Section B - Faculty Credentialing Criteria


This manual lists the credentialing guidelines that are used by Palm Beach State College in selecting and hiring full-time and adjunct faculty. These criteria are based on the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) guidelines on faculty credentials and Palm Beach State College policy on faculty credentialing.

To ensure the highest quality teaching faculty, the College’s standard for all credit classes is that full-time and adjunct faculty must possess a master’s degree. There are exceptions in some disciplines, but all exceptions must be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA). All degrees and coursework must be earned from a regionally accredited college or university. Accreditation status of an institution can be checked at the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) website at


The institution employs competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution, When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline in accordance with the guidelines. The institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. For all cases, the institution is responsible for justifying and documenting the qualifications of its entire faculty.

Credentialing Guidelines

The VPAA and the Academic Deans reserve the right to review individual courses for competencies.

In addition, all faculty must meet any other requirements of the program, discipline or course accreditation/certification (e.g., State Board of Nursing, Florida Department of Law Enforcement).

  1. Faculty teaching baccalaureate level courses: a doctorate or a master’s degree in the teaching discipline or a master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline). At least 25 percent of the discipline course hours in each major at the baccalaureate level are taught by faculty members holding the terminal degree—usually the earned doctorate— in the discipline, or the equivalent of the terminal degree.
  2. Faculty teaching general education courses: a doctorate or a master’s degree in the teaching discipline or a master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).
  3. Faculty teaching associate degree courses designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree: a doctorate or a master’s degree in the teaching discipline, or a master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).
  4. Faculty teaching associate degree courses not designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree: a master’s degree in the teaching discipline; a baccalaureate or associate degree and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline is acceptable in limited disciplines.
  5. Faculty teaching developmental education courses must have a baccalaureate degree in a discipline related to the teaching assignment.
  6. Faculty teaching noncredit occupational and non-degree diploma courses (CCP, CCE, Avocational): college degree and/or specialized training/industry certifications; competence gained through work experience; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching. (For all courses, coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.)


Faculty Hiring Process

For full-time and adjunct faculty, it is the responsibility of the hiring administrator to ensure that the faculty member’s academic degrees were awarded from a regionally accredited college or university, and this information must appear on the faculty roster. All faculty (regardless of part-time or full-time status or of class delivery method) must meet the same credentialing criteria as stated in this manual.

  1. Full-time faculty, temporary full-time faculty and program instructors – Refer to the procedures and guidelines established by Human Resources in the Talent Acquisition Manual. All forms and procedures needed for the process are located at For new full-time faculty, the VPAA must review the paper faculty roster for all potential candidates to be interviewed prior to any telephone or in-person interviews being scheduled with applicants.
  2. Adjunct Faculty – Hiring administrators, in cooperation with department chairs where applicable, are responsible for recruiting, interviewing and hiring adjunct instructors. All credentials must be approved following the process outlined above prior to the person assuming teaching duties.

Credentialing Process

Step 1 – Potential Instructor formally applies to Palm Beach State College

All potential instructors should formally apply to the College to ensure eligibility to work in the United States and submit copies of their transcript through the online application system, Workday.

Step 2 – Prepare the Faculty Roster

For Credit, Developmental Education, and CCP Faculty - All faculty who teach Credit, Developmental Education and CCP courses must have a Dean submit to the Deans’ Council a completed online Faculty Roster form, listing relevant degrees, coursework, certifications, licenses, and verified work experience (if applicable based on credentialing criteria). The Dean should carefully review the candidate’s credentials to ensure strict compliance with the credentialing guidelines prior to sending the roster for a full Deans’ Council and VPAA review. When reviewing graduate transcripts which include both semester and quarter hours, each graduate course in the discipline should be listed on the online Faculty Roster form, with the appropriate placement of graduate semester hours in the credit hour column, using the conversion formula below. For individuals whose graduate transcript shows all quarter hours, a minimum of 27 graduate quarter hours is required for credentialing. Conversion of all credit hours should be made to semester hours when both types of credit have been taken. The online system will automatically compute these formulas on the form.

1 quarter hour = .667 semester hour
1 semester hour = 1.5 quarter hours

Example: An individual possesses a Master’s degree in the discipline with 15 graduate semester hours in the discipline, and a second transcript from another accredited institution with 5 quarter semester hours:

5 quarter semester hours x .667 = 3.335 equated semester hours
15 semester hours+3.335 = 18.335 semester hours

Additional Notes:

  1. Undergraduate classes taken as an undergraduate cannot count towards graduate hours in the discipline.
  2. Courses taken that are described as eligible for counting towards a Bachelor’s degree or graduate degree may be counted if the course is taken after admission into graduate school and if it is counted towards the graduate degree in the appropriate discipline.

For CCE and other noncredit Faculty:

All faculty who teach CCE and other noncredit courses (avocational and lifelong learning) must have the appropriate Dean and/or Associate Dean approve the completed online Faculty Roster form, which must include information on degrees and any relevant certifications, experience and/or licensures. This online form is submitted directly to Academic Services without a Deans’ Council review.

Step 3 – VPAA and Academic Deans Review – An Academic Dean will submit the roster for review through the Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD) – log into the page at:

A unanimous “approve” vote must be recorded; if the “approve” vote is not unanimous, the credential must be reviewed during a regularly scheduled Academic Deans meeting. All applicants with foreign credentials (defined as awarded in a country other than the United States of America or one of its territories) must be evaluated by one of the Palm Beach State College approved foreign transcript evaluation and translation services on the following Web page:

The VPAA has final approval of Credit/Developmental Education/CCP faculty rosters.

All faculty must meet the stated credentials in this manual. In exceptional cases, faculty not meeting the stated criteria may be considered for appointment using the following guidelines:

Exceptions to stated faculty credentials occur in two cases:

  1. The faculty member has outstanding professional experience and demonstrated contributions to the teaching discipline, which may be presented in lieu of formal academic preparation.
  2. The faculty member has training in a closely related discipline and the competencies needed to teach the course objectives were covered in the related disciplines.

In these cases, the Dean and/or Associate Dean must provide documentation as to how the faculty member’s experience and/or education allows him/her to teach the objectives in the course, using the Justification and Exceptions form, located online at:

This information must also be copied into the online faculty roster through the OFCD.

Step 4 – Loading Faculty Credentials on the PantherNet System - After the credential has been approved by the VPAA and the Academic Deans for Credit/Developmental Education/CCP, or by a Dean or Associate Dean for CCE/avocational, the department sends the approved request to Academic Services. The faculty member will then be loaded onto the PantherNet system by Academic Services (provided that the person has been processed in Workday by Human Resources).

Step 5 – Official Transcripts sent to Human Resources - The faculty member is responsible for ensuring that official transcripts are sent to Human Resources. If the Human Resources office has not received the adjunct’s official transcript in the initial term in which they are teaching, they cannot continue to teach in subsequent terms at Palm Beach State until such time the official transcript is received. This is College policy and must be followed.

Faculty Roster

All faculty will be credentialed using the online Faculty Roster form through the OFCD system. The paper roster form in the appendix is only to be used to review faculty credentials of full-time candidates before they are granted an in-person interview. The paper roster is submitted by the Dean or Associate Dean to the VPAA for review.

Discipline Credentialing FAQs

  1. Can lawyers, individuals with Juris Doctorates, teach political science, criminal justice or business law?

    To teach political science, an individual must have 18 graduate semester hours in political science; a Juris Doctorate can teach business law (BUL) and criminal justice law (CJL) courses.

  2. Can social workers teach sociology?

    A Master’s degree with 18 graduate semester hours in the discipline, specifically sociology, is required to teach this subject. Social work clinical courses cannot count towards meeting the graduate semester hour minimum. In most cases; a M.S.W. does not have the credentials to teach sociology.

  3. Are guidance counselors eligible to teach psychology?

    A Master’s degree with 18 graduate semester hours in the disciplines of psychology or counseling psychology is required to teach this subject. Graduate hours in educational guidance counseling may not be applied.

  4. May graduate courses in Mathematics Education, with a prefix of EDU(C), count towards the requisite graduate hours in mathematics?

    Mathematics Education graduate courses may be counted as graduate hours towards the discipline of mathematics only if the course title strongly suggests that graduate mathematics discipline content was covered. Courses with emphasis on pedagogy or teaching methods cannot be used to qualify an individual to teach college level mathematics. Please see Appendix B for courses from Nova Southeastern University that will count towards the 18 graduate semester hours in mathematics.

General Credentialing FAQs

  1. Do all persons teaching need to be credentialed, even CCE and avocational?

    Yes, all faculty need to be credentialed through the process established in the credentialing manual. Associate Deans/Deans can directly credential faculty for CCE and avocational; all program based (credit, developmental education and CCP) will need clearance through the Academic Deans and the VPAA.

  2. I’m just updating an existing instructor for an additional course – do I still need approval from the VPAA and Academic Deans?

    Yes. For example, if a person has been teaching MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra, their credentials would need to be reviewed to see if they could teach other math classes. It is best to prepare a faculty roster from the start with all possible courses a faculty member is qualified to teach even if they might not initially be teaching those courses.

  3. What should the sequence be for hiring an instructor – is it important?

    Yes, very important. For any potential instructor, the first step should be for the person to complete an application online at and confirm their eligibility to work in the U.S. The second step should be to obtain an official or unofficial transcript and prepare the faculty roster for Academic Deans’ review for submission to Academic Services. The third step should be adding the person to the class as a primary or secondary instructor. The fourth step should be to create the pending assignment through the IRM process with Human Resources. If events happen out of sequence, delays will occur. For example, if you have someone’s credentials approved BEFORE they have applied to HR, there is no way that the person’s credentials can be loaded onto PantherNet because they do not exist in the HR system. Academic Services personnel then have to check daily to see when the person is loaded as an applicant or employee and then add the credentials.


    Step 1. Potential instructor should apply through this employment link,

    Step 2. Review of faculty credentials – Academic Services adds to PantherNet if approved

    Step 3. Add person to class as instructor (see Section C of the manual)

    Step 4. Create pending assignment in PantherNet using the IRM process (see Section E of the manual)

  4. What if I am not sure if the person qualifies under the credentialing criteria, or I think the criteria are incorrect or incomplete?

    The purpose of the VPAA and Academic Deans’ review is to gain input from colleagues on an instructor’s credentials to teach, given our written criteria. Our goal is to use the credentialing manual as written for the 2019-2020 academic year.

  5. Does Academic Services perform a “final check” against the credentialing manual, and keep files for the submitted faculty rosters?

