Benefits of a Curriculum Driven by Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes provide an opportunity for faculty to evaluate course and program offerings in terms of student learning. Faculty can make a difference in the learning experiences of students at Palm Beach State by collaborating with each other to define clear expectations for learning that can then be communicated to students. The implementation of learning outcomes has been and continues to be a transformative experience of how we examine students and learning as the focus has turned to what students learn and how we can improve student learning. The process is also evolutionary, and we are constantly learning. The key is that a partnership in learning develops – students know what they will be able to do as the result of the learning, and faculty will have the tools to ensure that students are learning the stated outcomes. By focusing on learning outcomes, this partnership has other benefits for both the faculty and students.

The key is that a partnership in learning develops – students know what they will be able to do as the result of the learning, and faculty will have the tools to ensure that students are learning the stated outcomes.

Outcomes-based Curriculum Allows Faculty to…

  • Know exactly what students are expected to learn in each course and know the recommend outcomes for programs and courses.
  • Provide focus for developing appropriate learning experiences for students so that they have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to succeed.
  • Empower students to become more involved with their learning experiences.
  • Assess students’ learning and use results as a tool for improvement.
  • Grow professionally as they step away from traditional teaching formats and try innovative pedagogies to get students more involved in the learning process.

Outcomes-based Curriculum Allow Students to…

  • Know exactly what is expected of them.
  • Become more involved in their learning experiences.
  • Apply knowledge, skills, and abilities from one class to the next or to the workplace.