Workday Coding for eLearning Courses

Special course notes are used to identify the delivery method of eLearning courses. Once the course is loaded in Workday by the campus, these additional special notes need to be added to designate to the students the course delivery method:


Fully Online Courses delivery mode Workday designator ‘Online’

Course Registration Note:

This class does not require real-time interaction; instead, instructional content is available online for you to access when it best suits your schedule, and assignments are completed to deadlines. You must have access to an Internet connected computer with a camera. Canvas login:


Online courses are a great way for students to complete degree requirements while juggling work and/or family responsibilities. These highly interactive courses engage students with course content through structured online learning activities. Although many of the College's online courses require no campus meetings at all, some do require on-campus meetings for an orientation, proctored tests, presentations, or group work. Required on-campus meeting dates are listed in the course schedule.


Hybrid Courses delivery mode Workday designator ‘Hybrid’

Course Registration Note:

This class is a combination of in-class meetings and online instructional content. Your class will meet during designated times as listed on your class schedule. You must have access to an Internet connected computer. Canvas login:


Hybrid courses are a good choice for students who enjoy both online and on campus learning. Hybrid classes replace some of the time that would normally be spent in a classroom with online learning activities. Attendance is 50% in an on-campus classroom and 50% online.


Live Online Courses delivery mode Workday designator ‘Other Distance Mode’

Course Registration Note:

This class is a real-time virtual course. Your class will meet online during designated times as listed on your class schedule. You must have access to an Internet connected computer with a camera. Canvas login:


Live Online courses require no physical classroom meetings. Instruction is synchronously scheduled with days/times for instruction and interactions. Uses electronic delivery methods (i.e., Zoom, Microsoft Teams remote labs, video conferencing, chats, collaborations, or social learning technologies) to transmit instruction/information.


Face to Face (classroom) Courses delivery mode Workday designator ‘In Person’

Course Registration Note:

This class contains an online component that supplements the in-class meetings. You must have access to an Internet connected computer. Canvas login:


Face to Face courses are traditional, on-campus courses that use an online component to augment or enhance the classroom learning experience. These courses require regular on- campus meetings.

Course Delivery Modality and Changes

The campus Associate Dean is responsible for adding the appropriate special designators and special fees. Changing the modality of course delivery once registration has started may result in student registrations being cancelled due to different fee structures. Students already registered must be contacted personally and advised of the impact of the change (required attendance to campus, asynchronous vs synchronous mode of delivery, etc.).

Instructor Resource Management and Workday Instructor Canvas Course Certification

Before an instructor can be assigned to a class, the instructor must first be credentialed by Palm Beach State College (Campus Academic Dean, Associate Dean). The process of credentialing is the institution’s guarantee that the instructor has met all the necessary credentialing to teach a class. This process differs depending on whether the instructor is teaching a non‐credit class, a preparatory class, or a credit class.


An instructor must receive an Online and/or Hybrid course certification to qualify to teach a course in that respective delivery mode. Once the eLearning department certifies a faculty/instructor's course for meeting the applicable guidelines/standards for a hybrid or an online course, an applicable code is placed in Workday on the Instructor Resource Management screen. Only then will Workday allow the instructor’s assignment to the online or hybrid course.

Syllabi and Faculty / Instructor Web Page

All faculty who have courses that have been approved with Web Content designators must have a faculty web page and syllabi available online on the College designated faculty home page and in the Canvas course site. The syllabus should be posted as soon as the class is loaded, but at least 30 days before the registration period for the semester opens. If the class is added after the registration period opens, the syllabi should be placed online within 24 hours of the class being added to the schedule. Please see the webpage at affairs-policies-and-documents/faculty-webpage-syllabi.aspx for syllabus, templates, checklists and posting dates.