Credit Hour Definition


Palm Beach State College has policies and procedures for determining credit hours to be awarded for courses. These policies and procedures are reflective of commonly accepted practices in higher education and are compliant with SACSCOC policy and State of Florida policy. Florida Administrative Code policy 6A.14.030, defines credit hours for various course types, and forms the basis for the College’s definitions and policy.


Palm Beach State College operates on a semester basis. Credit is a unit of measure assigned to courses or course equivalent learning. Credit is awarded if the learning activity it represents is part of, or preparatory for, an organized and specified program leading to a postsecondary certificate or degree. Credit is a device which indicates to the learner, to educational institutions, to employers, and to others how much of the program the learner has completed. The credit awarded may be independent of where the learning occurs. If a learning activity does not meet these requirements, credit shall not be awarded.

All credits are based on Carnegie Units, where 50 minutes of instruction is the accepted metric in accordance with commonly accepted practice in higher education, and comply with federal government regulations (34 CFR 600.2):

Except as provided in 34 CFR 668.8(k) and (l), a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than — (1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or (2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

A clock hour is a period of time consisting of a period of time consisting of— (1) A 50- to 60-minute class, lecture, or recitation in a 60-minute period; (2) A 50- to 60-minute faculty-supervised laboratory, shop training or internship in a 60-minute period; or (3) Sixty minutes of preparation in a correspondence course.

Types of Credit at Palm Beach State College

Type Definition
College Credit

College credit is the type of credit assigned by Palm Beach State College institutions to courses or course equivalent learning that is part of an organized and specified program leading to a baccalaureate, associate degree, certificate, or Applied Technology Diploma pursuant to the stipulations in subsections 6A-14.030(1)-(a)(1), FAC. One (1) college credit is based on the learning expected from the equivalent of fifteen (15) fifty-minute periods of classroom instruction; with credits for such activities as laboratory instruction, internships, and clinical experience determined by the institution based on the proportion of direct instruction to the laboratory instruction, internships, or clinical experience. Lower division college credit is assigned to college credit courses offered to freshmen and sophomores (1000 and 2000 level courses) and upper division college credit is assigned to college credit courses offered to juniors and seniors (3000 and 4000 level courses).
Lecture Instruction – Fifteen hours of instruction for 15 weeks 1 Credit
Lab Instruction – Thirty to sixty hours of instruction for 15 weeks 1 Credit
Clinical Instruction – Forty-five to one hundred twenty-eight hours for 15 weeks (program specific) 1 Credit
Clock Hour A clock hour is the unit assigned to courses or course equivalent learning that is part of an organized and specified program leading to an Applied Technology Diploma or a Career and Technical Certificate pursuant to subsections (7) and (10) 6A-14.030 FAC. It applies to postsecondary adult career courses as defined in Section 1004.02(25), F.S. One (1) clock hour is based on the learning expected from the equivalent of thirty (30) hours of instruction.
Developmental Credit Developmental credit is the type of credit assigned by Palm Beach State College to courses that provide degree seeking students who wish to enroll in college credit courses with additional academic preparation determined to be needed pursuant to Rule 6A-10.0315, FAC. One (1) developmental credit is based on the learning expected from the equivalent of fifteen (15) fifty-minute periods of classroom instruction.
Institutional Credit Institutional credit is postsecondary credit that is competency based. Institutional credit is not guaranteed to automatically transfer. 6A.14.030(1)(a)(4) FAC Institutional Credit is based on the learning expected from the equivalent of fifteen (15) fifty-minute periods of classroom instruction.
Continuing Education and Avocational Courses No college credit is awarded for these courses.

Courses offered in Alternative Formats and Settings

Courses offered in alternative formats in various learning modalities (hybrid courses, online courses, independent study, cooperative education, practicums, internships, and externships) meet the same learning outcomes as classroom courses. Courses taught in high schools through the dual enrollment program use the same course outline and learning outcomes, per Florida Administrative Code 6A-14.064, College Credit Dual Enrollment.

Program Credit Hour Length Determination

Program lengths are set by the State of Florida for all degree and certificate programs.

Program Credits/Hours Florida Statute and Administrative Code
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) 120 FS 1007.25(9)
FAC 6A-14.030(2)
Bachelor of Science (BS) 120 FS 1007.25(9)
FAC 6A-14.030(2)
Associate in Arts (AA) 60 FS 1007.25(8)
FAC 6A-14.030(3)
Associate in Science (AS) Per FLDOE Framework FAC 6A-14.030(4)
FAC 6A-10.024(6)(a)
FAC 6A-6.0571
College Credit Certificate (CCC) Less than 60 credit hours FAC 6A-14.030(6)
Career and Technical Certificate (CCP) Clock Hours defined by FLDOE Frameworks FAC 6A-14.030(10)
FAC 6A-6.0571
Applied Technology Diploma (ATD) Less than 60 credit hours FAC 6A-14.030(7)
Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC) 9-45 credit hours FAC 6A-14.030(8)
Certificate of Professional Preparation (CPP) 9-30 credit hours FAC 6A-14.030(9)

All established program lengths are found at:

Procedure for Adherence to the Guidelines

All courses recommended for approval by the College’s Curriculum Committee are approved by the VPAA. All changes made to a course’s credit or clock hours are proposed to the Curriculum Committee. All approved courses are sent the Statewide Course Numbering System for prefix and number assignment.

Scheduling Classes

The College’s Student Information System PantherNet has programmed routines to make sure a class’s loaded hours are in compliance with the guidelines as stated in this policy.

Enacted July 2014; reviewed July 2015; reviewed July 2016, updated July 2019; updated August 2020