Bachelor’s Degree, Associates Degree, and College Career Programs

The table below shows the annual program review process and timeline for the degree programs and CCPs. Updates to this timeline are published as needed in an expanded table under the “Program Review Resources” heading on the College Effectiveness Web page.

Palm Beach State College Program Review: Actions, Participants and Completion Deadlines

Data collection period for Program Learning Outcome (PLO) data Program Faculty (FT/PT)

Program Directors
Ongoing (Summer-Fall- Spring)
Programs enter all PLO assessment results in Planning (formerly Compliance Assist). Associate Deans ensure that all PLO data are entered into Planning (except action plans that may need to be finalized in early fall with faculty). Associate Deans

Program Directors
August 31
IRE staff update PHI, Perkins, FETPIP, Occupational Projections, and Equity reports on the Assessment Resources Web page. IRE Staff August 15
Program Meeting: Associate Deans meet with all available program staff to:
1. Review all assessment data (PLO, PHI, Perkins, FETPIP, and Occupational Projections, other if available/applicable).
2. Review previous action plans and progress reports.
3. Determine which outcomes or measures need improvement and develop improvement strategies for new cycle, if not already done.
4. Update action plans for PLOs in Planning, if needed.
5. Draft Program Review Summary Form in Planning.
Associate Deans

Program Staff (Directors, Faculty, Adjuncts, Staff)
September 30
Potentially Immediate Action Required: Academic Deans request new faculty positions (or reductions) if needed. Academic Deans September 309
First Campus Meeting(s): Academic Deans meet with Associate Deans to review summaries and recommendations.
1. Associate Deans present summary for each program
2. Academic Deans work with Associate Deans to finalize overall recommendations to include needs for additional resources, faculty, equipment, funds, etc.
3. Determine who will complete follow-up actions
Academic Deans

Associate Deans
October 15
Second Campus Review Meeting(s): VPAA/Provosts meet with Academic Deans to review program review summaries and recommendations to forward to President’s Cabinet as needed.
1. Academic Deans make summary presentations of overall program health and make requests for additional resources, faculty, equipment, funds, etc.
2. VP/Provosts make determinations for final recommendations regarding program termination to forward to President’s Cabinet as needed.

Academic Deans
November 15
9Estimated deadline is for subsequent academic year and subject to change annually; check the Faculty Hiring Process and Timelines” schedule for updates