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Engineering Technology - Electronics Concentration AS

Engineering Technology - Electronics Concentration Overview (AS 2550B)

Type of Award

AS - Associate in Science

Program Website

Program Description

The Engineering Technology program is designed for the student who is seeking an A.S. degree and preparing for a career in the engineering technology field or general electronics or alternative energies fields. It is also designed for employees in these fields who seek further education and career advancements. The skill set and knowledge acquired in the program applies to a variety of industries: manufacturing, engineering, aerospace, power, transportation and others.

Course content includes core courses in both electrical and mechanical engineering with special programs in advanced technology, alternative energy systems and electronics.

Program Learning Outcomes

For detailed information, visit

Admission Requirements

Completion Requirements

Students must successfully complete all courses listed in the catalog for this program.

For more details about graduation requirements please refer to the Graduation section of this catalog.

Program Length

The program can be finished in two years of full-time enrollment or three years of part-time.


The program is offered at the Palm Beach Gardens campus.

For More Information

Dr. Robert Odea, Associate Dean,, (561) 207-5416

Eva Suarez, Department Chair,, (561) 207-5727

Sandra Chambrot, Administrative Assistant,, (561) 207-5726

Employment Opportunities

Upon completion of this program, you may seek employment in an entry-level position with a broad base of skills in engineering technology. There will be expanded employment opportunities due to Florida’s projected additional engineering technologist needs. Job titles include technician in engineering technology, electronics, engineering, research and development, testing, drafting, alternative energies, or as engineering assistants, technologist.

Career Path Notes

Courses from this program may transfer to other colleges and universities that allow students to transfer into a four-year program. For more information, contact the college or university to which you wish to transfer.

Career Center

For more information about employment opportunities, including job outlook and salary information, visit: Occupational Outlook Handbook:

O-Net Online:

Required courses:

General Education (Credits: 18)

ENC1101English Composition 1 (AA)

3 Credits

MAC1105College Algebra (AA)

3 Credits

SPC1017Fundamentals of Speech Communication (AA)

3 Credits

PHY1020Fundamentals of Physics (AA)

3 Credits

AMH2020United States History Since 1877 (AA)

3 Credits


POS1041Introduction to American Government (AA)

3 Credits


AMH2010United States History to1877 (AA)

3 Credits

Choose Any Humanities Area ll, Tier 1 course

3 Credits

Core Courses (Credits: 18)

ETM1010CMechanical Measurements and Instruments (AS)

3 Credits

ETI1701Environmental Health and Safety (AS)

3 Credits

ETI2110Introduction to Quality Assurance (AS)

3 Credits

ETS2352CMaterials and Manufacturing Processes (AS)

3 Credits

ETD2320CIntroduction to AutoCAD (AS)

3 Credits

EET2325CElectronic Communications Systems (AS)

3 Credits

Required Concentration Courses (Credits: 15)

EET1015CDC Circuit Analysis (AS)

3 Credits

EET1025CAC Circuit Analysis (AS)

3 Credits

EET1215CIntroduction to Electronics (AS)

3 Credits

CET2117CMicroprocessors and Digital Logic (AS)

3 Credits

CET2127CProgrammable Logic Controllers (AS)

3 Credits

Technical Electives - Choose 9 credits

EET2724CSchematic Capture and Modeling (AS)

3 Credits

EET1610CThrough-hole Surface Mount Soldering (AS)

2 Credits

EET1141CAnalog Devices (AS)

3 Credits

CET2113CDigital Electronics (AS)

3 Credits

ETS2520CProcess Measurement Fundamentals (AS)

3 Credits

EET2609CElectronic Fabrication and Fiber Optics (AS)

3 Credits

ETD2950CSpecial Topics In Engineering Technology (AS)

4 Credits

ETD2941Engineering Technology Internship (AS)

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 60

Course Sequence

Term One - Summer (Year One) (Credits: 9)

MAC1105College Algebra (AA)

3 Credits

ENC1101English Composition 1 (AA)

3 Credits

SPC1017Fundamentals of Speech Communication (AA)

3 Credits

Term Two - Fall (Year One) (Credits: 15)

ETI1701Environmental Health and Safety (AS)

3 Credits

ETD2320CIntroduction to AutoCAD (AS)

3 Credits

EET1015CDC Circuit Analysis (AS)

3 Credits

ETI2110Introduction to Quality Assurance (AS)

3 Credits

PHY1020Fundamentals of Physics (AA)

3 Credits

Term Three - Spring (Year Two) (Credits: 12)

ETM1010CMechanical Measurements and Instruments (AS)

3 Credits

EET1025CAC Circuit Analysis (AS)

3 Credits

ETS2352CMaterials and Manufacturing Processes (AS)

3 Credits

Choose Any Humanities Area ll, Tier 1 course

3 Credits

Term Four - Summer (Year Two) (Credits: 9)

EET1215CIntroduction to Electronics (AS)

3 Credits

Technical Elective

3 credits

AMH2020United States History Since 1877 (AA)

3 Credits


POS1041Introduction to American Government (AA)

3 Credits


AMH2010United States History to1877 (AA)

3 Credits

Term Five - Fall (Year Two) (Credits: 9)

CET2117CMicroprocessors and Digital Logic (AS)

3 Credits

EET2325CElectronic Communications Systems (AS)

3 Credits

Technical Elective

3 credits

Term Six - Spring (Year Three) (Credits: 6)

CET2127CProgrammable Logic Controllers (AS)

3 Credits

Technical Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60