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Dental Hygiene AS

Dental Hygiene Overview (2151) Limited Access

Type of Award

AS - Associate in Science

Program Website 

Program Description

The program leads to an A.S. degree and is approximately 21 months in length, not including the time necessary to complete the General Education and Natural Science program Required Courses. The Dental Hygiene Program begins with the fall term of each year and is structured as a daytime program only.

NOTE: The program maintains compliance with institutional policy and applicable regulations of local, state and federal agencies including, but not limited to, radiation hygiene and protection, ionizing radiation, hazardous materials, and bloodborne and infectious diseases. Policies are continually monitored for compliance by the program in accordance with Palm Beach State College’s Safety and Risk Management Office. All policies are available for review at:

Program Accreditation

This program is accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation (ADA CODA), 211 East Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611-2678, (312)440-2500, and is approved by the Florida State Board of Dentistry.

Program Learning Outcomes

For detailed information, visit:

General Admission Requirements to the College

  • Complete an Application for Admission, located at
  • Submit an official high school or GED transcript and official college/university transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended. Refer to the Admission Procedures section of the college catalog for more information regarding transcripts.
  • Submit placement test scores if not exempt from placement testing. To determine if you are exempt, visit:
  • Complete all other requirements for admission outlined in the Admission Procedures section of the college catalog.

Admission Requirements for Dental Hygiene

In addition to the General Admission requirements, students must meet the following eligibility criteria to be considered for selection to the program. (Meeting admission criteria does not guarantee acceptance into the program).

  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher;
  • Complete all Natural Science program Required Courses (listed below) with a grade of C or higher; and
  • Submit a completed Dental Hygiene program application, located on the program website, by the deadline.

Completion Requirements

Students must complete all courses listed in the catalog for this program with a grade of C or higher.

Program Length

The program is approximately 21 months in length, not including the time necessary to complete the General Education and the Natural Science program Required Courses. It begins with the fall term of each year and is structured as a daytime program only.


The program is offered at the Lake Worth campus.

For More Information

Dental Health Services Coordinator, (561) 868-3752

Employment Opportunities

Graduates of the program and after successfully passing national and state licensing examinations may seek employment as a licensed registered dental hygienist in a variety of settings, to include but not limited to general/specialty dental practices, public health, hospitals and community health care related facilities, public and private health access settings, school based programs, dental product representatives, and educational and research related fields.

Career Path Notes

Courses from this program may transfer into Palm Beach State's Bachelor of Applied Science program in Supervision and Management. For more information, visit:

In addition, courses from this program may transfer to other colleges and universities that allow students to transfer into a four-year program. For more information, contact the college or university to which you wish to transfer.

Career Center

For more information about employment opportunities, including job outlook and salary information, visit: Occupational Outlook Handbook:

O-Net Online:

Required courses:

General Education (Credits: 18)

ENC1101College Composition 1 (AA)

3 Credits

PSY2012Introduction to Psychology (AA)

3 Credits

SYG2000Introduction to Sociology (AA)

3 Credits

Choose Any Mathematics Area lll, Tier 1 course

3 Credits

Choose Any Humanities Area ll, Tier 1 course

3 Credits

AMH2020United States History from 1865 to Present (AA)

3 Credits


POS1041Introduction to American Government (AA)

3 Credits

Natural Science Program Requirements (Credits: 18)

BSC2085Anatomy and Physiology 1 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2085LAnatomy and Physiology 1 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

BSC2086Anatomy and Physiology 2 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2086LAnatomy and Physiology 2 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

Any level transferable Chemistry course

3 credits

HUN1201Elements of Nutrition (AA)

3 Credits

MCB2010Microbiology (AA)

3 Credits

MCB2010LMicrobiology Lab (AA)

1 Credit

Required Courses (Credits: 52)

DEH1003Dental Hygiene Instrumentation (AS)

1 Credit

DEH1003LDental Hygiene Instrumentation Lab (AS)

2 Credits

DEH1130Oral Embryology and Histology (AS)

