Online Course Template Development (Department / Cluster Owned Templates)

Based on the needs of a department and/or cluster, the development of an online course template can be requested by the department’s dean, associate dean, or director. The request is to be sent to the PBSC Online Instructional Design Manager.

Upon the Associate Dean of PBSC Online approval, the department/cluster may contract with a content expert to develop the instructional material per the compensation guidelines listed below. The content expert will be expected to work closely with an assigned PBSC Online instructional designer who will assist the content expert with the development of the course template and instructional content, ensuring the course template meets the College’s online course certification standards. The PBSC Online instructional designer will format, structure, and publish the instructional material into the course template.

The course template will then undergo a review process (as listed in the PBSC Online – Online Course Template Development Contract). Upon approval, the content expert will be compensated for the development of the instructional material and the course template will become property of the College.

The department/cluster must appoint a template manager (must be a full-time employee) who will serve as a liaison to PBSC Online and ensure the template’s instructional material remains current and ready for deployment for instruction. The PBSC Online department will assist with template updates and revisions.

The department/cluster must adopt the course template for instruction in all online sections of this course for subsequent terms. The department’s dean, associate dean, or director will submit to PBSC Online a list of all online sections at least 10 workdays before the first day of each term, and the PBSC Online department will manage the template’s distribution, populating all course sections based on the provided list.

The department/cluster may assign any instructor to teach the template-based courses -- PBSC Online will provide template-based faculty certifications. It is the department’s dean’s, associate dean’s, or director’s responsibility to ensure the instructor has the skills to instruct online utilizing the college-provided LMS. Should any training needs be identified by the department, PBSC Online will provide such training based on the department’s request.

Prior to submitting a course for certification for the first time, faculty are expected to complete the Online Course Design Fundamentals training course. Please submit your completion badge for the course to along with the course URL, the term in which the course should be certified, and the level of certification required.

Guidelines Governing the Compensation for Online Course Template Development / Redevelopment

College Requested Online Course Template Development

1.  A department/cluster must request a PBSC Online – Online Course Template Development contract and receive approval from the Associate Dean of PBSC Online before any compensation is offered to a content expert/developer and development of the template is started.

2. A PBSC Online – Online Course Template Development Contract, with deliverables and timelines, will be completed and signed by the contracted course content expert/developer, Pathway Chair, Associate Dean, Instructional Designer, and Instructional Design Manager. The document will state that once the course is fully developed and approved, the course belongs to the College and can be assigned to any faculty member.

3. The content developer must meet with their assigned Instructional Designer as scheduled in the course contract to ensure content delivery and course quality.

4. Payment of $2,100 for a completed course template will be issued upon approval of the Associate Dean of PBSC Online.

College Required Online Course Template Redesign

1. When a department/cluster and/or PBSC Online requests that a college-owned course template be substantially redesigned, the department/cluster must request the PBSC Online -Online Course Template Development contract and receive approval from the Associate Dean of PBSC Online before any compensation is offered to a content expert/developer and redevelopment of the template is started.

2. The needed changes must be identified by the department/cluster to identify/evaluate needed changes/updates and determine the percentage of course modifications to be developed.

3. A PBSC Online - Online Course Template Development Contract, with deliverables and timelines, will be completed and signed by the contracted course content expert/developer. The document will state that once the course is redeveloped and approved, the course belongs to the College and can be assigned to any faculty member.

4. The content developer must meet with their assigned Instructional Designer as scheduled in the course contract to ensure content delivery and course quality.

5. Payment for redevelopment will be calculated based on the percentage of the course to be redeveloped and calculated as a percentage of the full course development payment of $2,100 (e.g., 50% of template redevelopment = $1,050). Payment for template revision will be issued upon approval of the Associate Dean of PBSC Online.

Online Course Template Development Contract