De-Credentialing of Faculty

All requests for faculty credentials to be removed should be sent directly to the VPAA with an explanation of the reasoning.

De-Credentialing Recommendation Form

PBSC District Board of Trustees (DBOT) Policy 6Hx-18-5.25 Criteria for Academic and Professional Preparation for Full and Part-time Faculty established faculty qualifications based on SACSCOC Faculty Credentials Guidelines and SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation Standard 6.2.a (Faculty qualifications). (see: SACSCOC Faculty Credentialing Guidelines

In addition to the criteria for each discipline outlined in the credentialing manual, the College also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experience in the field, professional licensure and certification, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes.

To ensure the academic quality and integrity of its academic offerings, the College may also de-credential the qualifications of a faculty member with set justifications.

PBSC’s Faculty De-Credentialing Approval Process

All recommendations for faculty credentials to be removed from the Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD) should be sent directly to the VPAA for approval. Each submission should include clear explanation, with justification and supporting documentation for the recommendation. The following are the steps for recommending faculty de-credentialing:

Step 1: An Academic Dean may initiate a recommendation to de-credential a full-time or part-time faculty by processing the request through the Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD). The Academic Dean should carefully review the information to be submitted to ensure strict compliance with the de-credentialing set justifications and confirm the appropriateness of the documentation prior to submitting the recommendation for VPAA and/or Deans Council review.

Step 2: VPAA and/or the Academic Deans Council will complete a thorough review of all de-credentialing recommendations and documentation.

Step 3: Notifications: If the de-credentialing recommendation is approved by the VPAA and/or Deans Council, the VPAA’s office will notify the Office of Human Resources, if appropriate based on the decision, and provide the necessary supporting documentation. The VPAA’s office will also provide documentation to the Office of Academic Services with a set date to update Faculty Credentials on the PantherNet System.

Step 4: Academic Services will process the de-credentialed request and update the faculty database and PantherNet system. Notification will be sent via the Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD) to Academic Deans.

At PBSC de-credentialing is the process by which the VPAA and or Academic Deans Council determines whether a faculty member’s or instructor’s academic credentials should be partially or fully removed from PBSC’s Online Faculty Credentialing Database (OFCD).

Justification for De-Credentialing:  

Faculty Member:

  1. Does not meet credentialing requirements set forth in the appropriate section of the Credentialing Manual based upon updated review of the official transcript and/or other required supporting documents, or does not meet degree and course work guidelines based on review of results of evaluation of his/her foreign credentials by a foreign credentials evaluation service and other supporting documentation, or does not meet degree and course work guidelines, but has been recommended for de-credentialing based on review of documentation in the portfolio presented, or demonstrated inefficiency in meeting established program and or course outcomes.

  2. Demonstrated or self-reported incapacity, or inability to fulfill teaching responsibilities for the course, or demonstrated conduct unbecoming a professor/instructor, or other just cause, or other just cause shall include, but not be limited to, violation of the PBSC District Board of Trustees Policy and/or the provisions outlined in the PBSC Faculty Handbook and/or provisions outlined in the PBSC Academic Management Manual.

Note: On occasion, it is determined that a faculty member is no longer qualified to work at PBSC. The procedure for this action is different from simply removing some of the courses the faculty member teaches and might require some action by the Office of Human Resources after the approval of the Deans Council and VPAA.

Table 2: De-Credentialing Faculty


Academic Management Manual Faculty Credentialing Criteria Section B

SACSCOC Standard 6.2.a (Faculty qualifications) Faculty Credentialing Guidelines
Specify what credential is under review: (i.e., M.B.A.) List the minimum requirements: (i.e., Master’s degree in Accounting. OR Master’s degree and 18 graduate semester hours in Accounting, with accounting prefix courses.) List courses to be de-credentialed: (i.e., ACG 2001, ACG 2360, ACG 2450)