Saturday, Sunday and Holiday Class Scheduling
There are differences between the Academic Calendar and the Class Meeting Calendar when referencing whether classes are scheduled on a given weekend or holiday.
The ACADEMIC CALENDAR is the official calendar mandated by the State. The format of this calendar is set by the State and does not reflect weekend closings. It shows only Monday through Friday activities and holidays for the college, as well as the number of official class days that the College is required to schedule.
The CLASS MEETING CALENDAR is then developed from the Academic Calendar and expanded to include the activities and closings for all days within each term, including weekends.
Both the Academic Calendars and Class Meeting Calendars from the current academic year and forward are located at Palm Beach State Academic Calendar
The following criteria are used to determine the scheduling of classes on weekends:
Monday Holidays
There are no classes scheduled on the Saturday and Sunday preceding the following Monday holidays:
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Memorial Day
- Labor Day
Spring Holiday
There are no classes scheduled for the Saturday and Sunday after the Spring Holiday, which falls on a Friday.
Spring Break
Spring Break begins on a Monday. There are no classes scheduled on the Saturday and Sunday immediately following Spring Break.
Thanksgiving Break
There are no classes scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. or later on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving Day. However, any class already in progress at 5:00 p.m. on that Wednesday should be completed. There are no classes scheduled for the Saturday and Sunday immediately following the Thanksgiving break.
Independence Day and Veteran's Day
No classes are scheduled on Independence Day (July 4) or Veteran's Day (November 11). The college is closed only on the day of the holiday, regardless of the day of the week these holidays may fall.
If January 2 falls on a MONDAY: The College will be closed for both faculty and staff on January 2; faculty may or may not return on January 3.
If January 2 falls on a FRIDAY: The College will be closed for both faculty and staff on January 2, 3 & 4; faculty may or may not return on January 5.
If January 2 falls on a TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, or THURSDAY: The College will be open for staff on January 2; faculty may or may not return that day.
Enacted July 2004 in Section G from existing policy; revised January 2007; reviewed July 2010