Action Plans for Improvement

In every cycle, the program is required to select at least one learning outcome that is targeted for improvement. Exceptions are made only when every program learning outcome is met, and the program has documented an action plan to improve other outcomes. For programs receiving Perkins funding, falling below more than one benchmark may prompt an additional improvement plan. If any Performance Health Indicator (PHI) measures are deemed unacceptable, the programs also write appropriate improvement plans for these measures.

The review of the occupational projections may have implications for the future viability of the program as a whole or specific certificates embedded within the program. Program review may result in recommendations to revise or eliminate programs based on changing market needs.

The strategies written into improvement plans vary. Strategies might involve changes in a course such as requiring students to practice more on a specific skill or revised instruction of that skill. Other strategies might involve the need for additional equipment, staffing, recruitment, or marketing. Still other plans might include revisions in the program curriculum. If the improvements involve financial resources, the improvements must be approved by the supervising dean and campus provost or vice president who submits the financial request during the College budget process. If the change involves program curriculum, it must undergo the Curriculum Review Process described below.