Textbook Selection
TITLE - Textbook Selection
NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.11
LEGAL AUTHORITY - 1004.085 FS, 6A-14.092 FAC
DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 6/19/2001; Amended 2/11/2003, 4/8/2008, 3/16/2010, Amended 10/17/17
- Each faculty cluster will develop and maintain a textbook selection process, which may include the option by a full-time faculty member to select no textbook. Textbook selection guidelines will include the following items:
- Texts will be adopted for a minimum of three (3) academic years.
- All adoptions of texts (new or new edition) become effective in fall term of each academic year.
- Each cluster will select the textbook that adjuncts will use for each course college-wide.
- For those sequential courses in which the same textbook is used for more than one term, one textbook will be selected for use college-wide.
- Faculty that are reassigned classes (i.e. cancellation, overloads) will use the textbook selected by the cluster for that course.