Eligibility for Participation and Canvas Processing

Flow Chart for Determining Eligibility for Participation and Payment

Flow Chart

Flow Chart Processing to Determine Eligibility

Workday Path:  Search name, Academic Appointment


Check if person is Part-time/Adjunct or Full-time/Professor

Workday Path:  Academic Management Dashboard

Adjunct Instructor Course Schedule- Academic Period, Instructors


Check if instructor is credentialed to teach and the current teaching assignment

Canvas Processing

Navigate to: http://intranet.palmbeachstate.edu/utilities/adjunctdevelopment/

This is where the class rosters are located.


Click on the current term active registration and the roster will appear:


Copy the roster to Excel to build the processing tool for the mail merge system for payment.

If the person is eligible to participate, add them to Canvas.


Adding User Accounts in Canvas

Step #1 – Courses - People - Add People 



Step #2 - Enrolling users – Username – Browse – Submit

Add user/s by Email Address – Role - Section - Next