Honors Project Contracts – Policies and Guidelines

In Summer 2022, the Honors Project Contracts were sunset to students entering the Honors College.

Students who entered prior to Summer 2022 and attended a Honors College mandatory orientation prior to the summer will be eligible to complete an honors project. 

Students must request the required documents to complete an honors project from the Honors College Director or the Honors College Faculty Coordinator. This request must be made no later than the last day of attendance verification as stated in the Academic Calendar for the 15-week or 12-week semesters only. 

If a student completes an approved Honors College Project, the following steps are needed to ensure notation of Honors in the student transcript.

Honors Project Contracts

Once the project is complete and approved by the instructor and the Honors College Director, the honors notation should be added to the student’s transcript.  Procedures for adding honors notation to a student’s transcript:

  1. First, verify the student earned at least a “B” in the course.  If the student did not earn at least a “B,” honors credit cannot be granted.  A notification letter should be sent to the student as soon as possible.  The student may, if he or she chooses, pursue a grade appeal in the course.  Ex post facto policy notwithstanding, the project will be kept open until the student’s appeal rights are exhausted.
  2. Second, contact the registrar’s department to add the Honors Project Option designator on Workday should be added to the class and enter reference number and set the maximum honors size depending on how many students completed Honors Projects in the class. 
  3. Third, the honors designator must be added to the student’s class schedule on Workday.  Enter the Student ID and choose the term.  This brings up the student’s schedule. The Honors College will provide the class that the student has completed the project.
  4. After the above steps have been completed, the registrar’s office will notify the Honors College that notations have been completed on the student transcript.