District Board of Trustees Policies


Curriculum Control

TITLE: Curriculum Control

NUMBER - 6Hx-18-2.01

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS, 1007.23(2-5) FS

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Readopted 2/27/75; Amended 7/26/79, 12/13/90, 8/11/99, 6/20/00; 4/8/08


The Vice President of Academic Affairs and a committee appointed by the President or designee shall review, monitor, and/or approve:

  1. Curriculum studies
  2. Curriculum proposals
  3. Course and program reviews
  4. New programs and courses
  5. Deletions of courses and programs
  6. Prerequisites, co-requisites, and course credit and clock hours

Curriculum Committee actions are subject to the approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the President, the District Board of Trustees, and the Department of Education, as appropriate.

General Education Program

TITLE - General Education Program

NUMBER - 6Hx-18-2.02

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS, 1007.25 FS, 6A-14.030 FAC

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED - Readopted 2/27/75; Amended 12/13/90, 6/19/01; 4/8/08


There shall be a recognizable, common core of subject matter (General Education Program) that expresses the educational philosophy of the College.

  1. Bachelor of Applied Science Degree. A minimum of 36 semester hours in General Education shall be completed by a student who earns the Baccalaureate Degree.
  2. Associate in Arts Degree. A minimum of thirty-six semester hours in General Education shall be completed by a student who earns the Associate in Arts Degree.
  3. Associate in Science Degree. A minimum of fifteen semester hours in General Education shall be completed by a student who earns the Associate in Science Degree.
  4. Associate in Applied Science Degree. A minimum of fifteen semester hours in General Education shall be completed by a student who earns the Associate in Applied Science Degree.
  5. The semester hours in General Education must be drawn from and must include at least one course from each of the following areas: humanities/fine arts, social behavioral sciences, and natural sciences/mathematics.

Cultural and Intellectual Environment

TITLE - Cultural and Intellectual Environment

NUMBER - 6Hx-18-2.04

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED - Readopted 2/27/75; Amended 6/19/01, 4/08/08


In keeping with the mission of the College, the cultural mission of Palm Beach State College is to foster and develop the artistic potential of its students, area residents and visitors through traditional and contemporary professional and academic performing and visual arts programs and through the commission of new works.

  1. The College shall provide a series of programs by artists, performers, and lecturers and shall also utilize other means available for creating a stimulating cultural and intellectual environment for the students and faculty.
  2. The College shall share resources with the community and create partnerships to develop future audience and practitioners, to encourage the development of the imagination and appreciation in its audiences through professional series, education and partnership outreach programs.


TITLE - Instruction

NUMBER - 6Hx-18-2.05

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Readopted 2/27/75; Amended 9/18/85, 8/11/99, 6/20/00; 4/8/08


Instruction shall be related to the learning outcomes of each course, the capabilities of the students, and the general College standards of quality. The process of instruction shall be organized so that students are provided timely written information including:

  1. The goals and learning outcomes
  2. The requirements of the course
  3. The nature of the course content
  4. The methods and variety of evaluation employed
  5. The materials for the course.

Collegewide Course Outline and Syllabus

TITLE - Collegewide Course Outline and Syllabus

NUMBER - 6Hx-18-2.051

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 F.S.;

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 6/19/01, Amended 4/8/08, 10/08/2013, 9/15/2020


All faculty assigned to teach a credit course shall prepare a course syllabus, which provides information in the categories established within the current syllabus management system, two weeks prior to the first day of class. Faculty are required to post electronic copies of their syllabi in the College’s Learning Management System (LMS) by the first day of class. All course outlines are approved by the Curriculum Committee and the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) per Board Policy 6Hx-18-2.01 and are to be kept on file in the Academic Services Office.

Instructional Program

TITLE - Instructional Program

NUMBER - 6Hx-18-2.06

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Readopted 2/27/75; Amended 6/22/75, 9/18/85, 12/13/90, 8/11/99, 6/20/00; 4/8/08


The instructional program shall include curricula in the following areas:

  1. College credit
  2. Career Certificate Program (CCP) credit
  3. Developmental Education Institutional credit
  4. Continuing Workforce Education (non-credit)
  5. Avocational (non-credit)

The college relates to a number of commissions, committees, and agencies at the state, regional, and national levels, designed to provide facilities, financial assistance and information which aid the college to continuously assess and improve its program.

Administration of the Library Learning Resource Center (LLRC)

TITLE - Administration of the Library Learning Resource Center (LLRC)

NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.07

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Readopted 2/27/75; Amended 6/19/01; 4/8/08


The Library Learning Resources Center (LLRC)/media centers shall be administered as part of the academic program. The LLRC shall be evaluated regularly and systematically to ensure that it is meeting the needs of faculty and enrolled students and is supporting the programs and mission of Palm Beach State College.

