Checklist for Additional Data Needed for a Credit Class

Should this class be restricted from auditing? Panel 2
Does this class require a special designator? Panel 2
Is the class an e-learning class? Panel 2
Do I need a schedule note for the student schedule? Panel 2
Do I need to change the email type for the student? Panel 2 (please click here.)
Does the class have a special fee? Panel 3
Is this a stacked (concurrent) class? Panel 4
Does the class meet for additional meetings or days? Panel 5

Figure 2 - Panel 2 – Special Designators and Schedule Notes

Special Designators and Schedule Notes

  1. Restricting a Class from Auditing – Panel 2

    Certain classes (such as developmental education) cannot be audited. To restrict as class from being audited, change the field labeled “Audit” to “Y”.

  2. Class Requires a Special Designator contains the current special designators. For detailed instructions on their proper usage, please see Section D of this manual.
  3. Loading an Internet Class (Section Type) – Panel 2 To indicate that a class is delivered through technology the Special Designators field(s) must be filled in. Refer to the list of the current special designators and Section D of this manual for more information on using special designators for e-learning.
  4. Schedule Notes – Panel 2

    If you need a special note or comment to print on the student’s schedule, type in the comment on the “schedule notes” line and place a “B” in the print field on the right side of the screen. The additional fields are available for internal notes, if no “B” is indicated the note will not print on the student’s schedule. Please see Section D of this manual for detailed instructions on class notes.