General e-Learning Policies and Guidelines

Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet at Palm Beach State College

PBSC provides access to the internet and World Wide Web for purposes directly related to education in an environment. Access to resources is shared equitably among all Palm Beach State users to allow a learning environment. All Internet use is to be free of illegal or malicious acts and must show respect for others through proper Network Etiquette.

Accessibility (ADA)

The Center for Student Accessibility (CSA) is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all qualified students with disabilities, in compliance with federal and state statutes. The e-Learning Department is also committed to ensure that the integrity of all college standards and requirements is maintained. ADA compliance will be applied via a prudent method of providing alternate content, which meets the needs of a specifically challenged learner.

Students with disabilities are advised, in compliance with federal and state laws, that accommodations and services are available through the office of The Center for Student Accessibility (CSA).  Students in need of accommodations need to contact the PBSC CSA Manager at the home campus to submit appropriate documentation and request services, including Internet and Canvas Course accessibility accommodation requests. Please see the website at The CSA Office will coordinate with e-Learning and provide all necessary accommodations for every properly documented student disability.

One of the most common Center for Student Accessibility requests is an extension of allowed time for time restricted examinations. This can be applied/achieved by the instructor utilizing Canvas Test Availability Exceptions provided in Test Options. Students that present an authorized letter from the CSA office must be provided with stated time extensions.

Testing Integrity and Verification of Student Identity

It is recommended to provide all Assessments (Tests and Quizzes) via the Canvas course site to Live Online, Hybrid and Online students. In order to prevent dishonesty, the assessments should be designed to draw random questions from large test databases, randomizing answers in multiple choice questions, providing one question at a time and not allowing revisiting of questions, limiting time for submissions, and not allowing checking of results until after submission time expires. Following these guidelines minimizes student ability to share answers and print out sample test.

It is highly recommended to apply the Respondus Test Proctoring System (LockDown Browser and Video Monitor) on all major examinations. The LockDown browser prevents students to copy/paste access the Web (browser) and/or use any other computer files and applications while they are taking their exams,. The Monitor provides the ability to check/record student identification and video-monitor the students during their online examinations.

Each Palm Beach State Testing Center in each campus also provides proctored testing in a secure environment. These centers in coordination with the faculty member can help establish testing sites outside of the Palm Beach County service area. It is possible, but not recommended unless absolutely necessary, to require students to take the Canvas exam at one of the Palm Beach State's or participating partner Testing Center. The Respondus Test Proctoring System is the preferred recommendation. Please see the Testing Center Web page for more information and for procedures to schedule a proctored exam at the Center:

Video Streaming System

All faculty produced/published instructional audio/video must be hosted on the PBSC licensed Kaltura system, which provides auto-formatting/streaming service based on user’s device and bandwidth. The Kaltura/Bb building block also provides desktop and webcam recording capabilities with one-click-publishing.

Advertisement of e-Learning Courses

A number of marketing activities are used to promote e-Learning classes at Palm Beach State:

  • e-Learning website at Palm Beach State
  • PantherWeb (Workday) Palm Beach State Class Search
  • SREB Electronic Campus Listing
  • FloridaShines/Florida Virtual Campus Course Listing

Interaction with Students and Office Hours

Communication between students and faculty is vital for student success in online learning. Specific requirements for frequent use of course-mail, chat or discussion boards should be designed in course materials. Faculty should announce specific feedback timeframes in each course syllabus.

For example: “Instructor’s course-mail will be checked once per day Monday – Friday” or "Email will be responded to within 24 hours."

It is highly recommended that faculty check and respond to course-mail and discussion postings daily Monday through Friday for Online and Hybrid courses. Since students work asynchronously, it is crucial to provide feedback as quickly as possible.

As part of the full-time faculty member’s required 10 office hours per week on campus, faculty are encouraged to use some of the 10 hours per week for online students.

Publishing Courses

All courses must have all courses published by the assigned faculty member 48 hours before the first day of courses. This action is performed by the instructor. All modules and course activities/pages in the courses must also be published.

Observance of Major Holidays and Due Dates

While online courses are generally instructed in an ‘asynchronous’ method and students are provided a certain amount of time/days to complete and turn in assigned activities, general observance of major holidays must be observed. Due dates should not be set for any major holiday and student activity load needs to take into account all major holidays and official PBSC breaks.

Ownership of Material / Copyright

Palm Beach State College employees must observe US laws governing copyright. Any violation of copyright or any other law is the sole responsibility of the author of that Web page. Authors or originators using photos and images may need the permission of not only the person or organization that owns the photo or image, but also from any persons included within the images. Any use of other copyrighted material must have the express written permission ofthe person or organization that owns the copyright. Palm Beach State reserves the right to require proof of the written permission and to remove the material if that proof cannot be produced.

Lecture Recordings

Students may audio or video record a faculty lecture, defined as a planned presentation by a PBSC faculty member or instructor, during scheduled class times, delivered for the purpose of transmitting knowledge or information that is reasonably related to the pedagogical objective of the course in which the student is enrolled. Faculty are encouraged to let students know when the lecture portion of a class begins and ends. There are three permitted purposes for students making the recording:

(1) personal educational use, (2) for use in a complaint against the institution, or (3) for use as evidence in a civil or criminal proceeding. Students may not record for any other purpose without the consent of the instructor. Students are prohibited from recording classroom activities other than lectures, including but not limited to, class discussions, student presentations, labs, academic exercises involving student participation, and private conversations. Students are expressly prohibited from recording any other student’s image or voice. Recordings may not be used to engage in academic dishonesty and may not be published or shared in any way without the faculty member’s written consent. Publication is defined as showing or making available or distributing the recorded lecture by any means.

Student Complaint and Course Grade Appeal Procdures

A student seeking to file a complaint regarding derogatory or other inappropriate behavior on the part of a faculty/instructor or staff member that does not involve academic dishonesty, grade appeal, or another disciplinary action must follow the process outlined in the current-year’s Student Handbook:

 A student seeking final grade appeal can follow an Informal Appeal and/or a Formal Appeal Process. Please see the current year’s Student Handbook for detailed procedures:

Canvas Guidelines

Canvas is a Learning [course] Management System that is used for the delivery of instruction online, and supplemental instruction in face-to-face classes and other course delivery modalities.

Every course using Canvas must maintain a standard course design. Canvas can also be used for Organization Sites, Departmental Discussion Boards and/or Webinar Meetings by departments, faculty clusters, committees and sponsored clubs. To request a course and/or an organization site in the Palm Beach State Canvas system, send a request to the Canvas Administrator (