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100 Percent Payment of the Full Cost of Instruction

Students will be assessed the full cost of instruction (equivalent to out-of-state tuition), for the third and fourth attempts of a college credit or college preparatory course. This rule impacts only those students whose fee assessment is based on in-state residency. Students may not withdraw from the third or fourth attempt in any course.

Appeal of the 100 Percent Payment of Full Cost of Instruction: Students who fail or withdraw from a course two times due to extenuating circumstances and wish to reenroll in the course may appeal the 100 percent payment rule to the campus registrar. Appeals must include copies of supporting documentation and completion of the form available in the Registrar’s Office. The campus registrar shall determine the validity of the circumstances of the appeal and grant an exception only once for each class, if merited. All appeals will be considered on an individual basis. Extenuating circumstances are those determined by the College to be exceptional and beyond the control of the student, which may include, but are not limited to:

  • documented serious illness/medical condition preventing completion
  • death of an immediate family member (father, mother, sister, brother, grandparent, or guardian)
  • call to active military duty
  • documented change in conditions of employment
  • other emergency circumstances or extraordinary situations, such as national disasters
  • documented financial hardship (Criteria for determining financial hardship shall include, but not be limited to, qualifications for federal need-based financial aid.)