    No, Academic Services personnel do not re-check any credentialing eligibility – the credential is added or updated and a date notation is added to the electronic file. Faculty roster forms are not kept.

De-Credentialing of Faculty

All requests for faculty credentials to be removed should be sent directly to the VPAA with an explanation of the reasoning.

De-Credentialing Recommendation Form

PBSC District Board of Trustees (DBOT) Policy 6Hx-18-5.25 Criteria for Academic and Professional Preparation for Full and Part-time Faculty established faculty qualifications based on SACSCOC Faculty Credentials Guidelines and SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation Standard 6.2.a (Faculty qualifications). (see: SACSCOC Faculty Credentialing Guidelines

In addition to the criteria for each discipline outlined in the credentialing manual, the College also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experience in the field, professional licensure and certification, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes.

To ensure the academic quality and integrity of its academic offerings, the College may also de-credential the qualifications of a faculty member with set justifications.

PBSC’s Faculty De-Credentialing Approval Process

All recommendations for faculty credentials to be removed from the Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD) should be sent directly to the VPAA for approval. Each submission should include clear explanation, with justification and supporting documentation for the recommendation. The following are the steps for recommending faculty de-credentialing:

Step 1: An Academic Dean may initiate a recommendation to de-credential a full-time or part-time faculty by processing the request through the Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD). The Academic Dean should carefully review the information to be submitted to ensure strict compliance with the de-credentialing set justifications and confirm the appropriateness of the documentation prior to submitting the recommendation for VPAA and/or Deans Council review.

Step 2: VPAA and/or the Academic Deans Council will complete a thorough review of all de-credentialing recommendations and documentation.

Step 3: Notifications: If the de-credentialing recommendation is approved by the VPAA and/or Deans Council, the VPAA’s office will notify the Office of Human Resources, if appropriate based on the decision, and provide the necessary supporting documentation. The VPAA’s office will also provide documentation to the Office of Academic Services with a set date to update Faculty Credentials on the PantherNet System.

Step 4: Academic Services will process the de-credentialed request and update the faculty database and PantherNet system. Notification will be sent via the Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD) to Academic Deans.

At PBSC de-credentialing is the process by which the VPAA and or Academic Deans Council determines whether a faculty member’s or instructor’s academic credentials should be partially or fully removed from PBSC’s Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD).

Justification for De-Credentialing:  

Faculty Member:

  1. Does not meet credentialing requirements set forth in the appropriate section of the Credentialing Manual based upon updated review of the official transcript and/or other required supporting documents, or does not meet degree and course work guidelines based on review of results of evaluation of his/her foreign credentials by a foreign credentials evaluation service and other supporting documentation, or does not meet degree and course work guidelines, but has been recommended for de-credentialing based on review of documentation in the portfolio presented, or demonstrated inefficiency in meeting established program and or course outcomes.

  2. Demonstrated or self-reported incapacity, or inability to fulfill teaching responsibilities for the course, or demonstrated conduct unbecoming a professor/instructor, or other just cause, or other just cause shall include, but not be limited to, violation of the PBSC District Board of Trustees Policy and/or the provisions outlined in the PBSC Faculty Handbook and/or provisions outlined in the PBSC Academic Management Manual.

Note: On occasion, it is determined that a faculty member is no longer qualified to work at PBSC. The procedure for this action is different from simply removing some of the courses the faculty member teaches and might require some action by the Office of Human Resources after the approval of the Deans Council and VPAA.

Table 2: De-Credentialing Faculty


Academic Management Manual Faculty Credentialing Criteria Section B

SACSCOC Standard 6.2.a (Faculty qualifications) Faculty Credentialing Guidelines
Specify what credential is under review: (i.e., M.B.A.) List the minimum requirements: (i.e., Master’s degree in Accounting. OR Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Accounting, with accounting prefix courses.) List courses to be de-credentialed: (i.e., ACG 2001, ACG 2360, ACG 2450)


Credentialing Criteria: BAS, BS, AA, AS, ATD, ATC, CCC, CCP, CCE

Abbreviations/Definitions used on the Credentialing Parameter Pages

  • CTC – Credentialed for Transfer Curriculum
  • CNC – Credentialed for Not Designed for Transfer Curriculum

Accounting (AA, AS, CCC, CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Accounting


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Accounting, with accounting prefix courses
APA 2172

Master’s degree in Accounting


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Accounting, with accounting prefix courses
TAX 2010

Master’s degree in Accounting or Tax


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Accounting and/or Tax

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Air Conditioning/HVAC (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

A State or County HVACR Journeyman License


NCCER Level Two HVACR Certification


EPA Section 608 Refrigerant Recovery Certification


Four Years of verifiable experience working in the field


Two years of verifiable experience as a teacher and/or trainer

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Thomas Gauthier

Anthropology (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Anthropology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Anthropology

Applicant must be capable of teaching both cultural and physical anthropology.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Apprenticeship (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements



For both on-the-job training (OJT) and related instruction, instructors must meet the individual Apprenticeship Program Registered Standards of Journeyman as defined by Section 446.021(4), FSS “a person working in an apprenticeable occupation who has successfully completed a registered apprenticeship program, or who has worked the number of years required by established industry practices for the particular trade or occupation.”  The instructor must be screened and qualified (approved) by the Registered Apprenticeship Program Sponsor Committee.  An approval letter from this Committee will become part of the faculty roster form and placed in the instructor’s file.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Thomas Gauthier


Archeology (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


Master’s degree in Anthropology, Archaeology, Paleoanthropology, or Paleontology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in in Anthropology, Archaeology, Paleoanthropology, or Paleontology

(Must have at least three GSH in Archaeology, or courses with archaeology content.)

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2015 Susan Caldwell



Architecture (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Architecture


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Architecture


Bachelor’s degree in Architecture (5 years)

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Art (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Art or Fine Art with major in Studio Arts (Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics, Printmaking or Photography)


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Studio Arts (Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics, Printmaking or Photography)

Master’s degree in Art or Fine Art with a major in Studio Arts (Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics, Printmaking or Photography)


Master’s degree with 18 graduate semester hours in Art History or Studio Arts (Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics, Printmaking or Photography)

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2021 Richard White

Astronomy (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics or a related physical science sub-field


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics or a related physical science subfield

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Carlos Ramos

Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Technician (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

AER 0025,
AER 0026,
AER 0027,
AER 0028,
AER 0499,
AER 0599,
AER 0691,
AER 0692,

Specialized training/industry certifications

ASE – Certified Auto Maintenance and Light Repair Technician (G1), and Automobile Certified Technician (A4, A5, A6 & A7), and EPA 609 Technician Certification


Six years of experience as an automotive technician

Demonstrated competency in teaching the discipline 

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2021 Thomas Gauthier

Automotive Service Technology (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

AER0025, AER0026, AER0027, AER0028, AER0014, AER0199, AER0299, AER0399, AER0499, AER0599, AER0691, AER0692, AER0759, AER0891,



Specialized training/industry certifications

ASE – Certified Master Automobile Technician (A1-A8), Auto Maintenance and Light Repair Certification (G1), and EPA 609 Technician Certification.


Six years of experience as an automotive technician.

Demonstrated competency in teaching the discipline.

NOTE: These DIM courses are crossovers with AER 0014, 0499, 0599, 0691, 0692 & 0759.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2021 Thomas Gauthier

Automation (CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Electrical Engineering





Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering or Engineering Technology, Building Construction, or Building Management


Related work experience with knowledge of industry software applications required.


18 graduate semester hours in one of the areas mentioned above

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2020 Becky Mercer

Banking (CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer)  CNC Status (Not designed for transfer)  Requirements
BAN     Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Banking, Finance, Accounting, or Economics.


Master’s Degree with 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration, Banking, Accounting, Economics, or Finance.


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Banking, Accounting, Finance or Economics. 

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Barbering (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

COS0150 COS0151 COS0152 COS0153 COS0154 COS0155 COS0156 COS0157 COS0158 COS0415

Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Barbering licensing/registration required)


Three years of verifiable salon or spa work experience.

Minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching; associate degree or higher preferred

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June  2021 Karen Pain

Biology (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Botany


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Botany



BSC 1010,




Master’s degree in Biology.


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Biology.
BSC 1011,


Master’s degree in Biology with a combination of 18 graduate semester hours in zoology and botany.
BSC 2085,


BSC 2086,

BSC 2086L

Master’s degree in Anatomy & Physiology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Anatomy and Physiology or related fields (see Appendix D)
MCB 2010,

MCB 2010L

Master’s degree in Microbiology.


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Microbiology.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Becky Mercer

Biotechnology (AS)

Biotechnology Lab Specialist (CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements



BSC 2421,







Master’s degree in Biology, Biotechnology, Botany, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Immunology, Neurobiology, Pharmacology, Virology, or Zoology.


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Biology, Biotechnology, Botany, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Immunology, Neurobiology, Virology, or Zoology


Doctorate in Medicine and one of the sciences above, and relevant industry experience and/or academic research.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2020 Becky Mercer

Building Construction Management (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements



Master’s degree and 18 graduate credit hours in Construction Management or related discipline as appropriate to the program AND two-years of related experience


Bachelor’s degree or higher in construction management or related discipline AND three-years of related industry experience


Associates degree in construction management or construction technology or a related discipline AND four-years of related experience  


Documentation in two or more of the following:

a. Teaching and/or industry training experience in Construction Management or construction related industry consistent with professional associations

b. Documented relevant additional coursework beyond the bachelor's degree, equivalent to 18 semester hours or equivalent subject matter coursework, CEU's, vendor, or military.

c. General Contractor/ Building Inspector

d. Current industry – recognized certification within the field of construction management (certified building inspector, OSHA Construction industry trainer, certified construction manager etc.)  