Deletion of Courses from Catalog and Statewide Course Numbering System

TITLE - Deletion of Courses from Catalog and Statewide Course Numbering System

NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.08

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS, 1007.24 FS

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 12/13/90; Amended 6/19/01, 2011


As part of the annual procedure for preparation of the Palm Beach State College Catalog, the course inventory will be reviewed by the Office of Academic Affairs. Courses that have not been taught for five years will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee and deleted from the Catalog. Notice of deletion will be sent to the Office of the Statewide Course Numbering System. A course not taught for the preceding five years may be continued in the Catalog if it is to be offered during the next five years. The president shall annually submit to the District Board of Trustees certification for the College that it has complied with the law.

Textbook Selection

TITLE - Textbook Selection

NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.11

LEGAL AUTHORITY - 1004.085 FS, 6A-14.092 FAC

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 6/19/2001; Amended 2/11/2003, 4/8/2008, 3/16/2010, Amended 10/17/17


  1. Each faculty cluster will develop and maintain a textbook selection process, which may include the option by a full-time faculty member to select no textbook. Textbook selection guidelines will include the following items:
  2. Texts will be adopted for a minimum of three (3) academic years.
    1. All adoptions of texts (new or new edition) become effective in fall term of each academic year.
  3. Each cluster will select the textbook that adjuncts will use for each course college-wide.
  4. For those sequential courses in which the same textbook is used for more than one term, one textbook will be selected for use college-wide.
  5. Faculty that are reassigned classes (i.e. cancellation, overloads) will use the textbook selected by the cluster for that course.

Field Trips

TITLE - Field Trips

NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.12

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 6/19/01, Amended 4/8/08


Field trips are valuable learning experiences when an integral part of a course. The following shall apply to field trips:

  1. Possible interference with other courses should be considered when scheduling field trips.  Field trips should not be scheduled during the last week of classes of any term.
  2. Students cannot be required to attend a field trip nor can the trip be included in computing grades if the trip is announced to the class after the add-drop period.  Allowance should be given when trips are included in computing grades to those students who are unable to attend because of illness, work schedules, family responsibilities, or other obligations.
  3. Only those students enrolled in a class taking a field trip may use College-provided transportation.
  4. Transportation by College-provided vehicles may be paid by the individual department or cost center offering the course.  Meal and motel expenses of students on field trips may not be paid by College funds.  Other related expenses, such as convention registration fees, are paid by the individual students attending.  Expenses incurred by a group performing an activity at the request of some other area of the College are paid by the requesting area.
  5. Students on approved field trips or other official school business or functions should not be marked absent from class.  However, they are required to make up work missed while on the trip.
  6. Students must complete and sign appropriate permission forms.
  7. Faculty and staff are not authorized to transport students in their personal vehicles. If students are to be transported by the College, they must be transported by commercial carriers or by College vehicles.

Speakers or Guests

TITLE - Speakers or Guests

NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.13




When faculty want to invite persons, who are not members of the faculty as guest speakers for classes, prior written approval must be obtained from the president or his/her designee in advance of the proposed appearance date.

Online Course Equivalency

TITLE – Online Course Equivalency

NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.14

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1004.0961 FS, 6A-14.0304, 6A-10.024(7)



Student Responsibility for Initiating the Online Course Equivalency Process

The student is responsible for initiating a process prior to the first term of enrollment to have online courses evaluated for equivalency to a Palm Beach State College. Such courses must be found in a program of study offered by the College.

Process: Student Completes Form

The process is initiated by the student by completing the Online Course Equivalency Form and providing documentation of the equivalency of course learning outcomes between the online course the student took and the Palm Beach State College course for which the student wishes to receive credit. The documentation provided by the student must also provide evidence of mastery of the student learning outcomes and that the faculty who taught the course had equivalent credentials to teach the course as would be required for a Palm Beach State College faculty member. Examples of documentation would include (but not be limited to) examination grades, completed projects, and academic term papers. This form is submitted to the Dean of Curriculum. For faculty credentials, the student must provide the name of the instructor, their earned degrees and the major, and other professional experience such as work in the industry that would qualify them to teach.

Review by Dean of Curriculum

Evidence provided by the student will be reviewed by the Dean of Curriculum to ensure required documentation is attached, the form is complete, the requested course is in the student’s intended program of study and the faculty who taught the course had equivalent credentials to a Palm Beach State College faculty member. The Dean will determine if the course meets a general education, a major course or an elective requirement.

Faculty Review

The faculty member who reviews the form and documentation provided by the student will determine if the online course content and learning outcomes are comparable to a course offered at Palm Beach State College, and that the online course meets the quality and accreditation standards intended for a transfer course. The faculty member will also determine if the student has mastered the course learning outcomes by earning the equivalency of a passing grade.

Equivalency Guidelines

The College follows equivalency course guidelines as stated by the American Council on Education in accordance with the Articulation Coordinating Committee as stated in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024(7) for awarding credits to students who have participated in accelerated mechanism exam programs. Credit for all exams is awarded based on the recommendation of the State of Florida Articulation Coordinating Committee.

Student Appeal Process

Should the student wish to appeal the decision of the faculty or dean, the student should forward a copy of the application form and all documentation to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs is final.

Any credit awarded through this process will be added to the student’s transcript and a transcript note will be added noting awarding of credit through an online course.