Section J – International Course Approval

Process for Curriculum Approval – Courses offered through International Courses

  1. Any credit, CCP or CCE course may be offered as international travel.
  2. At least one semester before the proposed international course is scheduled, the curriculum plan must be submitted to the Dean of Curriculum using the Curriculum Plan Form.
  3. The Dean of Curriculum will review; if approved, the form is returned to the proposer and the process may move forward as set forth in the International Course manual (see step 6).
  4. If not approved, the form will be returned for revision/clarification to the proposer by the Dean of Curriculum.
  5. If a course has not received prior approval by the DBOT to be offered as an international course, the course is then processed through the Curriculum Committee. ( and then presented to the District Board of Trustees for approval by the VPAA.
  6. Once the curriculum process has completed and DBOT approved (if applicable), the course is then processed through the International Course Offering procedures as administrated by the VPAA.

Example of form:

Palm Beach State College

International Course Curriculum Plan Form

Course ID Number: _____

Course Title: _____

Course Hours Plan

Total Course Lecture Hours: _____

Total Course Lab Hours: _____

Activity Hours


Note: TOTAL must equal the combined lecture and lab hours assigned to the course.

1. Learning Outcomes

Describe how the travel aspect of the course supports the course learning outcomes. (For a list of course learning outcomes, please see:

CLO 1.
CLO 2.
CLO 3.

Submitted by:

Name _____________________________________

Date ______________________________________

Title ______________________________________

Review by Dean - Curriculum: Approved Not Approved – return for revision

Date ____________________________________