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2021

Thomas Gauthier


Business Administration and Management (AA, AS, CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Law Degree (JD)

Master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing or Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing or Management

Master’s degree in Marketing


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Marketing

Master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing or Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing or Management

Master’s degree in English, Literature, Business Communications, Journalism, or Language Arts


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in English, Literature, Business Communications, Journalism or Language Arts

Master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing, Management, or Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer Engineering or Information Technology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing, Management, or Computer Science

Master’s degree in Marketing


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Marketing

Master’s degree in Marketing


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Marketing

Master’s degree in Business Administration, Business, or Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration, Business, or Management


Master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing or Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing or Management

Bachelor’s degree or higher,


Licensed Florida Adjuster – 620 or Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation and Certified Property & Casualty Lines instructor with the Florida Department of Financial Services


Competence gained through work experience – 10 years

Bachelor’s degree or higher


Licensed Florida Agent – 220 and Certified Property & Casualty Lines instructor with the Florida Department of Financial Services


Competence gained through work experience – 10 years

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Business Entrepreneurship

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Law Degree (JD)

Master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing or Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration, Finance, Business, Marketing or Management

Master’s degree in Marketing


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Marketing

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Chemistry (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Chemistry


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Chemistry

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Carlos Ramos

Community-Based Learning (AA, AS, CCC, CCP, BAS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
SOW 1051L R

Master’s Degree in any field related to community-based learning

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Susan Bierster

Computer Information Systems (AA, AS, ATC, CCC, CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements




CNT1000 /2000,

COP1000 /2000,



Master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer-Based Information Systems (e.g., management, decision), Computer Engineering or Information Technology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer-Based Information Systems (e.g., management, decision), Computer Engineering or Information Technology
Other CGS (credit),


other CTS

Master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer-Based Information Systems (e.g., management, decision), Computer Engineering or Information Technology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer-Based Information Systems (e.g., management, decision), Computer Engineering or Information Technology


Master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer-Based Information Systems (e.g., management, decision), Computer Engineering or Information Technology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer-Based Information Systems (e.g., management, decision), Computer Engineering or Information Technology

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Cosmetology/Facials/Nails (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
COS0200 COS0301 COS0400 COS0600 COS0700 COS0870     Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Cosmetology licensing/registration required)


Three years of verifiable salon or spa work experience.

Minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching; associate degree or higher preferred.
CSP0010 CSP0013     Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Nail Technician licensing/registration required)


Three years of verifiable salon or spa work experience.

Minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching; associate degree or higher preferred.
CSP0240 CSP0260     Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Facial Specialty licensing/registration required)


Three years of verifiable salon or spa work experience.

Minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching; associate degree or higher preferred.
CSP0011 CSP0300     Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Cosmetology, Nails, Technician, OR Facial Specialty licensing/registration required)


Three years of verifiable salon or spa work experience.

Minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching; associate degree or higher preferred.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021

Thomas Gauthier
Karen Pain

Crime Scene Technology (AS, CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements








Master’s degree in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science or Biology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science or Biology


Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science or Biology

Master’s degree in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science or Biology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science or Biology

Master’s degree in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, Biology or Chemistry


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, Biology or Chemistry.


Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, Biology or Chemistry.

Master’s degree in Criminal Justice or Forensic Science


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Criminal Justice or Forensic Science


Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice or Forensic Science


J.D. degree with practical experience in a prosecutor or public defender office.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2010 Barbara Cipriano

Criminal Justice Institute (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements





Current CJSTC-FDLE Instructor’s certificate in specialization area, as specified in FAC 11B-20. Minimum academic degree must be at the same level at which the faculty member is teaching.







Current or prior Florida Certified Law Enforcement or Corrections Officer

Current or prior Florida Certified Law Enforcement Officer or Florida Certified

9-1-1 Telecommunicator

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2015 Barbara Cipriano

Criminal Justice Transfer (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements






Master’s degree in Criminal Justice


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Criminal Justice
CCJ 1618

Master’s degree in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science or Forensic Psychology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science or Forensic Psychology

Master’s degree in Criminal Justice


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Criminal Justice


Law degree (JD)

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2013 Barbara Cipriano

Dental Hygiene (AS), Dental Assisting (CCP)

Dental Assisting (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

DES (lecture)

Bachelor’s degree (or Bachelor’s degree in progress*); faculty must be a graduate of an ADA accredited program; must have clinical experience.


Bachelor’s degree (or Bachelor’s degree in progress*) Dental Hygiene faculty must be a graduate of an ADA accredited program.


Current or eligible** Florida Dental Hygiene or Dental Licensure
DEA (clinical, lab)

Dental Assisting faculty must be a graduate of an ADA accredited program, have clinical experience, and possess a current Certified Dental Assistant certificate from the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB). State of Florida licensed dentists are exempt.
DEH (clinical)

Current or eligible** for Florida Dental Hygiene or Dental Licensure; must be a graduate of an ADA accredited program; must have clinical experience.
DES (clinical, lab)

Current or eligible** for Florida Dental Hygiene or Dental Licensure; must be a graduate of an ADA accredited program; must have clinical experience.


Dental assisting faculty must be a graduate of an ADA accredited program; must have clinical experience.

Possess a current Certified Dental Assistant certificate from the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB).

State of Florida licensed dentists are exempt.

*Bachelor’s degree must be completed within three years from the date of employment.

**Eligible pertains to Florida Statute 466.002(6) that exempts Dental educators from Florida State Licensure as long as the faculty member is licensed in another state.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Melinda Mouradian

Diesel Maintenance Technician (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

DIM0101, DIM0131, DIM0154 DIM0155


DIM0014, DIM0103, DIM0007, DIM0008, DIM0302, DIM0303, DIM0500, DIM0610

Specialized training/industry certifications, ASE Certified Medium-Heavy Truck Certification (T4, T5, T6, T7 & T8), and EPA 609 Technician Certification.


Six years as a medium or heavy truck technician and demonstrated competency in teaching the discipline.  

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2021 Thomas Gauthier

Diesel Technology (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

DIM0004, DIM0006, DIM0007, DIM0008, DIM0014, DIM0101, DIM0103, DIM0106, DIM0131, DIM0154, DIM0155, DIM0201, DIM0302, DIM0303, DIM0500, DIM0610



Specialized training/industry certifications, ASE Certified Master Medium-Heavy Truck Certification (T2-T8), and EPA 609 Technician Certification.


Six years as a medium or heavy truck technician and demonstrated competency in teaching the discipline. 

NOTE: These AER courses are crossovers with DIM 0004, 0008, 0500, 0302, 0303 & 0610..

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2021 Thomas Gauthier

Early Childhood Education (AS) / Entry-Level/Certificate Programs (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


EEC 1001-2734

Master’s degree in Education


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Education
HEV 0001-0803

HEV 0807-0809

Bachelor’s degree or higher with six college credits in Early Childhood Education or Child Growth & Development. One year of experience in the child-care setting serving children ages birth through eight years.
Must have current CPR Instructor status from the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.



Bachelor’s degree or higher in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, Recreation, Physical Education, Elementary Education, Special Education, or Family and Consumer Sciences Education (formerly home economics/child development) and knowledgeable of Florida School-Age Child Care Regulations, National School Age Care Alliance (NSACA) Standards and policies for school-age services.


Bachelor’s degree or higher with six college credit hours in school-age education or youth development.


One year of experience* serving school-age children ages birth through twelve years. A Florida teaching certificate may be substituted for the one year of experience in a school-age setting.

*One year of experience is equivalent to a minimum of 1,040 hours and must be verified. (Certification in Advancing Youth Development (AYD) principles required for HEV0804).

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2016 Susan Caldwell

Economics (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


Master’s degree in Economics


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Economics

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Education (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements



Master’s degree in Education


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Education, which may include subject specific education courses.

Master’s degree in Education or any technical (vocational) related fields (medical/health science, business/technology, career pathways/criminal justice/OJT, STEM/industrial education/TV production, family consumer science/hospitality tourism)


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Education or any technical (vocational) related fields (medical/health science, business/technology, career pathways/criminal justice/OJT, STEM/industrial education/TV production, family consumer science/hospitality tourism)


Experience in the area of Career and Technical Education

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2014 Susan Caldwell

Electrical Power Technology (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Electrical Engineering





Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering or Engineering Technology, Building Construction, or Building Management


Related work experience with knowledge of industry software applications required.


18 graduate semester hours in one of the areas mentioned above

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2020 Becky Mercer

Electrician (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
BCV 0600 – BCV 0669

Specialized training and industry certifications in the Electrical Trades and applications required.

Journeyman License and/or Electrical Contractors License


Four or more years of verifiable trade experience


Two or more years of teaching or training experience


NCCER Certification as an Electrician Craft instructor preferred

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Thomas Gauthier

Emergency Management (AS, CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Criminal Justice


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Criminal Justice










Master’s degree in Emergency Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Emergency Management


Bachelor’s degree in Emergency Management and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2013 Barbara Cipriano

Emergency Medical Services/Paramedic/EMT (CCC, AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Associate’s degree or higher in any field


Florida Certified Paramedic, ACLS Certification, Level A EMS Instructor Certification per FAC 64J-1.0201


Four years of professional experience as a paramedic

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2014 Barbara Cipriano

Engineering (AA, AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Engineering


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Engineering

Master’s degree in Engineering


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Engineering

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Engineering Technology (AS, CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements




Master’s Degree in

Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, or Physics

AND - Related industry experience required

Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in

Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, or Physics

AND - Related industry experience required


Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, or Physics

AND - Related industry experience required



 Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, or Physics

AND - Related industry experience required


A baccalaureate or associate degree with Professional certifications in the subject matter and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.

AND - Related industry experience required.



 Master’s Degree in

Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics

AND - Related industry experience required

Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in

Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics

AND - Related industry experience required


Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics

AND - Related industry experience required.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Becky Mercer

English/English Preparatory (AA, College Readiness)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements




Master’s degree in English or Literature


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in English or Literature






Master’s degree in English, Literature, Creative Writing or Linguistics


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in English, Literature Creative Writing, or Linguistics

Master’s degree in Linguistics, ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages), or English (if English, must have at least one course in linguistics)

Master’s degree in English, Literature, Technical Communications, or Language Arts


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in English, Literature, Technical Communications or Language Arts




(College Readiness)

Bachelor’s degree in English or Communications, Language Arts or TESOL


Bachelor’s degree in related field and a minimum of 9 graduate semester hours in English, Communications, Developmental Education, Language Arts, Composition and Rhetoric or TESOL

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.

Faculty holding a Master’s or Doctorate degree in English or Literature are deemed competent to teach all literature or composition courses since the course work provides for a high level of proficiency with the skills and competencies needed to teach both composition and literary studies.


June 2021 Susan Bierester

English for Academic Purposes (College Readiness and College Credit)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements




(College Readiness)

Bachelor’s degree in Applied Linguistics, Bilingual Education, Multicultural Studies, English, Communications, Foreign Language, TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)


Bachelor’s degree in any field and a minimum of 9 graduate semester hours in TESOL or Applied Linguistics.




