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Philosophy and Purpose

The Palm Beach State College Code of Conduct exists to cultivate a community of citizens dedicated to academic inquiry stemming from thoughtful study and reasoned discourse in an environment that promotes civility and respect. At Palm Beach State College, students within the learning community are expected to uphold and abide by certain standards of conduct that form the basis of the Student Code of Conduct. Each member of the College community bears responsibility for their conduct and assumes reasonable responsibility for the behavior of others. All members of the community are to be held accountable for their actions, words, and deeds within this learning environment, and should be prepared to accept the results and consequences of their decisions. The PBSC Student Code of Conduct strives to balance the holistic needs of the community within a learning-centered atmosphere that responds to issues and concerns in manners that are inclusive, just and multi-partial.


The Student Conduct process protects the interests of the College community and seeks to challenge those behaviors that compromise the learning environment and disrupt appropriate civil and respectful behavior. Sanctions for Code of Conduct violations are intended to challenge students’ moral and ethical decision making and help to bring their behavior into accord with community expectations. To every extent possible, the student conduct process at Palm Beach State College serves to be educational in nature first and foremost, but dependent upon the violation of code standards the process may determine that the student should no longer share in the privilege of participating within this community.