Cluster Guidelines

  1. The Cluster is comprised of disciplines and/or programs. Each cluster has a liaison, who is an associate dean or director.
  2. Programs or a discipline(s) may choose to meet more frequently. If a program or a discipline meets outside of the four required meetings during the academic year, minutes must be taken and distributed via email to the Academic Minutes Distribution list.
  3. Any cluster member may place an item on the agenda for discussion and/or voting. The cluster chair does not have the right to refuse an agenda item from a cluster member.
  4. An item is approved if the majority of cluster members present approve the agenda item.
  5. The Cluster Liaison is responsible for:
    1. Collaborating with the Cluster Chair to ensure that at least the four required meetings are scheduled.
    2. Holding a group meeting with all the programs and disciplines under that cluster.
    3. Ensuring that minutes are taken, including addressing any district issues set forth by the VPAA, and distributed to the Academic Minutes Distribution list.
    4. Identifying which program/clusters actually meet in addition to the main cluster meeting. If discipline or programs meet in addition to the main cluster meeting, minutes must also be taken and distributed.
    5. Clusters are recommending bodies. Recommendations by the cluster are made to the cluster liaison, who then sends them to Deans’ Council following established policy and procedure.
    6. Supporting approved and established college policies and procedures.
  6. Minutes Guidelines:
    1. The Cluster Chair is responsible for naming a scribe and ensuring that minutes are submitted.
    2. Minutes should be prepared and distributed no more than one week after a cluster meeting is held.
    3. Minutes should be prepared using the standard minutes template located at Minutes must address any identified district issues set forth by the VPAA.
    4. Any cluster recommendations should be in writing and sent to the VPAA in addition to being in the cluster minutes.
    5. Any curriculum changes (new courses, revised courses, etc.) must be initiated through the established curriculum process (

Enacted July 2004; revised July 2008; reviewed July 2010; revised July 2014; revised July 2015; July 2020