(College Credit)

Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics, Bilingual Education, Multicultural Studies, English, Communications, Foreign Language, TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)


Master’s degree in any field and a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in Applied Linguistics, Bilingual Education, Multicultural Studies, English, Communications, Foreign Language, TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Susan Bierster

Environmental Science Technology (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


PCB 2350C

Master’s degree in Environmental Science, Biology, Botany, Water Management, Zoology, Geology, Geospatial Science, Civil or Environmental Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning or Agriculture/Agriscience, Ecology, Entomology, Chemistry, Sustainability, Forestry, Soil and Water Science, Hydrology, Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Ecology, Wildlife Management, Natural Resources Management, Geoscience, Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Geographic Information Science, Environmental Law, Engineering, or Environmental Engineering


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Environmental Science, Biology, Botany, Water Management, Zoology, Geology, Geospatial Science, Civil or Environmental Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning or Agriculture/Agriscience, Ecology, Entomology, Chemistry, Sustainability, Forestry, Soil and Water Science, Hydrology, Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Ecology, Wildlife Management, Natural Resources Management, Geoscience, Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Geographic Information Science, Environmental Law, Engineering, or Environmental Engineering

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


September 2020 Becky Mercer

Facilities Maintenance Technician (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements






Specialized training and industry certifications in the Facilities Maintenance Trades and applications required

Four or more years of verifiable trade experience


Two or more years of teaching or training experience

NCCER Certification in related Trades preferred

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Thomas Gauthier

Fire Science Technology (AS) / Fire Recruit (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

FFP 2780,
FFP 2810,
FFP 2811

Bachelor’s or Associate degree and current State of Florida Level I Fire Instructor (or higher) within a certificate program area in which they are certified or hold a certificate of competency

FFP 0010,

Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Level I or higher Fire Instructor certification required), competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.

Reviewed /Revised

November 2021 Barbara Cipriano

Foreign Language (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in French


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in French

Master’s degree in German


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in German

Master’s degree in Spanish


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Spanish

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2018 Linda Lebile

Geography (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Geography


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Geography

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2007 Susan Caldwell

Geology (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Geology or Earth Science


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Geology or Earth Science

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Carlos Ramos

Graphic Design Technology (AA, AS, CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


  Master’s degree in Fine Arts in Graphic Design or Studio Arts (photography, drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking or sculpture)


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Graphic Design or Studio Arts (photography, drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking or sculpture)


A minimum of three years of documented work experience (through a portfolio) in Graphic Design.


Demonstrated technology skills in Multimedia and Adobe Cloud, and documented work experience (through a portfolio).

         Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Graphic Design


Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, Multimedia, and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline which can be documented.


Demonstrated technology skills in Adobe Cloud and documented work experience (through a portfolio)


A minimum of three years of documented work experience (through a portfolio) in Graphic Design. 

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


November 2021 Richard White

Health, Health and Fitness, and Physical Education (AA, AS, CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements







Master’s degree in a Health Education, Physical Education or Health-related field


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in a Health Education, Physical Education or Health-related field

Master’s degree in Health-related field


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Health-related field


Bachelor’s degree in a Health-related field and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline

Specialized training/industry certifications in a Health-related field, and competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.



Master’s degree in Physical Education or Exercise Physiology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Physical Education or Exercise Physiology

*HSC0003/L secondary instructors to have minimum of Basic Life Support Instructor Certification to teach CPR section of course.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Belinda Mouradian

Health Information Technology (AS), Health Informatics Specialist (CCC), Medical Information Coder/Biller (CCC), Healthcare Documentation/Transcription (ATD)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Associate degree or higher in Health Information Management or a health-related field


One of the following American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) certification credentials: CCS, CCS-P, RHIA, or RHIT


Associate degree or higher with specialized training in content area

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Melinda Mouradian

Health Services Management (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements



Bachelor’s degree or higher in Health Administration, Health Information Administration, or health business-related field


Specialized training or certification in content area

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Melinda Mouradian

Heavy Equipment Service Technician (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Specialized training/industry certifications, ASE Certified Master Mechanic Medium-Heavy Truck Certifications T2 through T7 (technicians first certified or who recertify in 2017 or later must also have T8)


ASE School Bus Certifications S1 through S6


Six years as medium or heavy truck technician or school bus technician


One year teaching or training experience in a related discipline

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Karen Pain

History (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements



Master’s degree in History


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in History

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Hospitality Management (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Hospitality Management or Culinary Arts


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Hospitality Management or Culinary Arts


Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management or Culinary Arts, and demonstrated work experiences and competencies in the teaching discipline


Work experience in the food service industry


Master’s degree in Hospitality

Management or Culinary Arts


Demonstrated Culinary Experience in a kitchen or lab setting


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Hospitality Management or Culinary Arts.


Demonstrated Culinary Experience in a kitchen or lab setting.


Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management or Culinary Arts and demonstrated work experiences and competencies in the teaching discipline.


Demonstrated Culinary Experience in a kitchen or lab setting.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Human Services (AS, CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Gerontology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Gerontology



Master’s degree in Social Work, Psychology Education, or related field


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Social Work, Psychology, Education, or related field


Extensive experience working with youth in either a community or school-based program






Master’s degree in Social Work, Psychology, or related field


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Social Work, Psychology, or related field


Licensed Florida mental health professional (e.g., mental health counselor, marriage and family counselor, social worker)









Master’s degree in Social Work, Psychology, or related field


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Social Work, Psychology, or related field


Licensed Florida mental health professional (e.g., mental health counselor, marriage and family counselor, social worker) with experience in the addictions field


Certified Addiction Professional (CAP) Certification

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Susan Caldwell

Industrial Management (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Technology or Industrial Management or Business Administration


Master's degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Technology or Industrial Management


Related work experience


Knowledge of industry software applications required

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2018 Becky Mercer and Oleg Andric

Insurance (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Specialized training/industry certifications (certified Property & Casualty Lines instructor with the Florida Department of Financial Services, Licensed Property & Casualty/General Lines – 2.20 authority required), competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.

Specialized training/industry certifications (certified Life, Health & Variable Annuities instructor with the Florida Department of Financial Services, Licensed Life, Health & Variable Annuities 2.15 authority required), competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.

Specialized training/industry certifications (certified Title Agent Qualification instructor with the Florida Department of Financial Services, Licensed Title Agent required), competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.


Specialized training/industry certifications (certified instructor with the Florida Department of Financial Services), competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Interdisciplinary/Honors (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Art, Foreign Language, History, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Religion, or Theology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Art, History, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Religion, or Theology

Master’s degree in Library Science


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in English, Literature, Creative Writing

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


April 2020 Velmarie Albertini/Sheila Scott-Lubin

Interior Design (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Interior Design


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Interior Design


Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline


Bachelor’s degree or higher in Architecture with work experience in Interior Design and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline


Bachelor’s degree or higher in Engineering or Architecture and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline and CAD software expertise

Bachelor’s degree or higher in Engineering or Architecture and demonstrated competencies in Sustainable Design

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


April 2020 Richard White

Journalism/Mass Communications (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements


Master’s degree in English, Communications, Journalism, or Mass Communications


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in English, Journalism, Communications or Mass Communications

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


April 2020 Richard White

Landscape and Horticulture Management (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements










Master’s degree in Horticulture, Botany, or Agriculture/Agriscience


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Horticulture, Botany, or Agriculture/Agriscience


Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture, Botany, or Agriculture/Agriscience and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.

Reviewed Revised

May 2018 Becky Mercer

Library Science (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer)  CNC Status (Not designed for transfer)  Requirements

Master of Library Science or its equivalent such as a Master of Arts or Master of Science in Library & Information Studies, from an A.L.A. accredited institution

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2018 Rob Krull

Low Voltage Technician (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
EEV 0162,

EEV 0163,

EEV 0164,

EEV 0165,

EEV 0166

Specialized training and industry certifications in the Security and Automation systems technician trades and applications required; competence gained through industrial work experience.

Four years of paid experience as a residential or commercial alarm installer, or automation technician.

One or more years of experience in teaching or training experience to include preparation of lesson plans, lecture and demonstration experience, plus knowledge and skills assessment.

NCCER Certification in Electronics System Technician preferred.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


September 2019 Thomas Gauthier

Machining Technology (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
PMT 0202-0265

Specialized training and certifications in Machining to include:

NIMS Level one Lathe, NIMS Level One Mill, and Mastercam Associate level Certifications


Four years of verifiable experience working in CNC machining as an operator or set-up capacity


Two years of experience in teaching and/or training

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Thomas Gauthier

Marine Biology (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Marine Biology or Biological Oceanography


Master’s degree in Biology with a combination of 18 graduate semester hours in both biology and marine science/oceanography

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


April 2020 Roy Vargas

Marine Service Technology (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


Marine Industry Certifications


Military Marine Certifications


ASE T1 and T2


2 years minimum field experience


8 years minimum experience in the field (No certification required)

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Dr. Thomas Gauthier

Massage Therapy (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Massage Therapy licensure required), competence gained through minimum two years fulltime work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Mathematics/Mathematics Preparatory (AA, Developmental Education)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements






Master’s degree in Mathematics


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Mathematics*
MAD 2104 

Master’s degree in Mathematics.


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Mathematics*
MAD 2101 

Master’s degree in Mathematics


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Mathematics*
MAT 1033C,

MAT 1100 

Master’s degree in Mathematics, Mathematics Education or Statistics


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Mathematics, Math Education or Statistics
MAT 1035

Master’s degree in Mathematics. OR Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Mathematics*
MAT 0022

MAT 0055,

MAT 0056

(Developmental Education)

  Master’s degree in Mathematics, Mathematics Education or Statistics


Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Mathematics Education or Statistics


Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Engineering or Business (any field) with Florida Certification to teach grades 6-12 mathematics.


Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Engineering or Business (any field) and community college experience in teaching mathematics.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.

*Please see Appendix B for Nova Southeastern University mathematics courses that will count towards this requirement.


May 2020 Dana Hamadeh

Mechatronics (CCC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Electrical Engineering





Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering or Engineering Technology, Building Construction, or Building Management


Related work experience with knowledge of industry software applications required.


18 graduate semester hours in one of the areas mentioned above

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2020 Becky Mercer

Medical Assisting Advanced (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Assisting or a related Health Science Field


Associate degree in Medical Assisting or a related Health Science Field           


Minimal two (2)  years’ work experience in field and appropriate industry certification / licensure to include at least one of the following:

  • CMA (AAMA) 
  • RMA (AMT) 
  • NCMA (NCCT) taken after November 30, 2010 
  • CCMA (NHA) taken after January 30, 2011 
  • CMAC (AMCA) taken after October 8, 2015

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


May 2021 Melinda Mouradian

Medical Assisting (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

   1. CMA-American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA)

   2. RMA- American Medical Technologists (AMT)

   3. CMAC- American Medical Assistant Certification (awarded after October 8, 2015)

   4. CCMA – (NHA)

   5. NCMA – (NCCT)


Associate degree or higher in a health-related field desired with specialized training industry certifications in health-related field.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Melinda Mouradian

Motion Picture, Television Production, Digital Animation and Recording Arts (CCC, AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements



Master’s degree in Motion Picture, Film or Television Production Technology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Motion Picture, Film or Television Production Technology

FIL 2420C,
FIL2537, FIL2538C,


Master’s degree in Motion Picture, Film or Television Production Technology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Motion Picture, Film or Television Production Technology                                           


Professional experience in Motion Picture, Film and Television Production Technology and 10+ years demonstrating competencies with industry skills and the ability to teach the course material or specific skill level of the designated course.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


October 2021 Richard White

Music (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements


Master’s degree in Music


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Music



Master’s degree in Music


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Music


Keyboard ability, knowledge of music theory and ability to teach coursework in the specified area.

