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Fourth Attempt Override Appeal Procedure

Students who fail to pass a course after three attempts may file an appeal to take the course a fourth time, based on illness or some other emergency beyond the student’s control that prevented the student from successfully completing the subject area within three attempts. Each request must be accompanied by appropriate documentation of the condition on which the request is made. Students must contact the Office of Academic Advising to schedule an appointment with the designated fourth-attempt appeals advisor. Decisions on fourth attempts are determined by the Dean/Assistant Dean of Student Services, Dean of Bachelor's Degree Programs, or their respective designee. Submit the Fourth Attempt Appeal Form to the Office of Academic Advising on any campus. Palm Beach State does not permit fifth attempts, and this may not be appealed.

Required Documentation: Supporting documentation must accompany fourth attempt appeal requests. The following documentation is required:

  • Death of an immediate family member -- Documentation of the death and the student’s relationship to the deceased. Immediate family members are limited to spouse, child, parent, and sibling.
  • College change or error -- A letter from the appropriate College official documenting the situation in which the College was in error or initiated an action that caused the student to have to withdraw.
  • Employment -- A letter on company stationery indicating that the student’s employer changed their work schedule (listing old and new work schedule) and that this change prevents the student from completing the academic period.
  • Medical -- A letter from the student’s physician or health care agency specifically indicating an illness of such severity or duration that the student cannot continue in a course(s). The letter must include dates of the illness and treatment.
  • Military Service -- Documented involuntary call to active military duty.