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QCLASS is a quick utility that can provide short summary reports.

Direct Command: CU QC QC

After you enter this command, the following screen is displayed:

Direct Command

On this screen, you enter the parameters you want to run to produce a customized report. Some of the fields have the asterisk so you can use the F1 key to find out about those values.

Some Details:

TOTALS ONLY – if the field is set to “Y”, the summary screen is produced. An “N” produces detailed listings.


Find the current FTE, enrollment and occupancy of all ENC 1101 classes in 2005-2.

Direct Command

The following report is produced:


Running the same report with Totals only = N produces:


If you become familiar with the parameters, the number of different quick reports you can run is limitless. Because this program takes some system resources, it is not recommended to be run frequently during peak registration.