Master’s degree in Music


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Music


Professional Experience of 10+ years in the music industry. Demonstrating professional performing skills and the ability to teach lessons on an instrument (including musical style) specified by the course designated.








Master’s degree in Music


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Music


Professional Experience of 10+ years in the music industry. Demonstrating professional performing skills and the ability to teach lessons on an instrument (including musical style) specified by the course designated, i.e. MVJ/Jazz, MVK/Keyboard, MVB/Brass, MVS/String, etc.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


October 2021 Richard White

Nursing (AS, ATC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Nursing


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Nursing


Current State of Florida licensure as a Registered Nurse
NUR (Lab/Clinical)


Master’s degree in Nursing


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Nursing


Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and demonstrated experience in clinical practice as a registered nurse


Current State of Florida licensure as a Registered Nurse

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


November 2018 Deborah Copeland

Nutrition (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Dietetics or Nutrition


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Dietetics or Nutrition

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Belinda Mouradian

Oceanography (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Marine Studies, Oceanography, Geology, Earth Science or related marine studies sub fields


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Marine Studies, Oceanography, Geology, Earth Science or related marine sub fields

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Carlos Ramos

Office Management Technology

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

(credit- all except OST 2335 and OST 2339)

Master’s degree in Office Management/Systems, Business or Business Education


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Office Management/Systems, Business or Business Education


Bachelor’s degree in Office Management/Systems, Business, Business Education or Paralegal and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline
OST 2335,

OST 2339

Master’s degree in Office Management/Systems, Business, Business Education or English


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Office Management/Systems, Business, Business Education or English


Bachelor’s degree in Office Management/Systems, Business, Business Education or English and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Office Occupations (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements


Specialized training/industry certifications in Office Systems/Management, competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Ophthalmic Medical Technology (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Doctorate in Medicine or Optometry


Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in any field


Certified Ophthalmic Assistant (COA) OR Certified Ophthalmic Technician (COT) OR Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist (COMT) certification OR Licensed Optician

(Only persons with the Master’s or Bachelor’s degree require a certification).

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Becky Mercer

Paralegal (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Law Degree (JD) or Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
PLA 2762

Associate degree or higher in Paralegal or Office Management/Systems and competence gained through a minimum of three years of full-time work experience in-field.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


September 2020 Linda Lebile

Patient Care Assistant (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
HCP 0120,
HCP 0300,
HCP 0620,
HSC 0003L

Registered Nurse with current Florida licensure; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Deborah Copeland

Philosophy (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Philosophy


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Philosophy

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Photography (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Art, Fine Arts or Photography


18 graduate semester hours in Photography


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Photography

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Physical Science (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements 
ESC 1000

Master’s degree in Earth Science, Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Physics, Physical Science, Astronomy, or Geoscience


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Earth Science, Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Physics, Physical Science, Astronomy, or Geoscience
PSC 1341

Master’s degree in Physics, Physical Science, or related physical science sub-fields


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Physics, Physical Science, or related physical science sub-fields

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Carlos Ramos

Physics (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Physics


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Physics.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Carlos Ramos

Political Science (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements



Master’s degree in Political Science


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Political Science

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Practical Nursing (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
PRN (except PRN 0022)

Registered Nurse with Bachelor’s degree in Nursing or health-related field with current State of Florida licensure as Registered Nurse.


Registered Nurse with current State of Florida licensure and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.
PRN 0022

Registered Nurse with current State of Florida licensure


Associate degree or higher in a health-related field desired with specialized training industry certifications in a health-related field.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Deborah Copeland

Psychology (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements





Master’s degree in Psychology or Counseling Psychology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Psychology or Counseling Psychology

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2011 Susan Caldwell

Public Safety Telecommunications (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
EMS 0000

Associate degree or higher preferred.

Five years of work experience in public safety telecommunications


Three years supervisory experience in-field; demonstrated teaching skills

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2014 Barbara Cipriano

Radiography (AS, ATC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Radiography, Health Science, Science or Education


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Radiography, Health Science, Science or Education


Bachelor’s degree in Radiography, and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline


Associate degree in Radiography and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline


Current State of Florida Licensure in Radiography, American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Belinda Mouradian

Reading (Developmental Education)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
REA 0056 (Developmental Education)

Bachelor’s degree in Reading, Elementary Education, English or Language Arts


Bachelor’s degree in any field and a minimum of 9 graduate semester hours in Reading, Elementary Education, English or Language Arts 

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Susan Bierster

Real Estate (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Current State of Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker, certified real estate instructor with the Florida Division of Real Estate (Florida Statute 475.451).

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns, Sr.

Religion (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Religion, Philosophy or Theology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Religion, Philosophy or Theology

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Roy Vargas

Respiratory Care (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
RET (Lecture)

Master’s degree in Respiratory Care/Cardiopulmonary, Health Science, Science, or Education


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Respiratory Care/Cardiopulmonary, Health Science, Science, or Education


Bachelor’s degree in Respiratory

Care/Cardiopulmonary, Health

Science, Science, or Education, and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline


NBRC credential; Current State of Florida Licensure as a Respiratory Therapist

RET (Lab/Clinical)

Associate in Science degree in Respiratory Care/Cardiopulmonary and NBRC credential; Current State of Florida Licensure as a Respiratory Therapist.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Belinda Mouradian

Security and Automation Systems Technician (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements







Specialized training and industry certifications in the Security and Automation systems technician trades and applications required; competence gained through industrial work experience.

Four years of paid experience as a residential or commercial alarm installer, or automation technician.

One or more years of experience in teaching or training experience to include preparation of lesson plans, lecture and demonstration experience, plus knowledge and skills assessment.

    1. NCCER Certification in Electronics System Technician preferred.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2019 Thomas Gauthier

Sociology (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements

Master’s degree in Sociology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Sociology

For credentialing in Sociology, course work in social work or the social sciences will not be accepted in lieu of course work in Sociology.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2004 Susan Caldwell

Sonography (AS, CCC, ATC)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix 
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer)  Requirements
SON (Lecture)     Master’s degree in Radiology, Sonography, Health Science, Science or Education


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Radiology, Sonography, Health Science, Science or Education


Bachelor’s degree and completion of an accredited sonography program and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline


Hold current registry by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) or Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) – RCS or RVS, or American Registry in Radiologic Technology (Sonography) ARRT(s)

SON (Clinical/Lab)     Master’s degree in Radiology, Sonography, Health Science, Science or Education


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Radiology, Sonography, Health Science, Science or Education


Bachelor’s degree and completion of an accredited sonography program and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline


Associate in Science degree in Radiography or Sonography and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline


Hold current or eligible for national registry by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) or Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) – RCS or RVS or American Registry in Radiologic Technology (Sonography) ARRT(s)

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Belinda Mouradian

Speech (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements


Master’s degree in Speech or Communications


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Speech, Oratory, Communications or Speech-related Theater courses

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


September 2020 Linda Lebile

Student Development (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
SLS 1501

Master’s degree in education (any field), psychology, sociology, counseling, family and marriage therapy, or social work


Master’s degree with 18 graduate semester hours in education (any field), psychology, sociology, counseling, family and marriage therapy, or social work
SLS 1300,

SLS 1301,

SLS 1302,

SLS 1303

Master’s degree in education (any field), psychology, sociology, counseling or social work


Master’s degree with 18 graduate semester hours in education (any field), psychology, sociology, counseling or social work
SLS 2261

Faculty teaching Student Life Skills (SLS) curriculum related to leadership development must hold a master’s degree. Design and content are based on the development of goal setting, conflict resolution and leadership skills. PTK Leadership Certification required

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Susan Bierster

Supply Chain Management (AS, CCC, CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements




Master's degree or higher in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, or a Logistics-Supply Chain-related field as appropriate to the program (i.e., Business)


Master's degree and 18 graduate hours in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, or a Logistics-Supply Chain-related field as appropriate to the program (i.e., Business)




Master's degree or higher in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, or a Logistics-Supply Chain-related field as appropriate to the program (i.e., Business)


Master's degree and 18 graduate hours in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, or a Logistics-Supply Chain-related field as appropriate to the program (i.e., Business)


Bachelor’s degree or higher


Documentation in two or more of the following:

   a. Professional certification (national, regional or state)

   b. Three years or more of in-field professional employment

   c. Documented evidence of teaching excellence, including date of award

   d. Documentation of research and publication in the field

   e. Documented relevant additional coursework beyond the bachelor’s degree, equivalent to 18 semester hours or equivalent subject matter coursework, CEU’s, vendor, or military

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Brent M. Ferns

Surgical Services (AS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

HSC 1434C
STS 2944C
STS 2945C
STS 1302
STS 2365
STS 1304C
STS 1323C
STS 1340C
STS 2324C
STS 2955C

Bachelor’s degree or higher.


A minimum of an Associate’s degree


Demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline:

Must possess a CURRENT credential in the field of surgical technology through a national certification program that is accredited by the National Commission on Certifying Agencies (NCCA).




A minimum total of two years of experience, either in the operating room scrub role or as an instructor in surgical technology or a combination of both within the past five years. 

