Implementation and Data Collection

Good assessment plans also include details regarding implementation and data collection. For example, if a course-level assessment is selected as a program measure, the assessment plan should clarify for all instructors in that course what the assessment items are and exactly when in the course the assessment is to be administered. “When” may be inherent because it is stated as a specific unit or lab within the course. However, if an assessment is not specific to a unit test or assignment, it should be clear what elements of the course should be covered before students take the assessment or complete the assignment.

An assessment plan can succinctly clarify other important details. Consider including:

  • Semesters or date ranges for the assessment cycle
  • Who will be assessed (students in what class?)
  • When in that cycle the data are to be collected (state any specific unit(s) that must be covered before the assessment is administered, or provide a time frame such as ‘during the last regular week of class’)
  • Directions for reporting results

All academic programs at Palm Beach State College have developed assessment plans, and faculty in many courses have done the same. Following are sample plans for both a program (Table 15) and a course (Table 16). In each case, only a portion of the plan is provided. A template to write an assessment plan is provided as Appendix N.

Table 15. Sample Program Assessment Plan (adapted from Electrical Power Technology)

Assessment Plan for Electrical Power Technology

Cycle: May 18, 2017 through May 11, 2018

PLO # 1:

Perform inspection and maintenance of industrial measuring equipment and transmitters, final control elements, and transducers.
PLO # 2:

Troubleshoot instruments and controls equipment and systems.
PLO # 3:

Interpret P&D diagrams and control loops.

How will the PLO be assessed?)
Scores on “Inspection and Maintenance” exam in ETS2530C

0=Not taken


2=Partially successful

3=Successful, but exceeds 60 minutes to complete

4=Successfully completes all tasks in 75 minutes

5=Successfully completes all tasks in 60 minutes.
Scores on lab assignments 1 and 2 (“Troubleshooting”) in EET2930

0=Not completed


2=Partially successful

3=Successful, but exceeds 60 minutes to complete

4=Successfully completes all tasks in 75 minutes

5=Successfully completes all tasks in 60 minutes.
Scores on lab assignments 3 and 4 (“Diagrams and Control Loops”) in EET2930

0=Not completed


2=Partially successful

3=Successful, but exceeds 60 minutes to complete

4=Successfully completes all tasks in 75 minutes

5=Successfully completes all tasks in 60 minutes.
Achievement Target(s)

What is an acceptable performance level?)
80% of students who take the “Inspection and Maintenance” exam in ETS2530C will score a 4 or 5. 80% of students who complete the “Troubleshooting” labs in EET2930 will score a 4 or 5 on each one. Scores will be reported separately for each lab, and the outcome is achieved only if targets are met on both labs. 80% of students who complete the “Diagrams and Control Loops” labs in EET2930 will score a 4 or 5 on each one. Scores will be reported separately for each lab, and the outcome is achieved only if targets are met on both labs.
Which, if any, GELO(s) or ILO(s) are supported? Critical Thinking Mathematics Critical Thinking

Table 16. Sample Course Assessment Plan (Adapted from ETS2530C)

Assessment Plan for Process Control Technology (ETS 2530C)

Program: Electrical Power Technology

Cycle: May 18, 2017 through May 11, 2018

Reporting: Faculty report results for each section each semester to department chair.

CLO # 1:

Describe the Fundamentals of Process Control.
CLO # 2:

Describe set point and error.
CLO # 3:

Explain input and output.

(How will the PLO be assessed?)
Free response answer to “Process Control” question on Test 1.

0=Does not take test or does not describe at all.

1=Provides related but incorrect description.

2=Provides partially correct and partially complete description.

3=Provides complete response that is mostly correct.

4=Provides complete and accurate description.
Free response answer to “Set Point and Error” question on Test 4.

0=Does not take test or does not describe at all.

1=Provides related but incorrect description.

2=Provides partially correct and partially complete description.

3=Provides complete response that is mostly correct.

4=Provides complete and accurate description.
Explanation during end of term project presentation

0=Does not complete project or does not include explanation of input and output at all.

1=Provides related but incorrect explanation.

2=Provides partially correct and partially complete explanation.

3=Provides complete explanation that is mostly correct.

4=Provides complete and accurate explanation.
Achievement Target(s) At least 80% of students will score a 3 or 4. At least 80% of students will score a 3 or 4. At least 80% of students will score a 3 or 4.
Which, if any, PLO(s) are supported? PLO#1: Industrial measuring equipment and transmitters, final control elements, and transducers

Which, if any, GELO(s) or ILO(s) are supported?
Mathematics Critical Thinking Communication