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Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all their scheduled classes. For eLearning classes (Online, Hybrid, or Live Online), students are expected to regularly log in to access the class website and participate in the course according to the schedule of events outlined by the faculty/instructor. Any class session or activity missed, regardless of cause, reduces the opportunity for learning and may adversely affect a student’s achievement in the course. Logging in without active participation is NOT attendance for financial aid purposes.

Specific attendance and grading requirements for each course are stated in the respective course syllabus. These requirements may vary from course to course, and it is the student’s responsibility to read and adhere to the attendance policies set forth by each class faculty/instructor. Students must read and adhere to the course syllabus requirements regarding class absences and examinations. Students should seek any needed clarification from the class faculty/instructor. The College policy of reinstating students who were dropped for financial aid reasons or due to college error shall supersede individual faculty/instructor’s attendance policies.

When officially representing the College, or attending a College sponsored event, such as a field trip or intercollegiate competition, students shall not be counted absent, provided their faculty/instructors are given prior notification and any missed assignments are subsequently completed. Students will be granted excused absences in the case of a substantiated emergency, such as a confining illness, a serious accident, the death of an immediate relative, or a religious observance. (See religious observances.) Faculty/instructors decide on the validity of the excuses and provide opportunities for students to complete any required makeup work. Students are responsible for immediately informing their faculty/instructors when they must miss class sessions for emergencies.

Class Attendance – Jury Duty

The College supports jury service as an important civic duty and community responsibility. The students who will need to miss class in order to fulfill their jury service obligation must promptly notify faculty/instructors and other appropriate College personnel in writing if selected to serve as a juror. Students will be granted excused absences for jury duty with supporting documentation from the Clerk of the Court. Faculty/instructors will provide opportunities for students to complete any required makeup work. Students are responsible for all material covered during their approved absence. The approval shall detail a reasonable period for the student to complete missed work and assignments.

Pursuant to Fla Stat. 40.013 (11),  a full-time student between 18 and 21 years of age may notify the court of conflicts or undue hardship and request an excuse from service. The individual student must decide whether jury service will present an undue hardship and then take affirmative action to request to be excused from service and may need to provide a written explanation to the court.

Students may request a withdrawal or transfer to another course section if their absence is significant, for example, exceeds six hours of class instruction or discuss alternative methods of making up missed lessons or time with their instructor.

For noncredit CCP programs, the College must ensure that students complete the required clock hours of instruction for the specific program. It is important for students enrolled in CCP programs to contact their Program Instructor to learn about the policy for class absence.