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


April 2021 Belinda Mouradian

Surgical Technology (AS, CCC, CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Certified Surgical Technologist (CST), and three years of full-time operating room experience

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Belinda Mouradian

Teacher Certification Program (EPI Educator Preparation Institute) (Institutional Credit)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not Designed for Transfer) Requirements









Master’s degree in Education


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Education. The 18 graduate semester hours can include subject area specific education courses

*Clinical Educator required


    Master’s degree in Education or Reading


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Education or Reading. The 18 graduate semester hours can include subject area specific education courses

Coursework or certification to demonstrate competency in Reading required.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2015 Susan Caldwell

Theater (AA)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements



Master’s degree in Theater


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Theater

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


April 2020 Richard White

Vocational Preparatory Instruction (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements

Bachelor’s degree in Education, Reading, English, Language Arts, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or Statistics

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Jennifer Johnson

Welding Technology (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer)  CNC Status (Not designed for transfer)  Requirements
PMT0108 PMT0109 PMT0126 PMT0127 PMT0143 PMT0147 PMT0150 PMT0151 PMT0074  

Specialized training and certifications in welding to include at a minimum:

Proof of past or present American Welding Society Certified Welder


NCCER Level 2 Certifications


A State or county Journeyman Welder



Four years of verifiable experience as a welder in the field


Two years of teaching or training experience 

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


August 2021 Thomas Gauthier
Karen Pain

Credentialing Parameters – Bachelor’s Degrees

Entrepreneurship (BAS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
RMI 3004

Doctoral degree in Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management, Risk Management


Master’s Degree Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management, Risk Management


Master’s Degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management, Risk Management

Specialized training/industry certifications, competence gained through work experience in addition to educational requirements preferred.
ENT 3000/4000,

MAN 4802

Doctoral degree in Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management.


Master’s Degree Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management


Master’s Degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Don Gladney

Cardiopulmonary Sciences (BS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
RET 3050,

RET 3354,

RET 3287,

HSC 3243,

RET 3536,

RET 4034,

HSA 4184,

RET 4505,

RET 4524,

RET 4715,

HSC 4652,

RET 4933

A master's or higher degree from a regional or national accredited institution required.

Valid RRT credential OR be a physician (MD or DO) OR academician (PhD or EdD).

Current professional license or certificate unless exempted from licensure under state or federal law.

Minimum four (4) years of experience as an RRT OR physician (MD or DO) OR academician of which at least two (2) years must include experience in clinical respiratory care, pulmonary medicine, cardiothoracic surgery, critical care, anesthesiology, healthcare administration, healthcare research, or a subject area directly related to the degree conferred;

Minimum of two (2) years teaching experience in clinical respiratory care, research, management, education or a subject area directly related to the degree conferred by the program.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Edward Willey

Health Management (BAS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
HSA 3110,

HSA 4109,

HSA 4553,

HSA 4938,

HSC 4500,

HSA 4431

Doctoral degree in Health Administration, Health Services, Public Health, Nurse Administration, or Nursing


Master’s degree in Health Administration, Health Services, Public Health, or Nursing


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Health Administration, Health Services, Public Health, or Nursing

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


April 2018 Don Gladney

Human Services (BS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
HUS 3304,

HUS 3650,

HUS 3505,

HUS 4352,

HUS 4722,

HUS 4954C

Doctoral degree in Social Work, Psychology, Human Services or related field


Master’s degree in Social Work, Psychology, or related field


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Social Work, Psychology, related field
HUS 3204,

HUS 3323,

HUS 3340,

HUS 3351,

HUS 4321,

HUS 4462,

HUS 4700,

HUS 4940C

Doctoral degree in Social Work, Psychology, Human Services, or related field


Master’s degree in Social Work, Psychology, related field


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Social Work, Psychology, Education, or related field


Licensed Florida mental health professional (e.g., mental health counselor, marriage & family counselor, social worker)


Certified Addiction Professional

CAP Certification.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


March 2020 Don Gladney

Information Management (BAS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
COP 3000-4000

CNT 3000-4000

ISM 3113,

ISM 3201,

ISM 4011,

ISM 4207,

ISM 4212,

ISM 4211,

ISM 4223,

ISM 4320,

ISM 4323,

ISM 4324,

ISM 4117,

ISM 4915

Doctoral degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems, or Information Technology


Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems, or Information Technology


Master’s Degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems, or Information Technology
ISM 3318

Doctoral Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Project Management


Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Project Management


Master’s Degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Project Management, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information technology

International Project Management Association (IPMA), or Project Management Institute (PMI) certification in addition to education requirements preferred.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


January 2020 Don Gladney

Nursing (BSN)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
NUR 3000-4000

Doctoral degree Nursing, Nursing Education, Nurse Practitioner


Master’s Degree in Nursing

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Edward Willey

Project Management (BAS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix

CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
ISM 3314,

ISM 4312,

ISM 4313,

ISM 4332,

ISM 4881,

MAN 4520,

MAN 4574,

MAN 4584

Doctoral degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems, Project Management, Information Technology


Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems, Project Management, Information Technology


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems, Project Management, Information Technology

PMI Certification in addition to education requirements preferred.

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2016 Don Gladney

Supervision and Management (BAS)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
BUL 3130               ✓

Juris Doctorate

FIN 3400              ✓

Doctoral degree in Finance, Doctor of Business Administration with 18 credits in Finance




Master’s degree in Finance




Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Financial courses




Master’s degree and 15 graduate semester hours in financial courses plus at least 3 additional credits in graduate economics courses


GEB 3213              ✓

Doctoral degree in Communications, Composition, English, Journalism, Literature, Linguistics or Rhetoric (If Linguistics, courses must have composition and grammar content)


Master’s degree in Communications, Composition, English, Journalism, Literature, Linguistics or Rhetoric (If Linguistics, courses must have composition and grammar content)


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Communications, Composition, English, Journalism, Literature, Linguistics or Rhetoric (If Linguistics, courses must have composition and grammar content)


GEB 3453            ✓

Doctoral degree in Business Administration or Management


Juris Doctorate


Master’s degree in Business Administration or Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration or Management or Organizational Leadership

GEB 4113,

GEB 4935

Doctoral degree in Business Administration or Management


Master’s degree in Business Administration or Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Business Administration or Management

 GEB3375                  Doctoral degree in Business Administration, Management, International Business, or Global Leadership




Doctoral degree and 18 graduate  semester hours in Business Administration, Management, International Business, or Global Leadership



Master’s degree in Business Administration, Management, International Business, or Global Leadership



Master’s degree and 18 graduate  semester hours in Business Administration, Management, International Business, or Global Leadership


GEB 4891               

Doctoral degree in Business Administration, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management


Master’s degree in Business Administration, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management


Master’s degree in Business Administration, Management, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior & Management


HSA 3160              

Doctoral degree in Health Administration, Health Services, Marketing, or Public Health


Master’s degree in Health Administration, Health Services, Marketing or Public Health


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Health Administration, Health Services, Marketing or Public Health


HSA 3110,

HSA 4109,

HSA 4553,

HSA 4938,

HSC 4500

Doctoral degree in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


Master’s degree in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


HSA 4421

J.D. or Doctoral degree in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


Master’s degree in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


HSA 4421               

Doctoral degree in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


Master’s degree in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Health Administration, Health Services or Public Health


Juris Doctorate


ISM 3118,

ISM 3334

Doctoral Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Project Management


Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Project Management


Master’s Degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Project Management, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information technology

International Project Management Association (IPMA), or Project Management Institute (PMI)  certification in addition to education requirements preferred.


MAN 3025,

MAN 3240,

MAN 4120,

MAN 4162,


Doctoral degree in Human Resource Management, Management, Business, Organizational Management, Global Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Leadership, or Organizational Behavior




Doctoral degree with 18 graduate semester hours in Human Resource Management, Management, Business, Organizational Management, Global Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Leadership, or Organizational Behavior




Master’s degree in Human Resource Management, Management, Business, Organizational Management, Global Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Leadership, or Organizational Behavior




Master’s Degree and 18 graduate hours in Human Resource Management, Management, Business, Organizational Management, Global Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Leadership, or Organizational Behavior

                Doctoral degree in Human Resource Management, Management, or Organizational Management


Master’s degree in Human Resource Management, Management, or Organizational Management


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Human Resource Management, Management, or Organizational Management


 MAN4504                  Doctoral degree in Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management, Business, Management, or Organizational Management




Doctoral degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management, Business, Management, Organizational Management




Master’s degree in Supply Chain or Supply Chain Management, Business, Management, or Organizational Management



Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management, Business, Management, or Organizational Management


MAR 4802                

Doctoral degree in Marketing


Master’s degree in Marketing


Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Marketing-related courses (for example, marketing-related Social Media courses)


For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


June 2021 Don Gladney / Credentialing Process Committee

Corporate and Continuing Education Credentialing Criteria

Course Prefix Discipline Area Credentialing Requirement
TIO Air Conditioning/Automotive Service/Cosmetology/Graphic Design/Interior Design/Machining Technology/Pilot/Sustainable Construction/Welding Specialized training and/or subject matter expertise, related work experience, and course delivery skills. Higher Education degrees are desirable, but not required. Specialized training or industry certifications, where applicable, are required.
HPO American Sign Language Master’s degree in Linguistics of American Sign Language (ASL); current Registry for the Interpreters of the Deaf (RID) certification.


Bachelor’s degree in any field and evidence of ASL coursework or experience in-field.
TIO 0510,

TIO 0511
Automotive Service ASE Master Technician Certification or ASE Certifications are required.
BIO 0110 Biotechnology Specialized training and/or subject matter expertise, related work experience, and course delivery skills. Higher Education degrees are desirable, but not required. Specialized training or industry certifications, where applicable, are required.
BEO 0104-0340,




Business Administration & Management Business consultant and/or subject matter expert in related field and five years of working experience in the subject matter area. 

Industry certification (SHRM, PMP, other).
HEO 0117, 

HEO 0150, 

HEO 0170, 

Child Care Bachelor’s degree or higher in early childhood education/child development, recreation, physical education, elementary education, special education, or family and consumer sciences with a minimum of one year of experience serving children birth through eight years old or working in an after-school program serving children five years of age and up.

Computer Science Specialized training/industry certifications in Computer Science, competence gained through work experience, CIW, MOS/MOUS and A+ certifications where required.
CIO Crime Scene Technology Specialized training and/or subject matter expertise, related work experience, and course delivery skills. Higher Education degrees are desirable, but not required. Specialized training or industry certifications, where applicable, are required.


Criminal Justice Institute Current CJSTC-FDLE Instructor’s certificate in specialization area, as specified in FAC 11B-20.

Dental Health Qualified faculty by dental education according to the ADA Accreditation Standards; training, certification or licensure related to scope of practice must be in accordance with the Florida Division of Medical Quality Assurance: Florida Board of Dentistry.
EMO Emergency Medical Services Current State of Florida Paramedic certification for courses designed for the EMS professional; current instructor certifications or demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.

