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Temporary Suspension

A temporary suspension may be imposed when the Dean of Student Services or designee, in their sole discretion, determines that a student’s continued presence on the campus, at any College-related activity, or class may represent an ongoing danger, disruption or threat to persons or property or if the student is non-compliant with requests from the Dean for a student conduct conference.

Prior to a temporary suspension, notice of the infractions may be given to the student verbally, in person or telephonically. A hold is placed on the student’s record until such time as the charges are resolved. Written notification, within one (1) business day, will be delivered to the student’s College email address.

In the case of a Title IX Violation, the responding party may be temporarily suspended if the Panther Care Team determines that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual arising from the allegations of sexual harassment justifies removal. The Campus Dean of Student Services is notified to facilitate the temporary suspension.

The student will be notified, via email, as to the date, time, and location of the conduct review session. A video conference will be conducted if the student is unable to be present or at the discretion of the Dean of Students or their designee for campus safety concerns. During the session with the Dean, the student will be notified of the pending conduct charges and the reason for the temporary suspension; the student will also have an opportunity to discuss the information presented, ask questions, and provide information to the Dean regarding the incident.

If the student is not satisfied, they may submit an appeal via email to the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management, who will respond within three (3) business days.

If the appeal is denied, or the student does not appeal the temp suspension, the Dean’s office will continue with the conduct process outlined below to resolve the matter.

If the appeal is upheld, the temporary suspension will be lifted, and the student may return to class. The Dean or designee may elect to place other restrictions on the student until the conduct process is complete.