Appendix Q - Template for Writing an Assessment Report

In most cases, reports must be adjusted for the specific audience, and some type of summary should be a part of the report. However, the following information should always be included as report components. Save table and expand rows as needed.

Outcome Assessment Tool(s) Standard(s)

(or Benchmark)
Achievement Target(s) Results (include comparison to previous cycle) Improvement Strategies for Next Cycle





  • Outcome – Each outcome should be reported separately.
  • Assessment tool – This is an assignment, test, project, etc., that is used to measure an outcome. More than one assessment may be used for a given outcome, but every outcome should have a unique assessment or unique assessment items.
  • Standard – This is a minimum score, rating, or other unit of achievement that is acceptable for satisfactory performance.
  • Achievement target – A target is the minimum percentage of students who are expected to meet the standard on an assessment.
  • Report the results as they relate to the achievement target, discuss any findings and related details, and discuss noted trends as they relate to previous cycle(s). For example,
    • If the target is that 75% of students will score at least 90 on an exam and 82% do, write, “82% of students achieved a score of 90 or higher.”
    • Include the number of students who participated and any other details that may be relevant, such as fewer class meetings due to college closures or lower/higher number of students than usual.
    • Note any trends toward increased or decreased performance, providing thoughts on contributing factors.
  • Improvement strategies for next cycle – Assessment reports should always include a description of any strategies that are planned as an effort to improve results.