Discipline Credentialing FAQs

  1. Can lawyers, individuals with Juris Doctorates, teach political science, criminal justice or business law?

    To teach political science, an individual must have 18 graduate semester hours in political science; a Juris Doctorate can teach business law (BUL) and criminal justice law (CJL) courses.

  2. Can social workers teach sociology?

    A Master’s degree with 18 graduate semester hours in the discipline, specifically sociology, is required to teach this subject. Social work clinical courses cannot count towards meeting the graduate semester hour minimum. In most cases; a M.S.W. does not have the credentials to teach sociology.

  3. Are guidance counselors eligible to teach psychology?

    A Master’s degree with 18 graduate semester hours in the disciplines of psychology or counseling psychology is required to teach this subject. Graduate hours in educational guidance counseling may not be applied.

  4. May graduate courses in Mathematics Education, with a prefix of EDU(C), count towards the requisite graduate hours in mathematics?

    Mathematics Education graduate courses may be counted as graduate hours towards the discipline of mathematics only if the course title strongly suggests that graduate mathematics discipline content was covered. Courses with emphasis on pedagogy or teaching methods cannot be used to qualify an individual to teach college level mathematics. Please see Appendix B for courses from Nova Southeastern University that will count towards the 18 graduate semester hours in mathematics.