American Heart Association courses including Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Basic Life Support (BLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) require current AHA instructor certification in the course being taught. International Trauma Life Support classes (ITLS) require current ITLS instructor certification.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training classes require successful completion of a CERT instructor course.
FFO Fire Science Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Level I Fire Instructor required), competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.
HOO Health Sciences Specialized training/current industry certifications or licensure in health-related field; associate degree or higher preferred.
HIO 0005, 

HIO 0006, 

HIO 0007,
Health Information Management Associate degree or higher in Health Information Management or health related field


One of the following American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) certification credentials: CCS, CCS-P, RHIA or RHIT.
HIO 0001, 

HIO 0002, 

HIO 0003, 

HIO 0004
Health Information Management Associate degree or higher in Health Information Management or health related field with specialized training in content area.
ORO Horticulture Required knowledge in the field and two years of work experience in the field.
FSO Hospitality Management Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management or Culinary Arts and demonstrated work experiences and competencies in the teaching discipline.


Two years of work experience in the food service industry.

Human Services Certified Addiction Professional credential.
INO Insurance Specialized training/industry certifications (certified instructor with the Florida Department of Financial Services), competence gained through work experience. Associate degree or higher desired; minimum academic preparation must be at the same level at which the instructor is teaching.
BEO Language Institute Bachelor’s degree in any field and successful, related teaching experience.
MTO Massage Therapy Specialized training/industry certifications (current State of Florida Massage Therapy licensure required), competence gained through minimum two years fulltime work experience.



Nursing Current State of Florida licensure as a Registered Nurse; work experience.
LEO Paralegal Specialized training and/or subject matter expertise, related work experience, and course delivery skills. Higher Education degrees are desirable. Specialized training or industry certifications, where applicable, are required.
PRO Personal Training Associate degree or higher in related profession.


Industry certification in personal training or equivalent industry certification
RTO Radiography Associate degree or higher in health-related profession and expertise in content area.
XRO Radiography/Sonography Associate in Science degree in Radiography or Sonography and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.


Hold current national registry by the American Registry of Diagnostic Sonographers (ARDMS) or American Registry of Radiologic Technology (ARRT).
REO Real Estate Current State of Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker, certified real estate instructor with the Florida Division of Real Estate (Florida Statute 475.451).
EDO Teacher Education Bachelor’s degree in Teacher Education.


Bachelor’s degree in any field with either teacher certification or a minimum of 15 semester hours (undergraduate or graduate) in teacher education coursework.
TIO 0127 Welding American Welding Society (AWS) certification required.


Appendix A – Forms

Apprenticeship Instructor Approval Letter

CCP Registered Apprenticeship Program

Instructor Credentialing Statement

To: Academic Deans’ Council

Re: Instructor ________________________

Registered Apprenticeship Program: ____________________

Date: ____________

This instructor has met the Registered Apprenticeship Program Standards of Journeyman as defined by Section 446.021(4) Florida State Statute, which states “a person working in an apprenticeable occupation who has successfully completed a registered apprenticeship program, or who has worked the number of years required by established industry practices for the particular trade of the occupation.”

The instructor has been screened and qualifies (approved) by the Registered Apprenticeship Program Committee to teach all levels of registered apprenticeship classes both on-the-job training (OJT) and related instruction necessary for program completion.

Authorized by: _________________________________________________

Committee Chairperson, Registered Apprenticeship Program

Faculty Roster Form

(for review of full-time faculty candidates prior to interview)

Faculty Roster Form

Justification for Exception to Credentialing Criteria Form

Credentialing Criteria Form

Print Form

Appendix B - Mathematics Courses – Nova Southeastern University

The following courses are approved to satisfy the 18 GSH for teaching mathematics.

MAT 505 Geometry for Mathematics Teachers (3 Cr)

This course is designed to offer a wide perspective on geometry for graduate students planning to teach secondary mathematics. The course covers both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry.

MAT 507 or MAT 681 Linear and Abstract Algebra (3 Cr)

This course provides theory and computational practice with Linear Algebra, as well as a theoretical foundation for Abstract Algebra structures such as rings, fields, and groups. Students will create two portfolios of notes, activities, and exercises: one for Abstract Algebra, and one for Linear Algebra. Prerequisite/s: College Algebra and MAT 0503.

MAT 514 Topics in Algebra and Geometry (3 Cr)

This course covers concepts in number theory, the real number system as well as algebra and geometry. The emphasis is on algebraic models (linear, quadratic, and exponential) and their applications. Additionally, this course will serve students well as a foundation course leading to further study in more advanced topics in algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus.

MAT 515 Probability and Statistics (3 Cr)

This course is designed to give students an introduction to probability and statistics with a focus on problem solving. The course includes set theory, Venn diagrams, combinations and permutations, probability, and expected value and concludes with a unit in descriptive statistics and normal distributions. A class project requires students to think critically as well as apply the concepts learning in the course.

MAT 516 Elements of Differential Calculus (3 Cr)

Topics include Limits, Continuity, Definition of the Derivative, Rules of Differentiation, Implicit Differentiation, Applications of the Derivative; Curve Sketching, Related Rates, and Optimization problems.

MAT 517 Elements of Integral Calculus (3 Cr)

The second part of the two-course calculus sequence MAT516/MAT517. Topics include differentiation and applications of exponential and logarithmic functions, indefinite integrals via the anti-derivatives, definite integrals, calculating area using Riemann sums and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, properties of the definite integral, integration by substitution, integration by parts, use of integration tables, additional applications of the definite integral to probability theory, volumes of revolution, and separations of variables.

MAT 591 Calculus for Teachers I (3 Cr)

This course is a proof-based "epsilon-delta" calculus, ranging from limits and cluster points to differentiation. Students will solve standard calculus problems computationally and theoretically. Students in this course should have completed College Algebra and Trigonometry, or equivalent courses. Prerequisite/s: MAT 0503

MAT 592 Calculus for Teachers II (3 Cr)

This course is a proof-based "epsilon-delta" calculus, ranging from integral calculus to sequences and series, and cluster points to differentiation. Students will solve standard calculus problems computationally and theoretically. Students in this course should have completed Calculus I or an equivalent course. Prerequisite/s: MAT 0592.

MAT 685 Symbolic Representation and Number Theory in Mathematics (3 Cr)

This course will focus on notational systems, number theory, and the rationale behind them. The increasing use of manipulative and kinesthetic learning will also be addressed. This course is designed to include significant number theory preparation for students wishing to earn initial certification. Prerequisite/s: College algebra and MAT 0503.

MAT 689 Probability and Statistics in Mathematics Education (3 Cr)

This course offers preparation in probability and statistics for the secondary mathematics teacher, as well as for teachers pursuing their initial teacher certification. Also, students will gather and analyze statistics in educational research.

Appendix C - Guidelines for Credentialing Science Faculty

The following guidelines represent discipline areas for examining transcripts of applicants in selected courses as noted below.

All of the courses should be at the graduate level.

BSC 1005/L:

Possible discipline areas on the transcript: Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology.

BSC 1010/L:

Possible discipline areas on the transcript: Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, and Evolution.

BSC 1011/L:

Possible discipline areas on the transcript: Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Vertebrate Zoology or Comparative Anatomy, Invertebrate Zoology.

ZOO 2303:

Possible discipline areas on the transcript: Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Ichthyology, Ornithology, Mammalogy, or Herpetology.

BSC 2085/L, BSC 2086/L:

Possible discipline areas on the transcript: Comparative Anatomy or Vertebrate Zoology, Animal Physiology and Biochemistry, plus at least two of the following, Human Embryology, Neurobiology, Endocrinology, Cytology or Cell Biology, Histology, or Cell Physiology, Cancer Biology.

MCB 2010/L:

Possible discipline areas on the transcript: Immunology, Parasitology, Bacteriology, Medical Bacteriology, Virology, Advanced Virology, Endocrinology, Cytology, Ultra-structure.

BSC 1050/L:

Possible discipline areas on the transcript: Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, and at least one graduate level class in Ecology.

Appendix D - Position Statement from HAPS on Human Anatomy and Physiology Society


Approved November 19, 2005

Position Statement on Accreditation of Faculty in 2-semester Human Anatomy and Physiology Courses

HAPS • 8816 Manchester, Suite 314 • St. Louis, MO 63105

1-800-448-4277 •


The 2-semester/3-quarter undergraduate course usually known as "Human Anatomy and Physiology" or simply "Anatomy and Physiology" is a large introductory course that may be offered by the Biology, Zoology, or Natural Sciences departments. Nationwide, roughly two-thirds of these courses are taught at community colleges, and the rest primarily at universities. This is one of the larger introductory level courses, with approximately 450,000 students enrolled each year in the US and Canada.

The majority of students taking the 2-semester A&P course are planning a career in the health sciences. The career paths include nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, radiation technology, laboratory/medical technology, dental hygiene, pharmacology and other related disciplines. Students majoring in physical education, sports training, or kinesiology make up a smaller component of the classroom population. At community colleges the course is often taken in the first year of college, without college-level prerequisites. Entry into any one of the career programs listed above is contingent upon successful completion of the A&P course with a grade of ‘C’ or above; in competitive programs, the grade requirements may be much more restrictive.

It is important to note that pre-medical students and biology majors do not typically take this course because it is an option that does not count towards their degree requirements. Instead, they will take Majors Biology (or Zoology/Botany) as freshmen, followed by more specialized and detailed upper level courses in their junior and senior years. However, the distinction between biology majors and allied health majors is an administrative convenience and not an indication that A&P is anything other than an integrative biological science.

Anatomy and Physiology as a Biological Science

As an introductory level survey course, A&P covers a diversity of topics, including not only anatomy and physiology, but introductory biochemistry, cytology, histology, molecular biology, genetics, immunology, nutrition, embryology, and pathology. The coverage is so diverse, and the principles so relevant to a general understanding of modern biology, that a 1-semester version of this course is often used to satisfy the general biology requirements for non-major students.

Two-semester A&P courses are usually taught from the Biology, Zoology, or Natural Sciences departments; in rare cases, the sequence may be offered by another academic division (e.g. a department within an associated medical school) as a service course. As a result, the diversity of faculty roughly approaches the diversity of topics presented within the course.

The Need for Standardization of Criteria for the Selection and Accreditation of Faculty:

Faculty qualification standards that are too lax make it difficult for the assigned faculty to teach the core curriculum topics, whereas standards that are too restrictive negatively impact both faculty and students. It is in the best interests of all parties to use a standardized set of criteria when evaluating the faculty of anatomy and physiology courses during an accreditation review. For example, at one college the application of overly restrictive standards, which refused to accept comparative, vertebrate, mammalian, or clinical courses among the relevant course credits required for faculty qualification, led to the dismissal of faculty and the elimination of associated A&P and Microbiology courses from the curriculum.

