General PBSC Online Policies and Guidelines

Palm Beach State College (PBSC) provides Internet access for educational purposes, ensuring equitable resource sharing among all users and promoting a dynamic learning environment. Internet use must be legal, respectful, and adhere to proper Network Etiquette. The Center for Student Accessibility (CSA) ensures equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities, maintaining college standards while providing necessary accommodations. Students needing accommodations must contact the CSA Manager and provide documentation to request services, including Internet and Canvas Course accessibility accommodations. Common accommodations, like extended exam times, can be implemented using Canvas Test Availability Exceptions.

Testing integrity and student identity verification are crucial at PBSC. Assessments should be conducted through the Canvas course site, using strategies like randomizing questions and answer sequences to prevent dishonesty. The Respondus Test Proctoring System is recommended for major exams, as it restricts browsing, copying, and using other applications during tests. The system also monitors and records student activity during exams. PBSC Testing Centers offer secure proctored testing, with coordination for establishing off-site testing locations if necessary. More information and procedures for scheduling proctored exams can be found on the PBSC Testing Center webpage.

Faculty-produced instructional videos must be hosted on PBSC's Kaltura system, which optimizes streaming based on the user’s device and bandwidth. Effective communication between students and faculty is vital for online learning success. Course materials should specify requirements for course-mail, chat, or discussion board usage, with clearly defined feedback timeframes. Faculty are encouraged to check and respond to student communications daily, Monday through Friday. Full-time faculty members should allocate part of their required on-campus office hours to online students to provide timely support and feedback. PBSC uses various marketing activities to promote online programs and pathways, including listings on its website and other educational platforms.


Publishing of Courses

All courses at Palm Beach State College (PBSC) must be published by the assigned faculty member 48 hours before the first day of classes. This includes publishing all modules and course activities/pages within the courses. Instructors are responsible for ensuring that their courses are fully accessible and ready for student engagement before the start of the term.


Observance of Major Holidays / Due Dates and Ownership of Material / Copyright

Due dates for assignments in online courses should not coincide with major holidays, and the overall student workload should account for official PBSC breaks. Faculty members must adhere to U.S. copyright laws, which include obtaining permission for the use of photos, images, and other copyrighted materials. PBSC reserves the right to request proof of such permissions and remove materials if proof is not provided. Faculty are also encouraged to clearly delineate when lectures begin and end, as students may record lectures for personal use, complaints, or legal purposes, but not for other reasons without consent.

Lecture Recordings and General Policies

Students may record faculty lectures but are prohibited from recording other classroom activities and other students without consent. Recordings cannot be used for academic dishonesty or published without written consent from the instructor. For complaints and grade appeals, students should refer to the Student Handbook. PBSC Online provides readiness self-assessment quizzes and outlines attendance policies for online courses. Students enrolled in PBSC Online courses receive access to essential information and resources through the ELO1000 – Canvas for Students course and the E-Library’s website. Faculty members need appropriate computer access, with specific hardware and software requirements to ensure effective use of Canvas and related tools.

The campus Associate Dean at Palm Beach State College (PBSC) is responsible for assigning special designators and fees related to course delivery modes. Changes to the course delivery mode after registration has begun can result in the cancellation of student registrations due to different fee structures. Students who are already registered must be personally informed about how the change will impact them, such as required attendance on campus and the differences between asynchronous and synchronous delivery.

Instructors must be credentialed by PBSC before being assigned to a class, a process overseen by the Campus Academic Dean or Associate Dean. This credentialing ensures the instructor meets all necessary requirements to teach the class, with the specifics varying based on whether the class is non-credit, preparatory, or credit. Instructors wishing to teach online or hybrid courses must obtain certification from the PBSC Online department. Once certified, their eligibility is updated in Workday, allowing them to be assigned to these courses.

All faculty members teaching approved courses must have a faculty web page and syllabi available online on the designated faculty home page and the Canvas course site. Syllabi should be posted as soon as the class is loaded but at least 30 days before the registration period begins. If a class is added after registration opens, syllabi should be posted online within 24 hours. More information can be found at [PBSC Academic Services](