1 Credit

DEH1800Dental Hygiene 1 (AS)

1 Credit

DEH1800LDental Hygiene 1 Lab (AS)

4 Credits

DEH1802Dental Hygiene 2 (AS)

1 Credit

DEH1802LDental Hygiene 2 Lab (AS)

2 Credits

DEH2300Pharmacology (AS)

2 Credits

DEH2400General and Oral Pathology (AS)

2 Credits

DEH2602Periodontology (AS)

2 Credits

DEH2604Current Concepts in Periodontology (AS)

1 Credit

DEH2701Community Dentistry (AS)

2 Credits

DEH2702LCommunity Dentistry Practicum (AS)

1 Credit

DEH2804Dental Hygiene 3 (AS)

1 Credit

DEH2804LDental Hygiene 3 Lab (AS)

4 Credits

DEH2806Dental Hygiene 4 (AS)

1 Credit

DEH2806LDental Hygiene 4 Lab (AS)

5 Credits

DES1020Dental Anatomy (AS)

3 Credits

DES1100Dental Materials (AS)

2 Credits

DES1100LDental Materials Lab (AS)

1 Credit

DES1200Dental Radiology (AS)

2 Credits

DES1200LDental Radiology Lab (AS)

1 Credit

DES1600Office Emergencies (AS)

1 Credit

DES1800Introduction to Clinical Procedures (AS)

3 Credits

DES1800LIntroduction to Clinical Procedures Lab (AS)

1 Credit

DES1832Expanded Functions Lecture (AS)

1 Credit

DES1832LExpanded Functions Lab (AS)

1 Credit

DES1840Preventive Dentistry (AS)

2 Credits

DES2502Office Management (AS)

1 Credit

Total Credit Hours: 88

Course Sequence

Term One - Fall (Year One) (Credits: 17)

DEH1003Dental Hygiene Instrumentation (AS)

1 Credit

DEH1003LDental Hygiene Instrumentation Lab (AS)

2 Credits

DES1020Dental Anatomy (AS)

3 Credits

DES1100Dental Materials (AS)

2 Credits

DES1100LDental Materials Lab (AS)

1 Credit

DES1200Dental Radiology (AS)

2 Credits

DES1200LDental Radiology Lab (AS)

1 Credit

DES1600Office Emergencies (AS)

1 Credit

DES1800Introduction to Clinical Procedures (AS)

3 Credits

DES1800LIntroduction to Clinical Procedures Lab (AS)

1 Credit

Term Two - Spring (Year One) (Credits: 12)

DES1832Expanded Functions Lecture (AS)

1 Credit

DES1832LExpanded Functions Lab (AS)

1 Credit

DES1840Preventive Dentistry (AS)

2 Credits

DEH1130Oral Embryology and Histology (AS)

1 Credit

DEH1800Dental Hygiene 1 (AS)

1 Credit

DEH1800LDental Hygiene 1 Lab (AS)

4 Credits

DEH2300Pharmacology (AS)

2 Credits

Term Three - Summer (Year One) (Credits: 7)

DEH2602Periodontology (AS)

2 Credits

DEH1802Dental Hygiene 2 (AS)

1 Credit

DEH1802LDental Hygiene 2 Lab (AS)

2 Credits

DEH2400General and Oral Pathology (AS)

2 Credits

Term One - Fall (Year Two) (Credits: 8)

DEH2701Community Dentistry (AS)

2 Credits

DEH2804Dental Hygiene 3 (AS)

1 Credit

DEH2804LDental Hygiene 3 Lab (AS)

4 Credits

DEH2604Current Concepts in Periodontology (AS)

1 Credit

Term Two - Spring (Year Two) (Credits: 8)

DES2502Office Management (AS)

1 Credit

DEH2806Dental Hygiene 4 (AS)

1 Credit

DEH2806LDental Hygiene 4 Lab (AS)

5 Credits

DEH2702LCommunity Dentistry Practicum (AS)

1 Credit

Total Credit Hours: 88