisites of courses must be satisfied.

Note: The State Employee Fee Waiver program does not include persons employed by the state university system, the Florida College System (e.g., Palm Beach State College) or local school districts.

Homelessness Tuition and Fee Exemption

Pursuant to Section 1009.25(1)(e), Florida Statutes (F.S.), persons experiencing homelessness as defined by the McKinny-Vento Homeless Assistance Act are exempt from payment of tuition and fees (including lab fees). 

Qualifying students should login to Workday, select Create Request then Waiver - Homeless Tuition, and Fees and attach the required documentation. This will be routed to the Admissions Office and Student Account Services for processing. View the questionnaire for additional instructions.