Early Childhood (ECPC) Professional Certificate CCP

Early Childhood Professional Certification (ECPC)-Preschool Overview (5364)

Type of Award

CCP - Career Certificate Program

Program Website


Program Description

The Florida Department of Education Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) program prepares the student who works with children 3 to 5 years old in a licensed child care facility for the National CDA Credential.

The student will successfully complete 120 hours of formal classroom instruction in the six competency goals, a 2-hour observation during Module 3, document 480 hours of work experience and complete all other Palm Beach State requirements.

Upon completion of the program the student will be awarded a Florida Department of Education, Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) and a staff credential from the Florida Department of Children and Families.

Program Learning Outcomes

For detailed information, visit www.palmbeachstate.edu/learningoutcomes/Program-Learning-Outcomes

Admission Requirements

These requirements must be met before registering for the ECPC program:


  • Program Objective Code: Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) - Preschool (5364)
  • ECPC Information Session
  • 40-Hour Introductory Child Care Training including:
  • 5-Hour Preschool Appropriate Practices
  • 5-Hour Understanding Developmentally Appropriate Practices
  • 5-Hour Emergent Literacy (offered through DCF as an online course)
  • High school diploma (or equivalent) and College Application submitted to Palm Beach State www.palmbeachstate.edu/admissions/Admissions-Applications
  • Employed in a licensed child care setting working with children 5 years or younger (preferably 3-5 years of age)
  • Take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) exam if not exempt from TABE testing. To determine if you are exempt, Please go to this link and view TABE Standards.
  • Must be at least 18 years of age or older
  • Mastery of the English language

An official high school diploma or GED transcript must be on file at the Registrar's Office. The transcript must show that the student graduated with a standard diploma (or equivalent) from an accredited high school accepted by Palm Beach State. The transcript must be received and accepted by the registrar before registering for Module 1.

For additional information regarding admission requirements refer to the Admissions section of this catalog.

Completion Requirements

Students must successfully pass each ECPC module with a passing grade of A, B or C and complete all additional requirements for each of the modules in order to be eligible to continue in the program. Students must pass the TABE with the following minimum TABE test scores: Reading: 9; Language: 9; Mathematics: 9 or qualify for TABE exemption. Once the student has successfully passed each module, a Florida Department of Education Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) will be awarded.

For more details about graduation requirements please refer to the Graduation section of this catalog.

Program Length

Total Required Hours: 600.


The program is offered at the Lake Worth campus and Live Online.

For More Information

Luisa Brennan, brennanl@palmbeachstate.edu, (561) 868-4048

Employment Opportunities

A student completing this program may find employment opportunities as an early childhood provider, practitioner, lead or assistant teacher, curriculum specialist, director and program administrator in the early childhood field.

Career Path Notes

The student who has earned a Florida Department of Education ECPC Certificate from Palm Beach State can receive college credits toward an Associate in Science degree (A.S.) in Early Childhood Education (2358). The articulation will be reviewed upon request once students have completed 15 college credits toward the A.S. degree (2358). For more information call (561) 868-3807.

Career Center


For more information about employment opportunities including job outlook and salary information visit: Occupational Outlook Handbook: www.bls.gov/ooh

O-Net Online: www.onetonline.org

Required courses:

Required Courses (Clock Hours: 600)

HEV0130Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) Module 1 (CCP)

40 Clock Hours

HEV0131Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) Module 2 (CCP)

40 Clock Hours

HEV0132Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) Module 3 (CCP)

40 Clock Hours

HEV0999ECPC/FCCPC Practical Experience (CCP)

480 Clock Hours

Total Credit Hours: 600

Course Sequence

Term One - Fall (Year One) (Clock Hours: 120)

HEV0130Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) Module 1 (CCP)

40 Clock Hours

HEV0131Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) Module 2 (CCP)

40 Clock Hours

HEV0132Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) Module 3 (CCP)

40 Clock Hours

Total Credit Hours: 600