The “Handbook”

This is not your typical section of the Academic Management Section! It is intended to be a resource for developing quality learning outcomes, mapping those outcomes to each other and to classroom learning and assessment, finding better ways to use assessment results to demonstrate and improve learning, and finally, supporting faculty development. It is presented as a handbook organized around four related topics (Figure 1).


Figure 1. The Continuous Cycle of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Each section includes a single page with “need to know” information, a self-assessment, and content with applicable samples and resources. The final pages (appendices) include several templates to assist faculty in developing, mapping, assessing, and helping student achieve learning outcomes. As you move forward, review your program and course outcomes, revising when necessary. Then teach, assess, review, and use the results to repeat!

Let me know how I can help!

Dr. Karen Pain

Director, Assessment and Special Projects