It is our position that Human Anatomy and Physiology is a subset of biology, and the course has extensive overlap with other biological sciences. Opportunities to obtain an M.S. or Ph.D. degree in “human anatomy and physiology” are extremely limited, but there is so much duplication of coverage among courses in modern biology that such specialization is unnecessary. Because the basic anatomical, physiological, histological, and developmental patterns are found across the vertebrate lineage (and often across the major animal phyla), a great diversity of biology courses are directly applicable to human A&P. We also believe that any evaluation of current or potential instructors should consider graduate and postgraduate teaching experience in courses related to anatomy and physiology toward satisfaction of minimum criteria.

HAPS has developed accreditation standards based on a survey of successful anatomy and physiology courses nationwide. We feel that these criteria are sufficient to demonstrate that an instructor is competent to teach a 2-semester anatomy and physiology course. We are therefore encouraging all accreditation agencies and college administrations to use these criteria when evaluating courses or prospective faculty.

The HAPS Standards for Instructors in Anatomy and Physiology:

The HAPS minimum criteria for teaching the introductory level A&P course are (1) a Master’s degree in one of the biological sciences and (2) 18 related credit hours as defined below. A professional degree (M.S.N., M.D., D.O., D.C. D.V.M., or other advanced clinical degrees awarded by nationally accredited institutions) may be accepted as fulfilling the degree requirements.

Instructors must be prepared to integrate introductory level chemistry and biochemistry not only with anatomy and physiology, but with a variety of other relevant topics in biology, including cytology, cell physiology, histology, organology, microbiology, immunology, embryology, and nutrition. Because of the interrelatedness of topics in biology, a course in any one of the topics above must of necessity include a significant amount of anatomy and physiology. Using the HAPS Curriculum Guidelines as a reference, Attachment 1 lists courses that are relevant to the teaching of anatomy and physiology at the introductory level. This list is intended as a reference and a guide, not as a comprehensive or exclusionary listing of applicable courses.

The 18 related credit hours can be accumulated through a combination of (1) undergraduate and graduate course work, (2) teaching experience as a graduate teaching assistant or as graduate or postgraduate faculty in A&P courses, (3) postgraduate course work in human anatomy and physiology, including continuing education credits, (4) research in the field of A&P as evidenced by publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Credits should be calculated as follows:

  • for coursework: the credits awarded on the relevant student transcripts or continuing education certificate
  • for graduate TA work or as faculty while a graduate student: the credits awarded on the graduate student transcript or the credit value of the course
  • for postgraduate teaching: 3 credits for each semester taught
  • for continuing education: the CE credits or units awarded for satisfactory completion of coursework in human anatomy and/or physiology
  • for research publications: 3 credits for each peer-reviewed journal article
  • Any questions regarding this position statement should be directed to the HAPS President and the Board of Directors. A current copy of the Course and Curriculum Guidelines may be downloaded from the HAPS website at

Courses relevant to the teaching of human anatomy and physiology*


  • Human anatomy
  • Comparative anatomy
  • Vertebrate anatomy
  • Veterinary anatomy
  • Surgical anatomy
  • Gross anatomy
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Physical anthropology
  • Kinesiology
  • Human embryology
  • Comparative embryology
  • Vertebrate embryology
  • Cytology
  • Histology
  • Organology
  • Pathology


  • Human physiology
  • Animal physiology
  • Comparative physiology
  • Mammalian physiology
  • General physiology
  • Medical physiology
  • Veterinary physiology
  • Pathophysiology
  • System physiology (i.e., neurophysiology, cardiovascular physiology, endocrinology, immunology, respiratory physiology, etc.)
  • Cell physiology
  • Exercise physiology
  • Molecular biology
  • Genetics
  • Ancillary courses of value**:
  • Microbiology
  • Nutrition
  • Biochemistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacophysiology

*Note: This list should not be considered comprehensive. It is meant simply to provide an indication of the diversity of topics directly relevant to human anatomy and physiology, as reflected in the HAPS Core Curriculum Guidelines.

**A maximum of 6 credits from this category ay be counted toward the 18-credit requirement.

Appendix E - Acceptable Mathematics Courses from Florida Atlantic University’s Master’s Degree in Teaching Mathematics

Note: All Special Topic courses (typically with the number MXX 693X) to be considered for credentialing must provide the course description. These courses are not included on the list below.

Course Number Course Title and Description
MAS 6271 Number Theory and Cryptography (3 credits)
Elementary number theory with applications to cryptography, including: congruences and modular arithmetic, finite fields, public key cryptography (RSA), primality testing and factoring.
MAS 6318 Advanced Algebra and Geometry (3 credits)
Prerequisites: MAS 2103 and MAS 4301

Integrative treatment of advanced topics in classical algebra and geometry. Not intended for students in the Ph.D. program in mathematics.
MAT 6516 Problem Solving and Recreational Mathematics (3 credits)
Prerequisites: MAA 4200 and MAS 4301

Introduction to mathematical problem-solving literature, principles and methods of problem solving, and analysis of selected famous problems in recreational mathematics. Not intended for students in the Ph.D. program in mathematics.
MTG 6415 Fractal Geometry (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

Fractal geometry describes the seemingly irregular shapes and patterns we encounter in the natural world. This course explores the mathematical concepts behind fractal geometry and gives numerous applications of integration of mathematics with the natural world.
MTG 6226 Advanced Euclidean Geometry (3 credits)
Prerequisites: MAS 2103 and MAS 4301

Emphasizes the uses of homogeneous barycentric coordinates in triangle geometry and of dynamic software to explore basic theorems and problems. Not intended for students in the Ph.D. program in mathematics.
MTG 6418 Dynamical Systems, Chaos, and Computing (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

Students reconstruct some modern mathematical discoveries in dynamical systems using widely accessible programs such as spreadsheets and dynamical geometry software. Explorations illustrate the relation of chaos theory to iteration of second order polynomials and fractal geometry as well as general mathematical patterns.
MHF6410 Calculus from a Historical Perspective (3 credits)
Selected topics in calculus from the historical point of view including Archimedes’ quadrature of the parabola, the calculation of Pi, the Bernoulli numbers, and sums of powers of numbers.

Supplemental Letter from FAU’s MST Program Director

Supplemental Letter

Appendix F - List of Reviewers by Discipline

Accounting Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Air Conditioning/HVAC Gauthier, Thomas
Anthropology Roy Vargas
Apprenticeship Gauthier, Thomas
Archaeology Caldwell, Susan
Architecture Roy Vargas
Art White, Richard
Astronomy Ramos, Carlos
Automotive Service Technology Gauthier, Thomas
Automation Mercer, Becky
Banking Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Barbering Pain, Karen
Biology Ramos, Carlos
Biotechnology Mercer, Becky
Biotechnology Lab Specialist Mercer, Becky
Business Administration & Management Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Business Entrepreneurship Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Chemistry Ramos, Carlos
Community-Based Learning Bierster, Susan
Computer Information Systems Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Cosmetology/Facials/Nails Gauthier, Thomas / Pain, Karen
Crime Scene Technology Cipriano, Barbara
Criminal Justice Institute Cipriano, Barbara
Criminal Justice Transfer Cipriano, Barbara
Dental Hygiene/Dental Assisting Mouradian, Belinda
Diesel Technology Gauthier, Thomas
Early Childhood Education/Entry-Level/Certificate Programs Caldwell, Susan
Economics Roy Vargas
Education Caldwell, Susan
Electrical Power Technology Mercer, Becky
Electrician Gauthier, Thomas
Emergency Management Cipriano, Barbara
Emergency Medical Services/Paramedic/EMT Cipriano, Barbara
Engineering Roy Vargas
Engineering Technology Mercer, Becky
English/English Preparatory (Developmental Education) Bierster, Susan
English for Academic Purposes Bierster, Susan
Environmental Science Technology Mercer, Becky
Facilities Maintenance Technician Gauthier, Thomas
Fire Science Technology/Fire Recruit Cipriano, Barbara
Foreign Language Lebile, Linda
Geography Caldwell, Susan
Geology Ramos, Carlos
Graphic Design Technology White, Richard
Health/Health & Fitness/Physical Education Mouradian, Belinda
Health Information Tech/Health Informatics/Medical Info Coder/Healthcare Doc Mouradian, Belinda
Heavy Equipment Service Technician Pain, Karen
History Roy Vargas
Hospitality Management Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Human Services Caldwell, Susan
Industrial Management Mercer, Becky/Andric, Oleg
Insurance Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Interdisciplinary/Honors Albertini, Velmarie / Sheila Scott-Lubin
Interior Design White, Richard
Journalism/Mass Communications White, Richard
Landscape & Horticulture Management Mercer, Becky
Library Science Krull, Rob
Machining Technology Gauthier, Thomas
Massage Therapy Roy Vargas
Mathematics/Mathematics (Developmental Education) Hamadeh, Dana
Medical Assisting Mouradian, Belinda
Mechatronics Mercer, Becky
Motion Picture, Television Production, Digital Animation and Recording Arts White, Richard
Music White, Richard
Nursing (AS) Copeland, Deborah
Nutrition Mouradian, Belinda
Oceanography Ramos, Carlos
Office Management Technology Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Office Occupations Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Ophthalmic Medical Technology Mercer, Becky
Paralegal Lebile, Linda
Patient Care Assistant Copeland, Deborah
Philosophy Roy Vargas
Photography Roy Vargas
Physical Science Ramos, Carlos
Physics Ramos, Carlos
Political Science Roy Vargas
Practical Nursing Copeland, Deborah
Psychology Caldwell, Susan
Public Safety Telecommunications Cipriano, Barbara
Radiography Mouradian, Belinda
Reading (Developmental Education) Bierster, Susa
Real Estate Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Religion Roy Vargas
Respiratory Care Mouradian, Belinda
Security and Automation Systems Technology Gauthier, Thomas
Sociology Caldwell, Susan
Sonography Mouradian, Belinda
Speech Lebile, Linda
Student Development-Strategies/Leadership Bierster, Susan
Supply Chain Management Ferns, Sr., Brent M.
Surgical Services  Mouradian, Belinda
Surgical Technology Mouradian, Belinda
Sustainable Construction Management Gauthier, Thomas
Teacher Certification Program (EPI – Educator Preparation Institute) Caldwell, Susan
Theater White, Richard
Vocational Preparatory Instruction Johnson, Jennifer
Welding Technology Gauthier, Thomas
Bachelor’s Degrees
Entrepreneurship Gladney, Don
Cardiopulmonary Sciences Willey, Edward
Health Management Gladney, Don
Human Services Gladney, Don
Information Management Gladney, Don
Nursing Willey, Edward
Project Management Gladney, Don
Supervision & Management Gladney, Don

Created July 2019, Revised September 2020, Revised June 2021