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Medical Information Coder/Biller CCC

Medical Information Coder/Biller Overview (6528)

Type of Award

CCC - College Credit Certificate

Program Website

Program Description

This AHIMA PCAP approved program prepares students for employment as medical coders and health insurance specialists. The medical coder is responsible for assigning correct diagnostic and procedural codes to medical documentation from patients’ medical records to ensure appropriate medical insurance reimbursement and compliance.

The Medical Information Coder/Biller program content is comprehensive, covering both inpatient and outpatient coding and documentation principles. This requires knowledge and abilities in anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, computer software, reimbursement, health insurance, ethics, legal and regulatory requirements, and health information management.

Program Accreditation

The Medical Information Coder/Biller program is approved through the Professional Certificate Approval Process (PCAP) by the American Health Information Management Association Foundation. This designation acknowledges the coding program as having been evaluated by a peer review process against a national minimum set of standards for entry-level coding professions. This process allows academic institutions, health care organizations, and private companies to be acknowledged as offering an AHIMA Foundation PCAP Approved Coding Certificate program.

General Admission Requirements to the College

  • Complete an Application for Admission, located at
  • Submit an official high school or GED transcript and official college/university transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended. Refer to the Admission Procedures section of the college catalog for more information regarding transcripts.

Admission Requirements for Medical Information Coder/Biller

In addition to the General Admission requirements, students must meet the following eligibility criteria to be considered for selection to the program.

  • Complete the online information session.
  • Complete the ELO1000 Canvas orientation course.
  • Submit a completed Health Information program application located on the program application website.

Completion Requirements

Students must complete all courses listed in the catalog for this program with a grade of C or higher.

For more details about graduation requirements please refer to the Graduation section of this catalog.

Program Length

Total program credits: 37. Total program length: 6 semesters part-time. 


The program is offered at the Loxahatchee Groves campus and online.

The program is available fully online. HIM courses are offered online. All other program courses are offered in a variety of modalities including face-to-face, live-on-line, and online.

For More Information

Contact Professor Colette Chiacchiero, Department Chair Health Information Programs,, (561) 790-9049

Employment Opportunities

Upon completion of this program, the student may seek employment as a medical coder or health insurance specialist in a hospital, physician’s office, intermediate care facility, insurance company, billing company or clinic. A medical information coder/biller uses the clinical documentation, diagnosis and procedures and translates them into numeric codes. These numeric codes are input into the computer system and used for reimbursement, quality assurance and research.

Career Path Notes

Completion of the program will provide students with 37 credits, which may be applied to the Health Information Technology Associate in Science degree.

Upon completion of the program students may sit for the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) CCA certification examination and/or the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) CPC-A certification examination.

Career Center

For more information about employment opportunities including job outlook and salary information visit: Occupational Outlook Handbook:

O-Net Online:

Required courses:

Required Courses (Credits: 37)

BSC2085Anatomy and Physiology 1 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2085LAnatomy and Physiology 1 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

BSC2086Anatomy and Physiology 2 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2086LAnatomy and Physiology 2 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

CGS1100Microcomputer Applications (AA)

3 Credits


HIM1610COffice Applications for Health Professions (AS)

3 Credits

HSC2531Medical Terminology (AA)

3 Credits

HIM1000CIntroduction to Health Information Management (AS)

3 Credits

HIM1433CPathophysiology for Health Information (AS)

2 Credits

HIM1442CPharmacology for Health Information (AS)

2 Credits

HIM1282CFundamentals of Medical Coding (AS)

3 Credits

HIM2222CApplied Inpatient Coding (AS)


HIM2272CMedical Reimbursement and Revenue (AS)

3 Credits

HIM2253CApplied Outpatient Coding (AS)

3 Credits

HIM2810LAdvanced Coding Lab (AS)

1 Credit

HIM1012CHealth Information Law, Ethics, and Compliance (AS)

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 37

Course Sequence

Term One - Spring (Credits: 10)

BSC2085Anatomy and Physiology 1 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2085LAnatomy and Physiology 1 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

CGS1100Microcomputer Applications (AA)

3 Credits


HIM1610COffice Applications for Health Professions (AS)

3 Credits

HIM1000CIntroduction to Health Information Management (AS)

3 Credits

Term Two - Summer (Credits: 7)

BSC2086Anatomy and Physiology 2 (AA)

3 Credits

BSC2086LAnatomy and Physiology 2 Lab (AA)

1 Credit

HSC2531Medical Terminology (AA)

3 Credits

Term Three - Fall (Credits: 7)

HIM1433CPathophysiology for Health Information (AS)

2 Credits

HIM1282CFundamentals of Medical Coding (AS)

3 Credits

HIM1442CPharmacology for Health Information (AS)

2 Credits

Term Four - Spring (Credits: 6)

HIM2222CApplied Inpatient Coding (AS)


HIM1012CHealth Information Law, Ethics, and Compliance (AS)

3 Credits

Term Five- Summer (Credits: 6)

HIM2253CApplied Outpatient Coding (AS)

3 Credits

HIM2272CMedical Reimbursement and Revenue (AS)

3 Credits

Term Six - Fall (Credit: 1)

HIM2810LAdvanced Coding Lab (AS)

1 Credit

Total Credit Hours: 37